Drum and Bass


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
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Anybody a fan of good old DnB? Roaring synths mixed with hardcore breakbeat-ish drums.

I made a DnB track today in Reason 3. Lots of crazy and dynamic stuff.


The 'Rossz Csillag Alatt Született' album by Venetian Snares was my main inspiration. Although they use orchestra instead of synth, which I love also.

So I guess this thread serves to show my track and start a discussion on DnB, if any of you have anything to say.

BassDrive is a great online radio for DnB.

Edit: Ahh shit, this is in the wrong section. Could a mod move this to the Music section?
Edit 2: Thank you.
I've never gotten good hoovers out of Reason. Maybe with the Maelstrom, but I vastly prefer the Subtractor. If I've ever made something DnB'ish, I've always made some twists.

DnB is good fun. Can't say I'd buy any albums of the stuff, but I've always liked the sound of the breaks. Dillinja, Dieselboy... DJ Teebee is the only artist I'd consider purchasing an album from. Dark, lush techstep tunes heavy on the atmosphere.
It's funny this thread should pop up today as just yesterday I bought an 3-CD album from an Urban range of CD's called Essential Drum&Bass. They've got loads of cool CD's in the range like Essential Breaks, HipHop, Trance, Dance, etc. Only a fiver, so I'm going to get a few more sometime.

But anyway, the CD's are great. Deffinatly going to be looking into more of these artists. Theres some really good ones on them like Aquasky, Muffler, Higher Sense, etc. I've really been getting into it alot more over the last few weeks. I thought artists like Squarepusher, Pendulum and Aphex Twin would be the closet to the line I'd get for it, really, but after opening up abit to it* I'm really starting to enjoy it. Alot.

* With thanks to the site di.fm which is a great online stream station with loads of channels to DnB, Trance, Breaks, etc. It's been a real help.
I listen to di.fm's DnB channels but I'm not interested in it other than that.

Your track's pretty good, though. I'd rather have more hardcore dnb rhythm than the almost vaguely idm-esque sections.
I liked it. Especially the part near the end where the drums slow down to a robotic pace.
I like the drum sounds, they sound like if someone were actually playing them.
I usually like most of the stuff Vege makes. This doesn't disappoint.
Anybody a fan of good old DnB? Roaring synths mixed with hardcore breakbeat-ish drums.

I made a DnB track today in Reason 3. Lots of crazy and dynamic stuff.


The 'Rossz Csillag Alatt Született' album by Venetian Snares was my main inspiration. Although they use orchestra instead of synth, which I love also.

So I guess this thread serves to show my track and start a discussion on DnB, if any of you have anything to say.

BassDrive is a great online radio for DnB.

Edit: Ahh shit, this is in the wrong section. Could a mod move this to the Music section?
Edit 2: Thank you.

Good goin mayn, I rocked to this one. Some of it's a bit wey! but other than that you're on the right track!
Lol, well a few samples do. I mean it's just that I'm used to fl studio and i think this sounds better.
Heh, I used to use FL Studio a lot. I'm still settling in with Reason and it's phenominal how powerful it is. Drums aren't even a tenth of all the shit you can do, the synthesis and all the effects processors and shit just gives you this endless limitless feeling when you use it. It's one of those programs you never master.

Thanks G-Dub!
Nope, read about it and judged it to not be necessary to me at this time.
Heh, I used to use FL Studio a lot. I'm still settling in with Reason and it's phenominal how powerful it is. Drums aren't even a tenth of all the shit you can do, the synthesis and all the effects processors and shit just gives you this endless limitless feeling when you use it. It's one of those programs you never master.

Thanks G-Dub!

lol, now worries, try Pool Tools ;) that's industry standard baby! :D
Nope, read about it and judged it to not be necessary to me at this time.

Neither did I when it started off. But I eventually grew to dislike the factory loops. Their pre-customized nature just seemed to be a barrier to creativity. Also missing some classics.

Besides, I found ReCycle was great for also cutting up vocals and other audio files.
I really like it, have made a few dnb tracks myself. i like listening to mixes of the stuff, it's definitely the best club music. some really nice production going into it

dnbradio.org has a nice streaming radio, lots of live shows at the weekends. :)

reason doesn't work well for the dnb sound imho, it doesn't do bass very well and you need to spend ages just to get the synths to sound big.. it has a very muddy sound when you mix several sounds together. i'd look into buying a juno or something to get hoover sounds

there's some really inventive bass synthesizing on some tracks..

personal favourites are embrace by muffler, kaleidoscope by logistics, high contrast stuff, dillinja, bad company

vsnares is a brilliant artist but his stuff is more breakcore :p

listening to your track now..
the amen break, OH NO RUN!

I like it though. it sounds a bit too panned to the right, or is the computers at my school ****ed? pan some stuff to the left to balance it out

it's abit repetitive. needs some room reverb, it sounds really dry. i like the first synth. try EQing the track and instruments a bit to bring the frequencies out.. and slap some compression on it? could use some variation too. but it's a good track :)

it's way too slow though. 160bpm-ish? most stuff today is 175 bpm, if you want it played in dnb clubs and on the radio and stuff
Nothing wrong with the Amen break. :(

It's entirely how you treat it.
no seriously.. i'm so tired of that thing :P

it's the only thing i dont like about vsnares.. when he has a grand grand grand son who makes music he's probably still going to use the mother****ing amen break
What are you guys talking about, amen break?

I didn't spend any time mastering or panning or anything, I didn't really plan on it being a full track, I just wanted to drum out my recent obsession.
It's a sound you have to appreciate on its own. Might as well consider it more of an instrument than a sample.

I hear a lot of the Amen in Squarepusher's material. But - excusing some of the chaff - it's the way he handles it that makes it so distinctly his own.
What are you guys talking about, amen break?

I didn't spend any time mastering or panning or anything, I didn't really plan on it being a full track, I just wanted to drum out my recent obsession.

It's the drum loop you're using. It's sampled from the breakdown segment of the song "Amen Brother" by The Winstons. It's pretty much a staple of the DnB/Jungle community along with the equally notorious "Funky Drummer" break sampled from James Brown.

There are a few others with some fair usage. Scorpio, apache, worm, hotpants, mardigras, etc...
because youve used some fancied up versio nor a small section of the full beat, it is the break thoiugh
Trust us, it's the amen break.

I personally have no problem with it. I like it. It's got an aggressive, compressed thrust to it that's hard to match or replicate. But I can understand why people tire of it. But now that it's so ingrained into the genre, I can't see it going away. Thus why I think any progression has to be in treatment.
I think it sounds awesome, and frankly I don't see why it matters the way the drums sound as long as they are arranged that way. I could have used any samples I wanted, I just happened to pick those. It's like saying if I play this beat on this drum set it's a different beat than if I do the exact thing on another drum set.

You could have been more clearer with whether you means the actual drum samples themselves or the beat they were arranged in. Because that has no relevance here.
when you have heard a million drum n bass, breakcore and idm tracks having that break you're going to grow tired of it and get more interested in more original sounding breaks :)
I just think the actual way the drums are arranged is far more important than their sound. It's like saying you are bored of the way a piano sounds... It's about the melody, not the sound.
depends on how you look at it.. i just know that its my opinion

go listen to dnbradio.org for a few months and you're probably going to think the same