Doug Lombardi on Steamworks


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
RPS had an interview with Doug Lombardi about Valve's recent announcement Steamworks.

RPS: Unified PC gaming through Steam?[br]

Lombardi: “Unified” is a word that all kinds of groups and consortiums push about, but the thing is just that we have a system that we’ve tried and we’re using for thirteen million people. It makes sense for developers to just have access to this stuff that is essential, but no great design challenge – the copy protection, the server browser – and the motivation for us is that if a game uses our encryption and sells millions of copies, all those people who didn’t already have a Steam account have to make one. Once they’re there we can talk to them and turn them on to all the other games on Steam.

You can read the interview here.
Gamers are generally good people and they pay for all kinds of stuff, but if piracy is the only place they can get it, temptation piles in.
I love Valve so hard. They are the only ones who don't have their head up their a*s. :thumbs:
Amazing push for Steam and im all for it! Go Valve.
logical step forward... games for windows live is screwed! (and thats a good thing in my book because of what live! did to gears of war PC)