Dude Where's My Thumb 2 Contest


Jul 6, 2003
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[br]Like last year's contest, Valve are challenging you to take a funny, scary or a creative picture of yourself in front of a L4D2's outdoor ad (Buses or Billboards) and in return they will give you a limited edition "infected" Xbox 360-hand-painted, laser engraved and custom designed to celebrate the release of Left 4 Dead 2. And the 25 runners-up get Xbox 360 copies of Left 4 Dead 2 autographed by the L4D2 team.

With Left 4 Dead 2's November 17th release date almost upon us, that means the return of the "Dude, Where's My Thumb" contest, and another chance to be inventive and win awesome prizes. Like last year's contest, gamers are challenged to take a funny, interesting, scary or otherwise unique photograph of you or a friend in front of one of L4D2's outdoor media placements (buses, billboards, etc.). You could win a limited edition "infected" Xbox 360-hand-painted, laser engraved and custom designed to celebrate the release of Left 4 Dead 2.

Go to the official contest page for more info.
Wait, so if we win this we get a XBOX360 version of the game?

Is this attempt at internet funnies?
I want to see this Xbox, sounds awesome.

Not seen any outdoor L4D2 advertisements round here :(
I thought the phrasing "a limited edition "infected" Xbox 360-hand-painted, laser engraved and custom designed" was a bit awkward.

I was all, "hand-painted, laser engraved, custom designed what?" and PorkPi provided the answer. I think the "Infected Xbox 360" goes at the end.
Too bad I live in the middle of nowhere, and so there are no signs of the sort here.
I wished they announced this contest just a littlesooner, so I don't look like a jackass dressed up as a zombie.
I thought the phrasing "a limited edition "infected" Xbox 360-hand-painted, laser engraved and custom designed" was a bit awkward.

I was all, "hand-painted, laser engraved, custom designed what?" and PorkPi provided the answer. I think the "Infected Xbox 360" goes at the end.
His wording would have been better if he used a double-dash instead of one.
Are they going to give any clues as to where the ones in London actually are?
Who gives a ¢@?% about xbox360... It seems like it's Valve's leading platform for L4D2
It almost sounds like you answered your own question. Some section of gamers obviously give a shit about it.
It's USA only...and limited to like 6-8 cities. So much for a 20 million advertising campaign.
I've seen a lot of L4D2 Billboards in Texas. I drive past 2 on my way to work, and 1 on my way home.
Are they going to give any clues as to where the ones in London actually are?
Not sure if it counts but they usually play the trailer on the big screen at Liverpool Street. I've never seen billboards in London though, I guess picadilly circus is the next best option.
The only billboard I ever saw for L4D was on top of a 20 storey building in SF and I had absolutely no way of getting up there to participate in the first contest. Shit sucked.
Sounds like you're qutting, Darkside. Are you a quitter?
I tried hard, but trickjumping up a building just doesn't work right IRL.
You could have done something using perspective, like cupping your hands to look like you were holding the billboard.
Use it to smack Lombardi's face.
k, I entered but how do you look at the submissions like last year, or were they only viewable after the contest?
I've seen ads on like the far side of the tracks at BART. I'm not going over there :/