Driver points

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
As you all probably know, if someone kills a guy in a vehicle, he gets two points for the kill and all the other members gets driving points, even those who don't drive. And if the driver kills someone, everyone else gets points too. I think that only the driver should be able to get driving points. Crouching in a tank while the driver kills is one helluva easy way to get points!
The_Monkey said:
As you all probably know, if someone kills a guy in a vehicle, he gets two points for the kill and all the other members gets driving points, even those who don't drive. And if the driver kills someone, everyone else gets points too. I think that only the driver should be able to get driving points. Crouching in a tank while the driver kills is one helluva easy way to get points!

BAD! Thats how I get most of my points!
I guess it works most of the time, as people rather shoot than crouch. Then it's logical as the tank or whatever other vehicle with a gunner seat is protected by the gunner from any C4 or anti-tank smartasses or that would like to blow you up, therefore enabling the driver to drive further and do some more damage :) The driver gets points from the gunner's kills, as it's his driving that enables the gunner to shoot and kill the enemies.
Damn, I thought this was about "Driver Ability Points" as I was hoping to find out wtf those are...
i normally stay crouched in tha tank till he slows or stops because its too damn hard to shoot while he moves, and i know that when im sniping and see a gunner, i just think to myself "..and +2 for me" because they are such an easy kill. So i pop up to make it a surprise...sort of