

May 9, 2005
Reaction score
A friend of mine introduced me to this band. Possibly the cheesiest band ever. Uber Uber cheesy power metal with some of the fastest solos I've ever heard. Also, they make pacman noises!

Heres a video

Anybody else like them?
They are good guitarists, with very good technique, but i dont like their music.
Yeah, talented band, but I dislike them to be honest. I listened to the album, the one before the new one they just released, I forgot its name, and it seemed pretty generic ''look how fast we can play... and solos too!11'' stuff and all abit samey.
Yeah, cheesy as hell, but I quite like the music.
I don't particularly like them, or any power metal band, but I have a semi-soft spot for them ever since I saw them support Stratovarius as DragonHeart. They're too cheesy and happy to really dislike, with some uplifting bits which are genuinely rousing. Crazy soloing skills, as noted.

I bumped into the chinese guitarist dude with the hair down to his knees in the queue to the cloakroom at a gig once, and told him I recognised him. He seemed a nice guy, and brandished a copy of 'Valley of the Damned' enthusiastically, saying "We finally got our full-length released, whew! *grin*"
Myself: "....Great!"
*...silently thinking of excuses in case he asked me to buy it*
DragonForce? They're fantastic. But not as fantastic as Hammerfall. But still rather good. Must go and see them live one of these days...

Still, They are a (supposedly) British metal band with (wait for it...) A South African vocalist, a Ukrainian keyboard player, one guitarist from Hong Kong and the other from New Zeland...
I like listening to dragonforce occasionally, a bit too stressful to listen to for extended periods of time :p
I will be watching Dragonforce at Download this year, but only because I want to see what they're like live. Alot of bands I don't particually like are brillaint live - Trivium are a good example. So I may aswell get the most out of the money for my Download ticket by seeing as many bands as I can.
I went to see them in Newcastle in February, it was a good laugh but ****ing boiling! Admittedly I only really went to see some insane shredding in the flesh, and I wasn't disappointed. They were full of energy so it was well worth it!
KagePrototype said:
They are INSANE live. :D I think they're a lot of fun.

Qft !!

I saw them live in london, and they were brilliant. So full of life, and a very talented bunch, especially herman, brilliant guitarist.

Of course they are not for everyone, and yes they are a tad cheesy !! But great all the same.

They are only going to get bigger.
SearanoX said:
Power metal is just annoying. I can't stand listening to it most of the time. The cheese, it just gets to me. That said, DragonForce are some pretty good musicians... but they're generic power metal through and through, and that means me no like.
Agreed. I do have a huge soft spot for Kamelot, however. Damn, does The Black Halo rule.
SearanoX said:
The cheese, it just gets to me

Thats why I love them. I dont take them at all seriously, I just love the fact that they are an unashamedly naff band. Plus, the solo-cam in that video is really cool.
i just saw Dragonforce last night in NYC at Avalon, it was so sick, i can't wait till they come back again
Haha, "fly away on the wings of a dream." The cheese is almost as powerful as their shredding :D
I just like the sound of the jiggajig jow jow guitar lol. Even if it is cheesey you gotta give it credit for being metal.