Dr. Breen is still alive and well - and up to his old dirty tricks!


The Evil Potato

Though his demise was assumed in the closing moments of HL2; I have recently stumbled on evidence that leads me to believe that quite to the contrary, Dr. Breen is both alive, well, and once again assisting the combine (this time in a far more insidious role) in trying to enslave humanity.

I am currently on holiday in Cape Town, South Africa (from Australia), and I was walking through a dubiously titled "wellness centre" (some sort of Nova Prospekt progenitor I'm certain), when I ran into a life-size cardboard cutout of a scientist that looked rather familiar.

I couldn't quite recall where I had seen him before, but I was curious to see what this highly trained scientist (or doctor, judging by the stethoscope) wanted to enlighten me with.

Apparently from "Healthway" products, this man of science wanted me to invest in an "Air purifier". What was wrong with my air, and why did it need to be purified?

I pulled out my camera to take a quick picture - but I was quickly stopped by what can only be presumed to be a "wellness facilitator" and informed that photography was not allowed. Of the sensitive information held within the life-size cardboard cut-out.

Curiousity peaks.

On my return home, I check out "Healthway's" website.

Again, there he is, staring back at me; a look of insidious benevolence written across his features. At the top of the page, a quote "It is more blessed to give, then to receive". This is attributed to "The Lord Jesus Himself" (and therefore quite clearly none of the other Jesus miscreants running around), and perhaps alludes to some sort of free distribution system in order to increase it's ubiquity - as the general "pay an equivalent value of worth in money for our product" surely has little to do with the charitable concept of "giving". Elsewhere, various allusions to the "air purifier" which our mysterious Doctor was earlier seen spruiking - including the strangely named "Information Center" - echoes of Orwell's ministry of Information?

And then it clicked. That was no innocent doctor peddling the merits of air purification. That was none other then our dastardly Dr. Breen!



A quick search of their site reveals the mechanics of one of their "air purifiers";


I'm no doctor but if you ask me, that looks far too advanced for anything required to purify air. Generally when I want to purify my air, the machine looks something like this.

But closer inspection reveals the truth. That's no air purifier -

That's a combine recharger in disguise!

What exactly are they "purifying our air" with? What sinister scheming is afoot? No longer content with putting something into the water to make us forget, the combine is now altering the very air we breath to ensure our mindless allegiance!

Gordon, save us!
Dr. Breen always reminded me of Eric Bishoff (After he shaved his hair and grew white ones)
Oh my God! I bought one of these things! Damn I gotta cancel before it's too late D:
Awesome first post, you're entirely welcome. It's safer here.
So it has begun then.
Good thing I got my crowbar ready next to my bed.
I was originally intending to post it at one of my usual haunts, but decided you guys would probably appreciate it more.
If I was good enough to give a cookie, I would have.
I should have thought of starting with a bang on these forums.
Great to have another member with a good sense of humour :D