DS software development ceasing after 1yr?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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Well the people at my EB have told me that DS software support will compeltely discontinue after a year, they say nintendo is going to be focusing on the Gameboy SP 2, they say they have been told this personally from they're Nitendo rep. Anyone know if there is any substance in this claim? I certainly hope not :(
I wouldn't trust anyone who works at EB ;)
Warbie said:
I wouldn't trust anyone who works at EB ;)

idk thats what I thought at first, but then the manager told me that he had just seen the nintendo rep who told him this :\
babyheadcrab said:
idk thats what I thought at first, but then the manager told me that he had just seen the nintendo rep who told him this :\

Definately don't trust the manager :)

As if a Nintendo rep would tell anyone, let alone the local manager to a video game retailers, this information (assuming that's it's true, which I highly doubt)

This manager is talking out of his arse.
Warbie said:
Definately don't trust the manager :)

As if a Nintendo rep would tell anyone, let alone the local manager to a video game retailers, this information (assuming that's it's true, which I highly doubt)

This manager is talking out of his arse.

Well I know the nintendo rep personally, but haven't seen him in awhile. And he does tend to tell them true things. Now I cant say if this in specific is true but I trust the manager in general as he is not the dishonest type.
While it may be true, there were a lot of stories involving managers at various shops before HL2 was released, and I can't remember how many were true (and a lack of memory usually goes hand in hand with a non-event)
Maybe the rep got it wrong, or the story has changed slightly as its moved down the line.
It may or may not be true, but everyone knows the future of the DS is extremely uncertain. I for one am worried because DS has little to no software support at this point and very very few promising titles seem to be on the horizon.

I'm not sure why, but it seems developers would rather choose another platform. I have nothing against Nintendo but the DS as far as I can see is a failure in terms of software support and for that reason I think nintendo might choose to end it all together. The reason I think this claim holds substance is because if you look at the the software out and what is planned, you'd think Nintendo would be in quite a desperate situation to continue support of the handheld. After all why keep pouring money into a device with seemingly no interest coming in the way of publishers.
Eveyone seems so eager to pass judgement so soon (before the DS is even released in some countries)

There's new Zelda, Mario, and Metroid games on the horizon (plus a great deal of others that look very promising - Advance Wars, FF6, new Mana title, Mario Kart, new Goeman title ........ could go on for quite a while) The lineup is actually far more impressive than i'd hoped (certainly more than another handheld I could mention ;) ..... which also has a very poor selection of titles at the moment)

I think you're right that their focus on the DS will lessen once the Revolution and GBA2 (which is the real competition for the PSP) are released. It may even grind to a halt in a couple of years - but chances are enough quality titles will have been released in that time to keep every DS owner happy with their purchase (my problem is I haven't enough money for all the DS games I want ...... and the 'good' ones haven't even started coming out yet)
Warbie said:
Eveyone seems so eager to pass judgement so soon (before the DS is even released in some countries)

I believe there is a problem when a console launches with not one game that can sincerily hold it's own until the real substantial games come out. In Microsoft's case this was Halo (xb) The launch of DS might have seen a great deal of units sold, but I have to say the lack of software support even for a launch was nausiating. You should have at least 1 game that can carry your customers into a trusting relationship with there purchase, it's just common sense in marketing. This is critical, contrary to what alot of people believe because as soon as you loose a gamers trust, they often will not return; as with any other buisness. This is not to say truly amazing games will never make an appearence, but the lifespan of the DS could have been substancially increased with a stable launch.
That's a fair point - while there were a fair few decent/good titles at launch, there is yet to be a 'killer app'. On the other hand - the DS attracts a wide audience (even my mum likes it) and has sold like hotcakes.

It's a popular system - with a good number of decent looking titles being released throughout the year. Things are looking up at the moment.
Please. They may work at a gaming store but I swear that some of them don't know the difference between a PS2 and PC game. Have you ever noticed that some of them try to sound like they're in the know when, in fact, they're not? He/she may have been a PSP fan for all we know.
But we all know that the DS is the worst handheld ever (IMO).
My Pocket pc can do better.
I didn't really see any decent looking titles for it. They are at best what my 486 ran back in the days.
beraiviodk said:
My Pocket pc can do better

Of course it can :thumbs:

*walks off to play 8 player Band Bros*
beraiviodk said:
But we all know that the DS is the worst handheld ever (IMO).
My Pocket pc can do better.
I didn't really see any decent looking titles for it. They are at best what my 486 ran back in the days.

The last thing this thread needs is ignorance, post something intellegent and back it up or go away. Anyways Warbie the design is sheer genious there is absolutely no denying that. My parents and friends all love fiddling with it as well. The problem is sitting down for a prolonged amount of time and staying entertained ;) I, like you, am a Nintendo enthusiast (nice way of saying fanboy :p) but I can only hope that the DS stays strong in the market. The design is revolutionary and I can't wait for games like puppy times to take true advantage of the stylus. The future of this system is now completely in the hands of the imgination of the developers. One can only hope some truly revolutionary titles emerge.

However, the majority of DS games out at the moment are designed to be played on the move, in short sittings (Wario Ware is great fun when passed between mates for 20 minute sessions at lunch - but if you sit down to play it for an hour at home it'll get dull pretty quickly)

Of course, once we get Advance Wars and 4 Swords (playable online?) etc this will change.

In the meantime, have a look at these :) http://media.ds.ign.com/media/733/733808/vids_1.html

(not sure if Electroplanckton qualifies as a game - but I know i'll crumble and buy it on release. It just looks .... fun)
You can probably make some great porno games with all the "touch" going on.
beraiviodk said:
You can probably make some great porno games with all the "touch" going on.

Holy crap, you're right!!! Somone has got to get in on this. :naughty: Imagine the possibilities.
I thought there was gonna be an age of empires game for the ds...

anyways, what is the sp2?
A person at EB told me that the Xbox 900 will be a huge walking robot that gives handjobs
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
A person at EB told me that the Xbox 900 will be a huge walking robot that gives handjobs

I already have one, it's called munro