Dragon Age differences between pc vs console video

I'm a little torn now - I much prefer moving around with a pad, but like the ease of selecting skills with a mouse.
If you like any of the old Black Isle games, get the PC version. If you have not played them, maybe you will not notice how much better it is on the PC. :E

And while it looks fine close-up, it will just NOT look as good as other games that were designed to be seen this closely throughout like most 3rd-person action RPGs. These characters should be viewed from further away (as in the PC version with the pulled back camera). Plus that interface looks like a PITA on the console versions. Hmm, popping out of the pause menu after issuing one command is bad. Also no tactics (like gambits in FFXII) in the console versions? Ick.
I grew up on Planescape and BG, but still prefer moving around with a pad. Clicking on the ground or using a keyboard doesn't cut it these days :p

I'll probably get it on PC either way, but do like the look of the console version from that vid.
I grew up on Planescape and BG, but still prefer moving around with a pad. Clicking on the ground or using a keyboard doesn't cut it these days :p
That does make for quite the dilemma for you then. I am such a fan of the old style that I have no choice but to get the PC version. This 3rd-person looks a little too much like Oblivion's 3rd-person--a little too floaty. Though this has better combat. :)
can someone simply sum up the pros and cons of those videos who have watched them. i really don't want to waste 40 mins just to find out something that someone all ready knows. i'm still thinking the $15 less for the PC version is well worth it
GODDAMNIT I wish the PC version used GFWL so I could get achievements of it, but I'll have to buy the collector's edition for the 360, then later buy the PC version when it's gone down in price.
maybe i should wait this game out. as good as it sounds....i still haven't opened my copy of brutal legend, batman, or dirt 2!
Yeah, Warped, what's up with you man? You're like a crackhead for video games.
can someone simply sum up the pros and cons of those videos who have watched them. i really don't want to waste 40 mins just to find out something that someone all ready knows. i'm still thinking the $15 less for the PC version is well worth it

PC Version:
Toolset (for custom mod creation/play)
Zoomed out tactical view
Pause menu that does not unpause after giving an order
Less-cumbersome/more-streamlined interface*
Better lighting/graphics*
Smoother combat*

*Opinion, but definitely arguable. From watching both videos, it certainly is obvious that this is PC first and console second, though maybe better ported than most PC-to-console titles.

The other thing to consider is if your PC can even run this well enough to take advantage of how smooth and beautiful it is. Or if you even have a console. Or if you prefer playing games on PC or console. Maybe just wait for an official review to mention differences between the two. :p
PC Version:
Toolset (for custom mod creation/play)
Zoomed out tactical view
Pause menu that does not unpause after giving an order
Less-cumbersome/more-streamlined interface*
Better lighting/graphics*
Smoother combat*

*Opinion, but definitely arguable. From watching both videos, it certainly is obvious that this is PC first and console second, though maybe better ported than most PC-to-console titles.

The other thing to consider is if your PC can even run this well enough to take advantage of how smooth and beautiful it is. Or if you even have a console. Or if you prefer playing games on PC or console. Maybe just wait for an official review to mention differences between the two. :p

thank you and lately the PC version of my favorite games are both better looking, run smoother and are cheaper on my PC. HDD space is an issue now though, and I'm going to have to install another HDD or buy an external, maybe the 1TB drive thats only $100 now
Well it's the same old formula, and the nostalgia did kick in for a while there... but it's nothing I haven't already seen in Guild Wars, which offered more in every way from camera control to combat, and that was 5 years ago. I really wish it wasn't the case but i'm still not seeing anything to justify laying out my cash for a game i've played to death several times already. ;(
I don't want to create yet another Dragon Age thread *frowns at Stern* so I will post this here:

Dragon Age Journeys made by EA 2D, a free browser based rpg.
GODDAMNIT I wish the PC version used GFWL so I could get achievements of it, but I'll have to buy the collector's edition for the 360, then later buy the PC version when it's gone down in price.

are you serious man?
why not buy the PC version only because it's superior and you'll enjoy it more?
GODDAMNIT I wish the PC version used GFWL so I could get achievements of it, but I'll have to buy the collector's edition for the 360, then later buy the PC version when it's gone down in price.

Dude, I dont care if you want to think this kind of crap in your head, but don't say things like this out loud. People may see you saying it and actually decide to do it. And then life will suck. Just keep that shit to yourself.
GODDAMNIT I wish the PC version used GFWL so I could get achievements of it, but I'll have to buy the collector's edition for the 360, then later buy the PC version when it's gone down in price.

You sicken me.
maybe i should wait this game out. as good as it sounds....i still haven't opened my copy of brutal legend, batman, or dirt 2!

Same here, and Fight Night ROUND 4, and Killzone 2 and so many more, I'm an addict.:(

You sicken me.

I sicken me too, I wish I'd never gotten addicted to achievements in the first place, recently it's been to the point that I find myself unable to actually start playing another game on my 360 until I've maxed out all achievements for the current one I'm playing, so it has become more of a chore to play games on it rather than an enjoyment.

Maybe I should sign up for some CBT treatment again.
GODDAMNIT I wish the PC version used GFWL so I could get achievements of it, but I'll have to buy the collector's edition for the 360, then later buy the PC version when it's gone down in price.

Ive......never seen someone so concerned with a bunch of useless achievements, wow
are you serious man?
why not buy the PC version only because it's superior and you'll enjoy it more?

Partly because my PC is three years old and craptacular.

Ive......never seen someone so concerned with a bunch of useless achievements, wow

You'd be surprised what OCD does to people, I used to wash my clothes every single time I had been outside and my clothes had come into contact with a person I did not know, I just felt I had to, it was absurd.

But yeah, wow indeed.

It's not something I choose to do on a cinsciouss level, but my OCD forces my hand, it's kinda hard to explain how it is to have OCD to someone who doesn't, but basically you feel really bad if you don't do certain things, you feel like something really awful is going to happen unless you for example do certain thigns in a ritualistic manner.

Earlier in my life whenever I left my apartment I had to

1) lock the door

2) leave the apartment complex

3) run up and unlock the door, then lock it again

Usually I did that two-three times before I was able to leave.

I honestly view my achievement-related OCD as something damaging to my health(mental anyway) but sadly there's no real possibility for me to get treatment for that, Swedish psychiatric clinics are overcrowded as it is.
Have you been professionally diagnosed with OCD, or are you just making shit up? Because someone with OCD should not have been content with leaving "conscious" misspelled.

Have you been professionally diagnosed with OCD, or are you just making shit up? Because someone with OCD should not have been content with leaving "conscious" misspelled.


It's part of my HFA diagnosis, but no, it's not an independent diagnosis, they can't make it an independent diagnosis because it shares too many symptoms with HFA(High-Functioning Autism)

And OCD can vary a lot from individual to individual, it doesn't necessarily have to be spelling for example.

So in the end, no I don't have the specific diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

BUT, "Obsessive and compulsive behavior" is part of my written High-Functioning Autism/Aspergers syndrome diagnosis.
Have you been professionally diagnosed with OCD, or are you just making shit up? Because someone with OCD should not have been content with leaving "conscious" misspelled.


Uh, yeah they could and it could also be the reason

Someone with OCD could just as easily find it difficult to move to a previous word to correct it or go close his eyes to avoid looking at what he typed until posting and refuse to edit, many ways:p
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get this now. That video looked awful.

The one stern posted? Looked pretty good to me. Nothing revolutionary but it looks like very polished standard rpg combat. Besides, an RPG isnt just about combat.