Drawings & Sketches


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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Most of these aren't new. Outside of the mandatory school work I've been a lazy bastard and haven't drawn anything new lately. But in the mean time I'll share these














I'm planning to make a 3d version of this one

Holy shit those are awesome! Only thing I can kinda see is that in the first picture, the girl's head seems a bit small compared with the length of her neck. No idea why.
What did you use to make them?
Holy shit those are awesome! Only thing I can kinda see is that in the first picture, the girl's head seems a bit small compared with the length of her neck. No idea why.

Maybe a little, anyway I'll post the reference photo later, imageshack is being a bitch right now...

What did you use to make them?

A3 paper. Pencils B3-B6 and random coloring crayons for those 2.

Edit here's the reference photo


Not bad! Try drawing more from life and less from photos for now though, they will help you a lot more trust me :)

The types of photos you have been drawing have been manipulated to make the skin as flat and smooth as possible which makes it very difficult to see the planes of the face and it in turn makes your drawings also look very flat
Nice drawings. I wish i didn't try and draw something and realise that no matter how hard i try i can't ever draw anything good. If i do it comes from a picture, and even then it's sub-standard.
Not bad! Try drawing more from life and less from photos for now though, they will help you a lot more trust me :)

The types of photos you have been drawing have been manipulated to make the skin as flat and smooth as possible which makes it very difficult to see the planes of the face and it in turn makes your drawings also look very flat

Yes well I used to draw after real people in high school. And even with the model in front of me the result varied, sometimes it was good other times flat...
One teacher suggested that my problem is the shading technique I use. Well if that's the case then tough luck, I've been shading relatively the same for the past 6 years.
And I don't draw that much lately so I don't think things will improve, after all I don't plan to make a living out of it and plus it looks fine to me:|

Is that Rachel Bilson?


Nice drawings. I wish i didn't try and draw something and realise that no matter how hard i try i can't ever draw anything good. If i do it comes from a picture, and even then it's sub-standard.

I can draw from my immagination fine, the only problems I have are with drawing people without any reference, they're ok but still kind of weird.
Hey, nice pictures there, you've got some skills!

And you know what? I think the girl you drew looks prettier than on the reference pic :)
Yes well I used to draw after real people in high school. And even with the model in front of me the result varied, sometimes it was good other times flat...
One teacher suggested that my problem is the shading technique I use. Well if that's the case then tough luck, I've been shading relatively the same for the past 6 years.
And I don't draw that much lately so I don't think things will improve, after all I don't plan to make a living out of it and plus it looks fine to me:|

Hey man I wasn't trying to attack you... Just trying to give you some advice as someone who is planning on making a living out of it

I already said they weren't bad anyway. Which they aren't :cat:
Hey man I wasn't trying to attack you... Just trying to give you some advice as someone who is planning on making a living out of it

I already said they weren't bad anyway. Which they aren't :cat:

:P Yes I know, no harm done, I was just thinking out loud.

At Uni I'm in the graphic design department, so we mainly draw objects no people...
Anyway I plan to do something related to CGI/3d graphics for a living, but who knows.
I've been thinking of buying a graphic tablet for quite some time now, and if my skills improve I might also make artworks/matte paintings for moneys.
I really like your style. There's something nice and soft about it. I also love the eyes. <3