Dress Code for an interview


Jul 11, 2003
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I have an upcoming Interview at Best Buy and I keep getting conflicting ideas of what I should wear. Searching the internet led to many big business dress codes for interviews and not really places like Best Buy. This is not a fast food type level position but also no where near management level either… So to what extent would be considered appropriate? Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Gaaaahhh...you live in the same city as me!!!11!one!!1

You should probably wear something like a golf shirt. You know, it has a collar on it, but it is comfortable to wear.

[Edit]: Need to learn how to spell gaaaahhh right. :D
Something informal yet neat. No Jeans, sandals, or t-shirts.
Collar or polo shirts, long pants: slacks or corduroys (sp? sry.) Nice, dark shoes with laces, and socks.
No need for dress shirt, ties, or expensive bling.

Good Luck!
:dozey: Try to match the BestBuy uniform... DUR
shirt and tie with dress slacks and black leather shoes. employers love profesionalism (sp), no mater what job your going for. trust me

(you dont have to go full suit tho :p)
burnzie said:
shirt and tie with dress slacks and black leather shoes. employers love profesionalism (sp), no mater what job your going for. trust me

(you dont have to go full suit tho :p)

Affirmative, go in shirt, tie, trousers + shoes no matter what - don't give them any excuse not to give you the job. If you look out of place come interview day, so what? As long as you get the job, that's all the matters :)
Murray_H said:
Affirmative, go in shirt, tie, trousers + shoes no matter what - don't give them any excuse not to give you the job. If you look out of place come interview day, so what? As long as you get the job, that's all the matters :)

too right

Shirt+ jeans/trousers would do me. I dunno what best buy is so god knows , but have a shirt whatever happens
Dude, just be safe. Wear some nice pants and a tie. You can't go wrong.
Fat Tony! said:
Shirt+ jeans/trousers would do me. I dunno what best buy is so god knows , but have a shirt whatever happens

You sure you are from England and not like Kenya, or something?

They do speak English over there right?
Deadline said:
You sure you are from England and not like Kenya, or something?

They do speak English over there right?

not everyone has intimate knowledge of US shops and such.

my tip: wear plain and simple clothes, shirt, tie and trousers. never fails.
never ever wear jeans to an interview..it doesnt matter what job it's for, it just looks unprofessional. Shirt tie jacket dress pants and shoes are mandatory. I've been to hundreds of interviews (freelance designer) and the first impression is always the one that sticks in the interviewers mind. Also: no nose rings or any other piercings, cover tattoos, shave before the interview (I cant stress this enough...cant believe how many people go to interviews without shaving)
Dedalus said:
not everyone has intimate knowledge of US shops and such.

my tip: wear plain and simple clothes, shirt, tie and trousers. never fails.

I know that they dont know about US stores and such, but the way he said Take a shirt if anything... I dunno it just didnt sound right... ah well
My advice, is when you are doing the interview you have to go in front of everyone naked....At least i think thats right.

Heh, when i went for my interview at the cafe i worse jeans. They were dark and had a stiched pattern on them. I wore a white t-shirt, with like a gray small check pattern on it. I had shoes which i normally go skating in and they had holes in the ends.

Of course, that place would take anyone. It was in manchester airport...The common terminal and it didnt matter what you were like so long as you didnt leave early or arrive late.

For the last job i wore pin stripe trousers and a shirt the same colour as the pin stripes.
I know that they dont know about US stores and such, but the way he said Take a shirt if anything... I dunno it just didnt sound right... ah well
Thats ok, my english is poor :p.
They wont be mad if you over dress. Infact they'll prolly be happy that your taking this job seriously.