Drunk astronauts


The Freeman
Jul 23, 2003
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Again, I don't see what the big deal is. Alcohol is a good muscle relaxant for the multi G takeoff.
A relaxant, right! In that case all surgeons should break open a bottle of champagne before performing liver transplants. And airline pilots should certainly have a few tequila chasers before a transatlantic flight!

All that shit is automated. All your suggestions require skill, being blown into space does not.

Again, I don't see what the big deal is. Alcohol is a good muscle relaxant for the multi G takeoff.

Righht. You do realize that NASA is governmentally funded by taxes and you do realize the amount of money it costs to lift off a space shuttle, right?

You're trying to telling me its "no big deal" for an astronaut to be so irresponsible by drinking prior to a launch when the launch literally costs well into the billions?

All that shit is automated. All your suggestions require skill, being blown into space does not.

So drunken astronaut Bill is no liability while on board a launching space shuttle?

"hey guyz wuts this switch do?!" *explosion*
You're trying to telling me its "no big deal" for an astronaut to be so irresponsible by drinking prior to a launch when the launch literally costs well into the billions?

Yes, becuase it has no bearing on the actual procedure.

So drunken astronaut Bill is no liability while on board a launching space shuttle?

"hey guyz wuts this switch do?!" *explosion*

Again, automated. Not gonna happen on lift-off. They're too busy being pummeled in a tempurpedic cage.
I was thinking about that today and I don't see why everybody is going crazy about this. DUI drivers on Earth is a very dangerous thing because there is well, Earth. Also gravity if you're flying a plane. If you're in space though what are you going to crash into? *On second thought you just might re-enter Earths atmosphere or go way into space. Oops lol.
Bah, just give them some pharmaceuticals.
To say it is not a big deal is stupid, regardless if you drink alcohol or not. There's times to drink, and theres time to not drink. It's just like a job, you honestly think those people have to do nothing while being launched into space? Then why the hell would they put people in there, they have to handle more of the controls than you can imagine, it's not like they have some robot doing shit for them.

And if it was "automated" and simple, and no worries like you say, then why don't they send random yahoos up into space everytime?
To say it is not a big deal is stupid, regardless if you drink alcohol or not. There's times to drink, and theres time to not drink. It's just like a job, you honestly think those people have to do nothing while being launched into space? Then why the hell would they put people in there, they have to handle more of the controls than you can imagine, it's not like they have some robot doing shit for them.

And if it was "automated" and simple, and no worries like you say, then why don't they send random yahoos up into space everytime?
Too true. Still makes me think crashing into some alien spaceship or something while drunk idk.
you honestly think those people have to do nothing while being launched into space?

Yes, that's the way it is.

And if it was "automated" and simple, and no worries like you say, then why don't they send random yahoos up into space everytime?

The launch is automated, yes. What comes after is not. And, to me, if they make them start doing shit immediately after launch, that's just wrong. They send crews up for weeks, there's time to let the first timers just experience for a while, if not it's a fools errand...
What if something goes wrong mid procedure and needs hands on attention?

No matter what, something could go wrong, and a drunk astronaught is not the idea person for the situation. Nobody in their right mind would risk a billion dollar ordeal over a drunk guy.
Yes, that's the way it is.

oh, i forgot you are the space pilot expert technohippychic. *rolls eyes*

The launch is automated, yes. What comes after is not. And, to me, if they make them start doing shit immediately after launch, that's just wrong. They send crews up for weeks, there's time time to let the first timers just experience for a while, if not not it's a fools errand...

HAHAH, that's like saying "Dude, my boss has me watch the kids up at the day care center for 35 hours a week, and guess what, She fires me because I got drunk? What was I supposed to do? Watch the kids or something, those things are self automated? It's so boring!"
-thats why its called a friggin job, people are not spending billions of dollars on your ass to get drunk in space, just like anything else you are employed for, a job is going to be boring, yes, but that doesn't mean you get piss drunk as a solution.
hehe thats kind of funny

astro1:houston we got a problem
houston:what it is ss3?
atro1:is very urgent!
houston:what it is ss3?!
atro1:you have a very huge butt hehehe!!
houston:what the?
astro1:its huuuuge I can see it from here!
houston:whats going on ss3?
astro1:billy is spining around again*hicup* he cant stop,keep spining him boys!
houston:ss3 what the hell is going?
astro1:I gunna toell yo whats going on,we need some hookers man,whit biguns!*hicup* you know what I ma talking about son of a bitch!*hicup*
houston:ss3 what all this
astro1:is just..oh shit billy started vomiting all around the place!..
astro1: oh crap is geting inside all the control equipments!,someone open up a windo...ohh man my face!..billy what do ya eat billy?!
houston:ss3 this is unaceptable
astro1:unacebtable my ass whit this diaper!,cuz let me tell you something...ouh looks like we have to go back to bring another space telescope,the vomit of billy messed up the controllers and the thing is flying away!*hicup*maybe this buton will bring it ba..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
My dad used to work at a stamping plant for many years, a lot of that stuff is automated, but that doesn't mean he can get drunk on the job? Even though it's automated, a machine could still tear off his arm if he's not paying attention.

Same concept, except instead your inside a giant billion dollar machine, exiting the earth's atmosphere.

not a good idea
They're strapped into their chairs. What's the worse that could happen?
They're strapped into their chairs. What's the worse that could happen?

thats like saying "the four year old is driving the car, but it has a buckle on... whats the worst that could happen?"
thats like saying "the four year old is driving the car, but it has a buckle on... whats the worst that could happen?"

I'm 99% sure that the astronauts don't even fly the ****ing plane till it gets into orbit, and that even then, it's just punching numbers into a panel.
Oh, okay, so since their not 4 yr olds, and since they are not driving a car, it's okay that they are piss drunk adults, inside a billion dollar flying machine?
The controls are all right there infront of them, infact they are surrounded by controls, how do you know they wont do something stupid? It's their job to be aware during the procedure, incase something goes wrong.
What if he throws up and the Gforces shove his vomit back into his throat and he chokes to death? What then huh?!
Oh, okay, so since their not 4 yr olds, and since they are not driving a car, it's okay that they are piss drunk adults, inside a billion dollar flying machine?
The controls are all right there infront of them, infact they are surrounded by controls, how do you know they wont do something stupid? It's their job to be aware during the procedure, incase something goes wrong.

They haven't ****ed anything up yet, so they're obviously not getting so drunk that they go blind, and most likely doing it on their down time.

They're astronauts. They're not stupid enough to just start chonging shots in the middle of a satellite repair.
Having worked at JSC, and having participated in the launch simulator, I can tell you within a great deal of accuracy that the launch is NOT automated. There are so many things the pilot has to do, so many procedures and buttons and levers to press at exactley the right time, you can not afford him to be drunk any more than you can afford your brain surgeon to be drunk. The other astronauts are another story, because most of them are not directley involved in launch procedures. But, if the pilot were to be compromised, or if the automating systems were to fail, or if any sort of manual override were to need to happen (Which certainly happens ALOT, that's why they train astronauts for them in the simulator), you would want every person in tip-top condition to properly control the spacecraft.

Launch is THE most dangerous manuver in the shuttle's mission, and it takes a perfectley orchestrated team to keep the ship exactley in its perscribed timeframe. There are so many things that could go wrong on launch that any small mistake could lead to the deaths of all on board. It is a HUGE deal that any of the astronauts be drunk upon launch, and it is a terrible blight on NASA that they allowed the astronauts to be in that state while launching.
I'm 99% sure that the astronauts don't even fly the ****ing plane till it gets into orbit, and that even then, it's just punching numbers into a panel.

and you're 99 percent wrong.

Nobody in here actually knows what it's like to be an astronaut nor what the full procedure of a take-off is so this is all pointless speculation.
and you're 99 percent wrong.


I don't see any analogue control devices that'd require intense skill and concentration to operate.

It's all buttons on a panel. ALLOT of buttons, sure, but still, just buttons no a panel.
A large amount of it is automated though...

Here's whats really automated: the solid rocket boosters.

They burn continuously. Nothing stops them. The lack of control from the solid rocket boosters is what makes the launch so difficult.

Automation can help in keeping the rocket aligned and manuvering at the right time, but the pilot must verify EVERY automated move. NASA does this to ensure that if something goes wrong, a pilot can adjust course or procedure to make sure that everything goes as planned. And besides, automation can fail. You always need a real pilot monitoring all the controls and verifying every manuver incase there is a malfunction in the system, in which case he must carefully go through a procedure to work around it.

Astronauts train for hours and hours in a simulator just going over launch. They follow an extremely strict procedure and must be trained for every possible problem. Every astronaut is trained in the launch procedure and controls, and every astronaut must remain focused incase anything goes wrong.
I don't see any analogue control devices that'd require intense skill and concentration to operate.

It's all buttons on a panel. ALLOT of buttons, sure, but still, just buttons no a panel.

See those dual joysticks in front of the copilot and pilots seats?
That pretty much summed up what I thought.

Theres just such a small margin for error, that most of it is done by computers. The pilots are there for emergencies. If I remember right, theres three systems checking each other constantly for errors as it flys itself into space.
So its okay for the astronauts to be piss drunk, because hey... they're only needed in case of emergencies, which never happen, right???
So its okay for the astronauts to be piss drunk, because hey... they're only needed in case of emergencies, which never happen, right???

Well really, wtf are they going to do in a liftoff emergency?
Automated or not, it's pretty damned irresponsible and careless on their part.