Doug Lombardi: "...release date soon".

AlaskanStewie said:
Yeah, but then you have to take into account all the little people who don't have jobs (mostly children) who will get that game for Christmas. >.>

depends what rating half life 2 would get. Most likely the little ones wouldn't be allowed to play it. Too much realistic violence mite turn them into little psychotic killers
It makes all the sense in the world for Vivendi to hold it back till November if they can for a number of reasons:

1 - as Chris_D mentioned, the 19th of November will be the 6 year anniversary of the release of HL1

2- Maximise the Holiday buck. To those people who say it will make no difference when the game is released, you obviously know nothing about consumer marketing. Of course it is going to sell more in the holiday season. The die hard fans with grab it via steam or retail whenever it gets released, but average Jo looking for a present for his kid for christmas might not know about it until they start their christmas shopping, which normally ramps up in November.

3) Gabe has stated that Valve will make about 2.5 times the money selling via steam as opposed to retail. So Vivendi is getting a fair chunk of the retail dollar. I also tend to think that Vivendi may be getting a small percentage of steam sales too, but that is just an inkling on my part. If it is true they are going to make an absolute killing again from the die hard fans who will get it via steam and also buy the retail version so they can have the box on their shelf. Hell, I have read in this forum of people who are going to buy three copies of the game to get the different boxes. So why wouldn't Vivendi hold it back as long as's not going to affect their sales one bit to delay it till November.

I would slate a November release as the most likely at this point in time. If it is sooner I will be surprised...
Spugmaster said:
It makes all the sense in the world for Vivendi to hold it back till November if they can for a number of reasons:

1 - as Chris_D mentioned, the 19th of November will be the 6 year anniversary of the release of HL1

2- Maximise the Holiday buck. To those people who say it will make no difference when the game is released, you obviously know nothing about consumer marketing. Of course it is going to sell more in the holiday season. The die hard fans with grab it via steam or retail whenever it gets released, but average Jo looking for a present for his kid for christmas might not know about it until they start their christmas shopping, which normally ramps up in November.

3) Gabe has stated that Valve will make about 2.5 times the money selling via steam as opposed to retail. So Vivendi is getting a fair chunk of the retail dollar. I also tend to think that Vivendi may be getting a small percentage of steam sales too, but that is just an inkling on my part. If it is true they are going to make an absolute killing again from the die hard fans who will get it via steam and also buy the retail version so they can have the box on their shelf. Hell, I have read in this forum of people who are going to buy three copies of the game to get the different boxes. So why wouldn't Vivendi hold it back as long as's not going to affect their sales one bit to delay it till November.

I would slate a November release as the most likely at this point in time. If it is sooner I will be surprised...

Vivendi won't be holding it back without Valve's permission.
maximus0402 said:
Ya know people keep saying this but NOBODY knows for sure if steam users will get it right away or not. People just ASSUME that there is some contract made for this but it may not be the case or some other kind of deal like you can get your cd copy with your steam copy when available and VU gets those fees. IT may be somthing like that. Dont be so certain that steam users wont be playing it immediatly. IF I am dead wrong then show me the quote where Valve said that is absolutly will not be enabled before the physical game is on the shelves. Come on show me!!!

Number 6
I don't understand you "wait till nevember" people to start selling the game to cash in on the christmas crowd. They just need to release the game and have advertisments running during the holidays to make people go out and buy it. And sure the die hards (like me) are going to run out on the first day and buy the game. I don't see how releasing the game later does better for sales, other then making the die hards more angry.
reveneus had a slump remember guys.. i imagine it all rofl, november.. every electronics store TV's with hl2 trailers ...

''6 years imba in the game industry '' special prize : 70bucks. :P
ehh no.. how much will the dvd version cost.
FISKER_Q said:
Vivendi won't be holding it back without Valve's permission.

Valve has no say if the RC is rejected - currently the situation is completly out of Valves control.
slashandburn said:
I don't understand you "wait till nevember" people to start selling the game to cash in on the christmas crowd. They just need to release the game and have advertisments running during the holidays to make people go out and buy it. And sure the die hards (like me) are going to run out on the first day and buy the game. I don't see how releasing the game later does better for sales, other then making the die hards more angry.

Thats my whole point of holding it back. The die hard fans will be angry but buy it anyway. Hell they could delay if for another year and you would still buy it...
Spugmaster said:
Valve has no say if the RC is rejected - currently the situation is completly out of Valves control.
That has nothing to do with holding back the game.

Believe me, Valve and Vivendi do discuss these things. So Vivendi won't be going like "Lets wait for november". Unless Valve also have a say on the matter.
FISKER_Q said:
That has nothing to do with holding back the game.

Believe me, Valve and Vivendi do discuss these things. So Vivendi won't be going like "Lets wait for november". Unless Valve also have a say on the matter.

So then if Valve has a say why is the quote from Lombardi along the lines of

"We don't have a release date from VU at this time, but we're hoping they will put out a release date soon..."

This seems to imply that Valve will be told the optimum time for the game to be released then adjust the "Gone Gold" announcement to suit Vivendi's release date. But thats just my take on it.
Spugmaster said:
So then if Valve has a say why is the quote from Lombardi along the lines of

"We don't have a release date from VU at this time, but we're hoping they will put out a release date soon..."

This seems to imply that Valve will be told the optimum time for the game to be released then adjust the "Gone Gold" announcement to suit Vivendi's release date. But thats just my take on it.

What i mean is that a vivendi employee is sitting in a closet finding a date.

I mean that Valve and Vivendi of course would be discussing the date.

And sure Vivendi technically have the last say on it. But they do afterall have professional courtesy.

To me Doug more says something like "Hey we do have a date, but we want it confirmed with Vivendi first"
Spugmaster said:
So then if Valve has a say why is the quote from Lombardi along the lines of

"We don't have a release date from VU at this time, but we're hoping they will put out a release date soon..."

This seems to imply that Valve will be told the optimum time for the game to be released then adjust the "Gone Gold" announcement to suit Vivendi's release date. But thats just my take on it.

Vivendi needs Valve's trust, and good will.
Valve is now, and are going to release some of the greatest games ever seen. And I bet Vivendi won't miss there chance of publishing HL³ by not give Valve their share of power.
Chris_D said:
Personally, I reckon there's going to be a sixth year anniversary release :)
As in November?
I bloody well hope not.
The question people are asking can work both ways:

"Why don't they release it as soon as possible, because people will buy it regardless of when it is released."

But you can also argue that if those same people will buy it regardless of when it is released, why wouldn't Vivendi try to maximise their profits by selling it during the maximum selling period, ie the lead up to christmas?

Those same people who are going to buy it regardless can be taken out of the equation because its a moot point. They would buy it tomorrow or next year - it makes no difference. Its the people who are not aware / not informed / don't really follow the gaming scene or simply don't care, who Vivendi want to target - not the people who will buy it anyway. The target audience from a release date / marketing standpoint is parents looking for a christmas present for the kids. You get a parent in a store looking for a game for Johnny and they see Stalker and HL2 on the shelf. They don't know what Stalker is but they know that Johnny has Half Life at home and loves it, so they go for HL2 because by simple association they feel comfortable with a product they may have already purchased in the past for their child.

From Vivendi's standpoint looking at the Fans - they already have that money in the bank. It's the potential from holiday sales that will sway the release date.

I was using Stalker as an example - I don't think it will make it this year.
Mister Douglas Lombardi said:
We don't have a release date from VU at this time, but we're hoping they will put out a release date soon.

keep telling yourself that ;)
help with spray in CS Source

Can anyone tell me how to generate custom sprays in CS-Source? I know this is technically a HL2 forum, but I am hoping someone can help. When I try to import a JPG spray, I am told it is not the right size, even though I have saved an image as 256 x 256 pixels or other sizes that I thought would work.

Big Daddy
BigDaddy051570 said:
Can anyone tell me how to generate custom sprays in CS-Source? I know this is technically a HL2 forum, but I am hoping someone can help. When I try to import a JPG spray, I am told it is not the right size, even though I have saved an image as 256 x 256 pixels or other sizes that I thought would work.

Big Daddy

thanks to Craigweb
btw welcome to the forums.