Dream MP games


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I have an idea for a MP FPS game. It would have geo-mod and Havok physics. The MP would focus arounf seige modes where you have 2+ teams each with a base. Bases can take much more punishment than ordiary terrain. Players can buy upgrades with money recived from killing enemies/attacking enemy base. Players can choose from a number of classes. Explosives are rare so that players can't simply blow up enemy bases.
Options for seiges:
Mortars, cannons etc are scattered throughout the map(or all in the centre, whatever way the mapper wants). A team secures them and uses them to bombard the enemy base. Limited ammo that regenerates. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game).
There are a number of bases scattered around the map that a team can secure for extra spawn points/weapons for a tactical advantage. Can also contain artillery. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game). Cash reward for capturing.
Automated turrets and the like aswell as gun emplacemests that players can control. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game).
Extremly hard to obtain do incredable damage to bases. Eg, airstrike, missle stike.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Will be spawn automaticaly in base/can be bought.
Flag in each base. Cash reward for picking up/holding/bringing back to base.
Ball spawns in the centre, must bring back to base.

What is your dream multiplayer game?
ríomhaire said:
I have an idea for a MP FPS game. It would have geo-mod and Havok physics. The MP would focus arounf seige modes where you have 2+ teams each with a base. Bases can take much more punishment than ordiary terrain. Players can buy upgrades with money recived from killing enemies/attacking enemy base. Players can choose from a number of classes. Explosives are rare so that players can't simply blow up enemy bases.
Options for seiges:
Mortars, cannons etc are scattered throughout the map(or all in the centre, whatever way the mapper wants). A team secures them and uses them to bombard the enemy base. Limited ammo that regenerates. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game).
There are a number of bases scattered around the map that a team can secure for extra spawn points/weapons for a tactical advantage. Can also contain artillery. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game). Cash reward for capturing.
Automated turrets and the like aswell as gun emplacemests that players can control. Can be temporaraly/permanantly destroyed(chosen which before game).
Extremly hard to obtain do incredable damage to bases. Eg, airstrike, missle stike.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Will be spawn automaticaly in base/can be bought.
Flag in each base. Cash reward for picking up/holding/bringing back to base.
Ball spawns in the centre, must bring back to base.

What is your dream multiplayer game?
Sounds a bit like BF2 with mods lol :p

My dream MP FPS would be a CO-OP game. You can select from multiple scenario's (some real, some fiction) such as a zombie outbreak, terrorists, a riot, ...

You and your team take their loadout and get on a helicopter (that is AI flown and you can set your own custom LZ). The entire location (village, forest, Shens,...) is accessible, and the action can shift from place to place in the location. You can set off certain parts in a location so the rest of the location isn't accessible (Good for a quick convenience store heist in progress)

Oh, and all the enemies would be A.I. controlled.

I love the idea because it's so customizable. You can do anything with it. You can create any scenario you want. You can make it as big or as small as you want.
Well Rim-Fire, I'm actually waiting for MTA: San Andreas, which is a multiplayer mod for GTA San Andreas. :D

But nowadays we're hard pressed to find a multiplayer experience that hasn't been done to death in hundreds of different twists.
Cormeh said:
Well Rim-Fire, I'm actually waiting for MTA: San Andreas, which is a multiplayer mod for GTA San Andreas. :D

But nowadays we're hard pressed to find a multiplayer experience that hasn't been done to death in hundreds of different twists.
omg omg we can like this mp game where terrorists and anti-terrorists fight against each other and stuff :O

and the game would called counter-trike (because you can ride trikes while firing your guns)

Beerdude26 said:
omg omg we can like this mp game where terrorists and anti-terrorists fight against each other and stuff :O

and the game would called counter-trike (because you can ride trikes while firing your guns)
zOMG I wud pwn j00 with mah 1337 trike skillz y0!


*kills self*
A Starcraft MMOS. (S stands for Shooter)(No monthly fee.)
'Nuff said.

It'd be like Natural Selection or Savage : Battle for Newerth.

With 3 teams. Terran, Protoss and Zerg.
Omg Omg First Screenshot Is In!!!!!!1111111one

It sounds alot like team fortress2 and what the hell happened to that.:frown:
Kare Bear said:
It sounds alot like team fortress2 and what the hell happened to that.:frown:
Still in production, they're using the DNF technique
I cant even explain my DREAM mp game.

You build buildings, vehicles, defense, walls
Maps shift
120+ people in servers
BF2 like stats

and much much more

Who is with me?
Raziel-Jcd said:
I cant even explain my DREAM mp game.

You build buildings, vehicles, defense, walls
Maps shift
120+ people in servers
BF2 like stats

and much much more

Who is with me?
In other words a mix between
Red Faction and
how C&C Renegade MP should have been.
Sounds kick-ass.
I'd like it to be really immersive, where you wouldn't want to get out of your foxhole or you'd have a running battle trying to make it to the helicopter that is waiting for you in time. stuff that you don't really see in games these days. I don't care if it was sci-fi, fantasy, modern, or WW2.
I would like a game that focuses on World War 2, but in a realistic view. Like the MMOFPS game World War II Online for an example. Only with better graphics (not really top-notch Call of Duty 2 graphics, but better than what WW2O offers) and sound effects (the sound on the weapons should sound like real weapons, feel like you are firing a real weapon etc.).
Raziel-Jcd said:
I cant even explain my DREAM mp game.

You build buildings, vehicles, defense, walls
Maps shift
120+ people in servers
BF2 like stats

and much much more

Who is with me?

The people at NASA. That's probably it.
I can't wait to see MP games in 10-20 years... I'm deffinately having kids as an excuse to keep playing games xD
A realistic football game which can have 22 human players in a match.
Cant really say my absolute dream game... how 'bout a co-op, realistic zombie infestation mod could be damn nice. The bigger the amount of players, bigger the amount of zombies in the map. Huge maps, all or atleast 3/4 of buildings accessable. Goal: find a really safe place that supply you with food and water for years - in other words, an large island, large bunker with lots of can food, etc. Firearms and etc bullets would be rare, but you could ofcourse improvise with self-made petrol bombs and stuff like that. Random generating maps, so that you couldnt find the ammo shops too easily the second time. An character creation system, with player properties like courage, strenght, agility, sight, aim, and as an original add the amount of knowledge of the area beforehand. The more you choose knowledge points, the more stuff you have in your map in the beginning.
Biggest problem in this game would probably be the graphics - they should be light enough, but still capable of realistical forest etc landscape, and most of all large numbres of npc:s rendered in the same time.

Another idea ive had for long time, could be somekind of bad facist police against the rebels. Ofcourse, this could take place in the HL2 world.
Place is City 17 and surroundings. People are already revolting, but not in as large numbers as before. Rebels could have underground tunnels or they could hide in the sewers, make commando strikes against the Combine oppression. Combine would search the citizens for rebels, make raids, roam around with striders and dropships, and basically would be on a upper hand. Sometimes though, if the rebels could encourage the NPC citizens, you could have an fullscale wars like seen in HL2 singplayer, with rebels having old military tanks or stolen hardware. They could also try to destroy the Citadel.
The catch in this game would be that the servers, provided by Valve ofcourse, wouldnt have rounds or anything, and wouldnt have quests per player, but the servers would be unique, and if Rebels would like, destroy an important Combine prison, there would be news on the game website that "Server 7 rebels have destroyed place X etc, could this lead to a fullscale war?". Imagine having internet fame as an strong rebellion leader which led the oppressed citizens to freedom! You couldnt have more than one player per server, and mostly play on one side per server. If you'd want to change side on a specific server, you would have to take maybe a month's break from playing there, to prevent spies or agents who would instantly tell his companions where the enemy commander is hiding or something. Whether this could work at all or would it even be fun, is questionable, but I'd play it.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I cant even explain my DREAM mp game.

You build buildings, vehicles, defense, walls
Maps shift
120+ people in servers
BF2 like stats

and much much more

Who is with me?

Coincidentally, that's more or less what I was working on.

Pi Mu Rho said:
Coincidentally, that's more or less what I was working on.


operative word: "was" ... ;(

my ideal multiplayer (not possible yet) is a huge massive battleground with thousands of players fighting over the same stretch of real estate. Dozens of roles, objectives etc ..it could be any setting from ww2 to sci-fi to sword and sorcery. The game would be a life simulation; you're plopped in front of the recruiting offices at the start of the war and you're drafted into a particular branch of the military, you then sign up for squads that have a specific task and begin the mission
mmo operation flashpoint would be cool (game experience > fun in this case)

or for the most AWESOME idea ever see link in sig - the funny thing is its the most incredible idea ever

With less lag.

And free.