Downloads (videos)


ValveTime Admin | Mighty Pirate
Staff member
Jul 23, 1981
Reaction score
Due to popular demand, we've brought back the video downloads page on the site.

The files were initally removed because the volume of hits they were getting was affecting the general performance of the site, so we had to take them down while we looked at a better way of hosting them.

We've now got the page back up, and the files are hosted at blueyonder (thanks to babyharpseal for mirroring them, and allowing us to link to them).
If only they weren't so big, i'd DL them right away :)
Don't wanna get on SB :/
Lovely :) never seen the Source video.. must check it out now..

Yay! I was wondering about that...

Hey, do you think that next time you guys take 'em down, for the sake of people who still need them, could you put a notice by them stating so? It seemed like there was something wrong with my computer, and thats no fun.
The Agent Smith said:
Yay! I was wondering about that...

Hey, do you think that next time you guys take 'em down, for the sake of people who still need them, could you put a notice by them stating so? It seemed like there was something wrong with my computer, and thats no fun.

Stop complaining, they put the videos back on you should be grateful and how you came to the conclusion that something was wrong with your pc is beyond me really.
CB | Para said:
Stop complaining, they put the videos back on you should be grateful and how you came to the conclusion that something was wrong with your pc is beyond me really.

I wasn't complaining, I just thought that something was wrong with my computer because every time that I click on a download, it would say "page not found" and I have been having some internet problems recently. Don't put words in myself, it was a simple request, and I am very grateful to have these videos.

So blah.