Dual Channel Memory Question


May 15, 2003
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Hey guys, Its time for a Memory upgrade for me.. here is my current specs:

Asus A7N8X Deluxe rev 2.0
2500+ oc'd to 3200+
Sapphire 9800 Pro
Onboard SoundStorm
corsair xms twinX 2x 256mb pc3200 low latency

I was thinking of getting these from newegg: http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproductdesc.asp?description=20-146-950&DEPA=1

BUT.. I was wonder if i can dual channel with 3 slots of ram, ie 3x 256mb sticks of my current ram. My mobo has 3 total slots. My friend has a p4 system with 4 slots and he was able to put 4x 256 sticks in and they work in dual channel, just wondering if I can do the same with 3 slots. Thanks.
No. Utilizing the third slot (or using an odd number of DIMMs in general) means you go back to single-channel.

On the other hand those sticks you're looking at should run fine by themselves in a plain 2x512 MB setup, giving you 1 GB. You aren't likely to notice the difference between 1024 MB and 1280 MB.
Actually I have heard of using 3 slots with dual channel mode on the nforce2 boards.
Not with 3x256mb sticks though.
The two for the first controller would have to add up to the 3rd stick.
A 512mb + 2x 256mb configuration should work.
I'll have to look it up when I get home.

But there really isn't a difference between dual channel vs single with that system.
I would recommend buying a 512mb stick anyway.
That ram on newegg is in the $200 range... That's kinda high considering the fact that it's the ram and nothing else in the box... I got my ram from www.mwave.com for 180... It's down to 160 now though...

Crucial... Mwave's a good site if you understand what you're getting... However it's kinda hard to navigate sometimes...
Yes i have the exact same ram (1x512 and 2x256) 3200LLPT and it runs in dual channel mode......... enjoy :p

Edit - Weird that my system is Exactly the same as yours - same gfx card, same mobo, i even have my 2500+ at 3200+ :O