Dreamfall : The Longest Journey is on Steam now for $29.95

Don't buy it. It has a terrible story. Literally 75% of it should have been cut. Its sloppy, convoluted, etc. and even steals the whole story of The Ring for a bit.
Eh...game looks....eh. I don't know if I'd pay 30 bucks for it.
If you are a fan of TLJ , don't buy it.
If you are a fan of adventure games , don't buy it.
If you are a fan of games , don't buy it.

It's just an interactive story with zero challenge and in all honesty the story isn't even close as the original.

I really have intense feelings about this game. It is the death of adventure games. Glad we have alot of classic p&c coming this year.

The way i see it , there are two examples of having a new kind of an adventure game. One's Dreamfall approach which will kill this genre , the other example is of Indigo Prophecy - it's fresh , new , more logic. There are alot to improve and develope of course , but as far as it goes of creating a new branch in quests , then IP layes the first bricks.
Was considering buying this. looked interesting. Well it has nice graphics at least. Oh well, glad I read this thread :)
Come on its not that bad
I really did like it, tho its not like the original but its a good game.
Still haven't finished the first one, the saved games are loitering on my PC somewhere in the big elephants graveyard of unfinished games. I heard this wasn't much cop compared to the previous, but the graphics are naturally more palatable.
Indigo Prophecy always wanted to play this game. I remember reading somewhere its coming to steam.
Longest Journey was good. Dreamfall? Not to sure.
The complaints I'm seeing on this thread are interesting. Dreamfall continues the same dimestore fantasy story that The Longest Journey had. Thats right; The Longest Journey's story wasn't very good to begin with. Dreamfall doesn't really make any leaps there, no. And the gameplay is bad. And the graphics aren't jaw dropping (But aren't very bad, either). That being said; I enjoyed Dreamfall a tremendous amount.

I enjoyed Dreamfall strictly because it is a game not about blowing up aliens, leveling toons, or stealing cars, but about narrative and atmosphere. Call me crazy, but I miss adventure games, and any modern attempt to bring them back into the mainstream is, in my book, an awsome thing. Dreamfall didn't do what they were trying to very well, but it is still a pretty stylish and entertaining interactive story; not a dragon, elf, assault rifle, jumping puzzle, or sports car in sight.
No dragons?

Damn, what happened to the 4?
Seems alot of people are hating dreamfall because it lacks gameplay and action. Personally, I enjoyed how it was purely an adventure and a story telling game.
Seems alot of people are hating dreamfall because it lacks gameplay and action. Personally, I enjoyed how it was purely an adventure and a story telling game.

That's what I was looking for in the game, not something to play, but experience. The only problem is there no actual game (other than run from cutscene A to cutscene B), the story is terrible.