Dual Moniter Setup question

Dec 12, 2005
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Ok, so I have a dual moniter setup using a new ATI card... I'd like to know, how do you get the background to stretch across both moniters, instead of just putting up the background twice, one on each moniter?

In the nVidia control panel you need to select "Horizontal Span" to stretch the desktop like that... I can't remember what it was in catalyst. Try looking around for "Horizontal span/stretch/desktop"
Right click on desktop
go to properties
Right click on the 2nd display and click Attatched and that will stretch out onto your second display. :)
Once you have both monitors enabled in display properties, Dual View is the setting you want. It considers them individual monitors in this mode unlike horisontal span. If your mouse does not cross in the center when moving from monitor to monitor but from outside to outside then just drag the monitor in Display properties across to the other side.
Which ever is primary that is where your applications/popups will open for the first time.

If you just want to Stretch your desktop wallpaper then set to tile but make sure the resolution of the picture matches what you have your desktop set to. If you put it to Stretch then it will just fill monitor 1 and then make a replica filled in monitor 2 so you have 2 of the same picture.