DOW: Gold Edition

What do you think of DOW

  • Awesome!

    Votes: 12 57.1%
  • Good!

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Bad!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Terrible!

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
I've just ordered the Dawn of War Gold Edition off (cheap, might I add, for two games) i've played both the Demos and loved them. If anyone else has played the game, perhaps you would like to give me your opinions and share experiences?


Warhammer 40? Dawn of War? No bells ringing?
Its not all that good. Played both the board game and the computerised version.

The biggest thing that I hate about it is that

-There is no multiple ways of accomplishing your objectives
-Clipping is crap (weapons fire goes through solid objects, which defeats the purpose of defensive strangleholds), Big Rigs anyone?
-Predictable story
I love it (MP that is) and I also love tabletop 40k.
"In charge of cowardice, you are sentenced to death!"

Definatly one of the best RTS games I have ever played.
Oops, when I read the poll I saw WoW so I voted bad.
But DoW is good!!
Dawn of War: Winter Assault, rocks online. I have been playing it on my Uni network and its just amazing :O :O :O
I suppose with all the C&C clones that were around at the time of DoW's launch it was a breath of fresh air, however when comparing it to the tabletop game it's appauling.
That's true, but you can't really replicate the tabletop game on PC as an exciting RTS... I thought they were pretty true to the atmosphere, at least.
The strategy side of it is pretty weak tbh.Its all about massing the right type of unit.And every patch changes the gameplay.:(
I dislike it, Ground Control 2 is superior in both strategy and graphics. Perhaps not as cool as dow, dow intro is pretty cool.
Kare Bear said:
The strategy side of it is pretty weak tbh.Its all about massing the right type of unit.And every patch changes the gameplay.:(

That is the biggest problem with the game, that its so easy to mass vehicles and unless your army is built on countering vehicles you are screwed. If this is fixed DOW might actually replace Dark Omen as the best RTS ever.
got into it for the first time last night @ a lan cafe, it's suprisingly good after the first 1 minute learning (went straight into mp :x).
I will only play the Warhammer games if they are made in the Shens-technique (Found here)