
Do you like alcohol?

  • Yes, I'm drinking as we speek.

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Not old enough, but I like alcohol.(At least I'd like to try it.)

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • No! Drinking for losers, like you, Ghost.

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Not old enough, and I don't want to try it.(Or, I've tried it and didn't like it.)

    Votes: 8 19.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
I'm drinking Cranberry Juice w/ Arbor Mist Blackberry MERLOT. Now, this might not be the Jack Daniels I lovingly promote in IRC, but it's quite nice when you want to feel a little better about yourself. :)
Eh dont care to drink, not that i think its stupid just the taste isnt really appealing to me. I used to drink my moms liquir though when i was like 13 lol and then fill it back up with water..oh those were the days...
i hate the taste of alcohol, but i quite enjoy the effects. I usually go straight for the hard stuff like vodka just so i can have a few shots and get a nice buzz for the night. Its better if u watch it tho so yur not ending up puking all over yurself. Speaking of puking, anybody got any good drinking stories? Heres mine... Me and a friend got way too wasted one night and i fell asleep on a chair and puked all over myself. Anyways, the vomit was all over my shirt and pants and i didn't wake up till the next morning with disgusting smelly puke all over me which had soaked right thru my pants and boxers and i was soaked lol. Worst experience of my life. I had just eaten a huge plate of nachos before and anyways the puke had dried and solidified again into one giant biscuit haha. Thats about as graphic as i can be. Lol i'll understand if u guys dont talk to me anymore.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
I used to drink my moms liquir though when i was like 13 lol and then fill it back up with water

He he, the days of drinking because it was wrong, and not because you felt this stab of pain in your stomach...yep, those were the days. :)

J/K. I don't have stabs of pain in my stomach, so you can all stop celebrating. ;)
i usually puke every time i drink but it doesn't stop me :cheers:
Errr a little off-topic(not the reason i dont drink), but i was watching something on the discovery channel and they said it would take like 3 huge factories to replace your liver. Thats how complicated the human body is! Just think about having all those tubs and shit in you.....:eek:
not old enough, and not going to start drinking when i am old enough
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Errr a little off-topic(not the reason i dont drink), but i was watching something on the discovery channel and they said it would take like 3 huge factories to replace your liver. Thats how complicated the human body is! Just think about having all those tubs and shit in you.....:eek:

you lost me on discovery channel
Originally posted by Kyle2
you lost me on discovery channel

Err ok drinking destroys your liver, so just to let those know that there is no way to replace your liver with anything mechanical. It would take 3 huge factories to reproduce all of the procedures your liver does daily.
.....drinking story .....hmmmmmmm

well...i was drinking with a few freinds one night....one of my freinds doesnt know his limits and had alot more than he should have....so we were going to bring him home(the driver was sober :) )

...anway we had to get on the freeway to bring him home...and of course he had to barf....now i dont know if anyone has ever thrown something out the window on the highway and had it come back in....

...well you can guess the rest of the story..... .....i really try not to remember.
lol crabcakes...always bring a barf bag...and never let the person do it out the window of a moving vehicle...but you already know that now...just good advice for others :D
I don't think I'm gonna start drinking when I'm older after seeing what my sister's like after a night out... but I probably will anyway.

I don't really have any interesting drinking stories. But my friend did go to one of her friend's house at dinner, and tried Vodka. Then she threw up, and had to go back to school stinking of vodka and puke.

What fun
I voted number 3 because I'm of age and don't drink, it's a concious choice on my part. But I really don't mind if people drink so long as they -

a) Don't piss me off while drunk.

b) Invite to me parties on the provisor that I "must get drunk".

c) Say I'm "wasting beer" when I drink lightly.

All three have happened to me on more than one occasion, drinking isn't for idiots, it's the other way around :p

Edit - But Ghost is still a loser ;)
i used to not drink, but then i graduated college. unibroue (sp?), the best beer i've ever had ('fin du monde' and 'trios pistoles' are prob. my favs.). along with ATI products, the only good thing to come from the canajian wastelands.
Originally posted by simmo
No...I dont drink, well sometimes but not enough ;(

Enough to what? Get drunk and forget your worries? Impress your friends... a girl? ;)

Another edit - I hate the taste of most beers, vodkas, spirits etc. but I have tried a few nice beverages :cool: That aqua-shnappes crap is vvvvery nice, like a good soda but with a distinctive taste? And this cranberry vodka stuff, oh and vodka jelly. But yeah teh alcy still suxxors I say ^^
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Err ok drinking destroys your liver, so just to let those know that there is no way to replace your liver with anything mechanical. It would take 3 huge factories to reproduce all of the procedures your liver does daily.

Drinking destroys your liver, cannabis makes you paranoid, smoking gives you cancer, second hand smoke gives you cancer, the sun gives you skin cancer, fast food gives you heart problems, mobile phones give you tumors, walking while talking destroys your spine, staring at computer monitors ruins your eyesight, etc, etc.


Most of the things on this planet effect you in some way or another but in most cases the effects are slow. It's not as if socially drinking every weekend will kill you inside a month. Christ it'd be unfortunate to kill you within your lifetime. It's the heavy drinkers that need to worry.

As for the taste thing. Everyone starts off disliking the taste of alcohol, you kinda grow into it as you get older and drink more.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Enough to what? Get drunk and forget your worries? Impress your friends... a girl? ;)

haha, oh man, what kind of stupid slut (no offense to you sluts out there) is impressed by a guy drinking himself into a coma!? holy god, haha.

hmm.. man, i need to find some of these women!
heavy drinking destroys your liver. moderate drinking is apprently somewhat good for you (your heart especially). but i'm sure there are dozens of studies on both sides. alcohol is cool, i think. it's a part of history, somethng that has been an integral part of human culture for a very long time. i actually rarely drink, and usually only drink to try new things, especially if it's a traditional drink of some kind. you know, like baltimore ales if i'm in baltimore, old microbreweries in general. wine when i was in france (there was a cool super sweet liquer i had in corsica), stuff like that. to me it's an interesting part of our culture. plus it get's you ****ing paved.
****ing paved

hehe good one

btw i don't drink.. never really felt the need to 'party'. i've gotten stned with weed a few times, but not really much. i'm more of a chocolate milk man myself :cheers:
Well I was drunk friday and saturday and will be even more drunk next friday since I'm going to arrange a party. :)

Your poll needs an option: I'm not drinking but I will as soon as it's possible. :p
simmo, i liked your quote so much i tried it myself 3 times:

i can tupw ir my eyes ckised,

i can rtpw qih my eyes xkised.

i can rtow wurg ny etes ckised.

jesus, how pathetic is that? i'll get on those typing lessons right away..

"wurg", "xkised", "rtow"!?!? i mean wtf!
Originally posted by Maskirovka
lol crabcakes...always bring a barf bag...and never let the person do it out the window of a moving vehicle...but you already know that now...just good advice for others :D

Just live in a little town where you don't drive fast. :)
Thank god that didn't happen to me last time i drank a 75cl bottle of... green liquid in 15 minutes.
Though I don't remember what happened during the way home. :)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
simmo, i liked your quote so much i tried it myself 3 times:

i can tupw ir my eyes ckised,

i can rtpw qih my eyes xkised.

i can rtow wurg ny etes ckised.

jesus, how pathetic is that? i'll get on those typing lessons right away..

"wurg", "xkised", "rtow"!?!? i mean wtf!

uhm.. lemme try

I can type with my eyes closed

...wow, that was hard =/
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
simmo, i liked your quote so much i tried it myself 3 times:

i can tupw ir my eyes ckised,

i can rtpw qih my eyes xkised.

i can rtow wurg ny etes ckised.

jesus, how pathetic is that? i'll get on those typing lessons right away..

"wurg", "xkised", "rtow"!?!? i mean wtf!


I can tyoe with my eyes closed

Ooh my god I rock. :)
Do I drink?

Most definitely.

Not a fan of beer. Something about it just gets to me. I can take anything else straight if I want though, no need for chasers or nothin'

Something strange happened to me last time I drank. I had whiskey, 80 proof I believe. I had around 8-10 shots in a couple of hours...nothing. No buzz..no dizzyness...nothing. I was actually worried. My body was just immune to achohol that night. Hopefully it doesn't happen over Thanksgiving break when I drink again.


I can type with my eyes closed.

HAHA Take that 1950's society! ....Family Guy refrence.

LOL...second time I tried typing something with my eyes closed I hit ALT and ended up closing the window... DERP!

EDIT2: I have an ergonomic keyboard...so that makes it easier for me.
you can all kindly go to hell!!!!

(now with eyes closed)

you can all kinfly fo to hell!!!!!

hey, not bad!
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
Do I drink?

Most definitely.

Not a fan of beer. Something about it just gets to me. I can take anything else straight if I want though, no need for chasers or nothin'

Something strange happened to me last time I drank. I had whiskey, 80 proof I believe. I had around 8-10 shots in a couple of hours...nothing. No buzz..no dizzyness...nothing. I was actually worried. My body was just immune to achohol that night. Hopefully it doesn't happen over Thanksgiving break when I drink again.


I can type with my eyes closed.

HAHA Take that 1950's society! ....Family Guy refrence.

LOL...second time I tried typing something with my eyes closed I hit ALT and ended up closing the window... DERP!

Hehe, funny that you didn't get drunk of whiskey, it's one of the worst at that part, you can even be drunk the next day and you'll certainly have the hangover of your life.

BTW people, if you ever take a plain somewhere and it crashes to Finland, buy a bottle of Otto, it's damn good long drink. :)

Beer is cheap, it doesn't taste too good and it makes you pee alot, but it does the trick. :p
I can type with my eyes closed, and O can keep on going with full stops and capital letters and everything!!

Oh my god, I actually did it.

I will probably die soon.
I tend to go out drinking every Saturday. We normally start the day off at 2pm and drink all the way through to at least 2am when the clubs close. If we then manage to get some alcohol elsewhere, we have some at home or we go back to a chicks place then we'll have a few more.

On an average Saturday I'll consume:
5 pints of lager
5 glasses of Blue Moon cocktail (absynth, bols blue and lemonade)
4 straight shots of aftershock
1 or 2 flavoured vodka shots
5-10 bottles of smirnoff ice/orange reef
Originally posted by Faravid
Hehe, funny that you didn't get drunk of whiskey, it's one of the worst at that part, you can even be drunk the next day and you'll certainly have the hangover of your life.

BTW people, if you ever take a plain somewhere and it crashes to Finland, buy a bottle of Otto, it's damn good long drink. :)

Beer is cheap, it doesn't taste too good and it makes you pee alot, but it does the trick. :p

The thing is, the next day I felt nothing either. It makes me think....what if my body somehow neutralizes the toxins and such that achohol brings to your body...that'd be f*cked up.

I know it's not true...but it'd be weird nonetheless...

Otto you say? Next time I survive a plane crash over Finland..I'll be sure to get a few bottles...then I'll go home and plant a money tree in my yard...
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
what if my body somehow neutralizes the toxins and such that achohol brings to your body...that'd be f*cked up.
it does. it's called the liver. it's the part of your body that both you and chris_d will be without very shortly.
Originally posted by Chris_D

I will probably die soon.
I tend to go out drinking every Saturday. We normally start the day off at 2pm and drink all the way through to at least 2am when the clubs close. If we then manage to get some alcohol elsewhere, we have some at home or we go back to a chicks place then we'll have a few more.

Funny, pubs close at 2 am and clubs at 4 am here. I wish pubs were open to 6 am and clubs to 11 pm, I really hate those freaking "Let's play some "hit" music or call a crappy DJ" places.

/me loves the local rock bar :)
U cab tyoe withg my eyes cosed
I can type with my eyes closed

YYYYYYYEAH second attempt :D
Since I live in Belgium, land of beer, it's almost impossible to go somewhere without having someone buying you one. They do have really good beer over here. Try it sometime: Light beers: Stella, Jupiler, Maes. Heavier: Duvel, Delirium Trement, Judas, Westmalle, Leffe.
I work at a very serious medium sized corporation (+-400 employees), and when we have a special occasion, like chrismas or whatever, some people just bring a few crates of beer, and we all just start drinking in the offices. It's a little weird. I had no idea people did that. Once a year, there's a buffet, with the entire company, and every booze you can think of, for free. It's really 'special' to see some of the 50+ year old bosses get wasted and listen to them rambling as they try to seduce one of the secretaries. It's really hard to stay serious with them after that. And you should see them dance. Ouch, did they all look like morrons(they were dancing like chickens). The next one is december 5th, I wonder how it's gonna turn out. Last year's party lasted till 6am.
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Since I live in Belgium, land of beer, it's almost impossible to go somewhere without having someone buying you one. They do have really good beer over here. Try it sometime: Light beers: Stella, Jupiler, Maes. Heavier: Duvel, Delirium Trement, Judas, Westmalle, Leffe.
I work at a very serious medium sized corporation (+-400 employees), and when we have a special occasion, like chrismas or whatever, some people just bring a few crates of beer, and we all just start drinking in the offices. It's a little weird. I had no idea people did that. Once a year, there's a buffet, with the entire company, and every booze you can think of, for free. It's really 'special' to see some of the 50+ year old bosses get wasted and listen to them rambling as they try to seduce one of the secretaries. It's really hard to stay serious with them after that. And you should see them dance. Ouch, did they all look like morrons(they were dancing like chickens). The next one is december 5th, I wonder how it's gonna turn out. Last year's party lasted till 6am.

Hehe I live in the promised land of drinking as well (Finland, hmm... wonder how many times I've mentioned that), though here everyone drinks their own money, creedy bastards. ;)
I've never heard of that kind of parties here, shame though, could be quite fun. :)
Well, even tho free booze is nice, it's kind of weird to see all you collegues act like that. It's kind of a double-edged sword:

-You don't drink with the collegues, but then you don't get to be a part of it.(you don't get the drunk jokes, you don't laugh as hard as the others, etc., you miss out on the general fun)


-You drink along with the guys, but god knows what you'll be doing or saying. You could find yourself saying the stupidest things, and it may come down on you afterwards. Your job may be at risk. But it's so tempting...you could as well end up being "boozebuddies" with one of the big guys.

Finland, that's like Heineken & Carlsberg, right?
I didn't know you guys called yourself the land of beer as well.
Originally posted by Element Alpha
Well, even tho free booze is nice, it's kind of weird to see all you collegues act like that. It's kind of a double-edged sword:

-You don't drink with the collegues, but then you don't get to be a part of it.(you don't get the drunk jokes, you don't laugh as hard as the others, etc., you miss out on the general fun)


-You drink along with the guys, but god knows what you'll be doing or saying. You could find yourself saying the stupidest things, and it may come down on you afterwards. Your job may be at risk. But it's so tempting...you could as well end up being "boozebuddies" with one of the big guys.

Finland, that's like Heineken & Carlsberg, right?
I didn't know you guys called yourself the land of beer as well.

Well the thing is that no-one takes a drunkard seriously (unless the one he is speaking to is drunk)

Heineken and Carlsberg are german and/or english, irish... Err, anyways european.

Finnish beers aren't as soft and gentle, almost like cider as those two are.

We don't call us the land of beer, we're just known of people that are depressed, shy and quiet, non smiling people and we drink ALOT.

Though that's not the thruth, finnish guy does like to drink but he's not a drunkard, also we may be quiet, shy etc looking to foreigners but we're actually balanced people, just a little bit more... well... unsocial? :p
Dunno how to say it.
i regularly drink to excess, but i'm not drinking right now.

my fave drink is a pint of carling/carlsberg/fosters etc. i'm quite partial to a double vodka and red bull/coke and southern comfort + lemonade...mmmmmm tasty.

i feel like getting a drink now, see you all later when i'm suitably pissed.