Dual Core Stress Test

Wow that is ace! Pretty impressive how you can view teh results live.
Well it's over and they have updated it a few times over the corse of this past week.
Intel had 3 restarts and AMD 0.

Also note, AMD's NON-SLI results were faster than Intel's SLI scores with all 4 apps running. Impressive.
Now I'm a little hesitant to buy a dual core CPU, I have $1000 what should I get!! Should I wait for the new nvidia card?
ComradeBadger said:
I'd save the money, you've got a pretty leetstyle system as it is :)

Quoted for emphasise! I still have my AMD Barton 2800+ (OCd to 3000+) and a 9800XT - still works good for me for HL2 (and mods), Doom3 and Far Cry.

Just wait until the new FXs and dual cores come out later this year and THEN upgrade for the newer leet system.
well it is the best system by far at the LAN I go to, everyone else has the AMD 64 3000+ (I used to have that but gave that system to my mom) or lower. The highest I think someone has the a 3500+ or somethin.