Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank media


Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score

A Third-Person Stealth RPG

The Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank mod is a single-player rpg with focus on stealth.

The mod has released 7 screenshots of their latest build. Much of the conversation system has been completed, which now has support for choices and other cool stuff like the ability to transfer items and weapons from the npc to the player.

We are currently working on a buy and sell type system which should be pretty cool. It will be invoked through the conversation system.

Also, we are still looking for an additional animator. Please view this thread for more info: http://www.dreamscapemod.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5928#post5928

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks! ;)

I'm definatly going to keep an eye on this one, it's looking really great. Can't wait to see the relief mapping and stuff in real time.
You do realise, that if you e-mail it directly to the Content Writers of this site, you get instant front-page, hmm?

I still remember when you made a "I need coders, please" posting, and I said "Hold on, you're already a coder - open up Source and do a little yourself" and then you were like "WHAMMY" and you've now got all this to show :D

-Angry Lawyer
...woah. Those look more like game-shots then mod-shots!

Then again, I'm probably just being thrown by the third-person camera. Still, looking good!
Great job, I love the addition of the conversation system :)
This looks like a retail game. Wow. Love the HDR use :)
Looking very nice. I retract my previous complaints.
Angry Lawyer said:
I still remember when you made a "I need coders, please" posting, and I said "Hold on, you're already a coder - open up Source and do a little yourself" and then you were like "WHAMMY" and you've now got all this to show :D

I remember that too. I was actually looking for another coder who could work with me. And I think we asked you to join... a couple of times. :)

Raziel-Jcd said:
This looks like a retail game. Wow. Love the HDR use :)

Thank you Raziel-Jcd, but that is not HDR. It's our own bloom shader. HDR isn't available to mods yet. :(
Looks great, in some shots you can barely tell its running on the same engine. Which is a good thing because I hate when I feel like im playing the same game with different weapons.

One minor criticism, the hud looks like of busy/complicated. Im sure I would get used to it after playing though.
That looks very much like Max Payne, and that's not a bad thing at all. Nice work.
yeah, has a max pain look to it, I hope hes not all hunched over all the time, like he is in the pic tho.
blackflag486 said:
yeah, has a max pain look to it, I hope hes not all hunched over all the time, like he is in the pic tho.

Don't worry, that's just crouch-walking :D
The main character better wear a suit, have an oiled centre parting, and speak in a deep, noir voice.

-Angry Lawyer