Dues Ex Mods


Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Does any1 know of ne good Singleplayer mods made for Deus Ex 1 and Unreal 2?
nope. both have really small mod communities, I havent seen any really good mods for either one :(
damn Dues Ex could have hand some AMAZING mods.
Deus Ex 2 and Thief III would've had better ones, but they aren't releasing the SDKs...
B-MAn said:
Does any1 know of ne good Singleplayer mods made for Deus Ex 1 and Unreal 2?

There's Unreal XMP, although I don't know how much that get's played anymore. It's pretty enjoyable; I played the demo.
Unreal xmp's mp was really fun. No one plays it anymore tho :/
ComradeBadger said:
Me and MaxiKana used to ;(

I used to play xmp too.

The XMP ut2004 mod is still being made and should be finnish before too long.
thehunter1320 said:
bleh... Unreal XMP = UT 2k4 excepy UT 2k4 = better

No way they were very different. XMP was way better.
Playing Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch was always fun for me in Deus Ex. Still people playing it online.