

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
well after ati shader's day I felt so excited and convicted that I needed a 9800 pro card which I bought for 549 canadian $. I bought it then bcuz I imagine hl2 out on tuesday... now I feel ripped cuz the new cards are gonna be out soon, and they are gonna be very close to what I spent in the price , and are also gonna reduce the price of the other cards 9800 pro included.
now I can get for half price the original 9500 and OC to 9700 pro (my friend just did it and I know where to find the good card) so should I just do that or keep that 9800 pro
keep the 9800 pro because it will work great with halflife2 and they are definitely not gonna raise the reqs recently shown if you know what i mean.

So I would suggest to stay with the 9800 Pro. It's a great card, wish I could afford one right now :-\
I have a 9000Pro
return it because you will save money when the prices drop. I bought a built by at 9800 pro 128 at frys for $330 tuesday, and I WOULD return it... but i doubt ill get one for much less than that any time soon.