Dragon Quest VIII to feature playable demo of FF XII....

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Just watched the 2nd trailer for DQ8 here and it looks every bit as good as I thought and hoped. I got a demo of it in the mail a few weeks ago and it is tremendously great fun. Level 5 can develop the heck out of a game IMHO--Dark Cloud 2 was amazing and Rogue Galaxy looks to raise the bar even higher!

But now to see at the end of the 2nd trailer that DQ8 will come with a playable demo of the next FF, it just adds icing to the cake of anyone looking forward to this one.

Hopefully people still care about Dragon Quest/Warrior over here!

UPDATE: 1up.com has a huge feature on the FFXII demo. Find it here. It sounds like a marked departure from the FF we are all used to and also like it could be a great improvement from the relatively stale gameplay they have featured of late.
Oh yeah, looks nice. I love Level 5. :)

Dark Cloud 2 totally rocks. My favourite RPG game on the PS2.
I don't even care about the XII demo. I really wanna try out this Dragon Quest stuff.
The cel-shading looks quite tight compared to some other games. I might actually buy this for my PS2. I'll have my PC + consoles in the same room within the week so I'll be able to play my consoles more often. I'm in need of a good RPG aswell.
Excellent. Now if it is being made for PC as well, that would make my day.
Uhhh wow I'm dumb. At first I thought Dragon Warrior was Dragon Quest. Damn names being similar. Never played a Dragon Quest. Might have to download one of the hold ROMs
CyberPitz said:
Uhhh wow I'm dumb. At first I thought Dragon Warrior was Dragon Quest. Damn names being similar. Never played a Dragon Quest. Might have to download one of the hold ROMs
They are one and the same. In the US, the Japanese Dragon Quest series is known as Dragon Warrior. It has recently changed though for the following reason:
Dragon Quest's North American name change was necessitated due to a trademark conflict with the role-playing game DragonQuest, which was published by veteran wargame publisher SPI in the 1980s until the company's bankruptcy in 1982 and purchase by TSR, which then published it as an alternate line to Dungeons & Dragons until 1987. In 2003, Square Enix registered the Dragon Quest trademark in the US, signalling the end of the Dragon Warrior name.


This will be the RPG to have this holiday season without a doubt--the great old-schol gameplay with a brilliant new facelift. I can't wait to start leveling-up for hours! :imu: