Duke Nukem 3D Taunts?


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
the taunts in the game, when you press ALT+F1 to F12 he says

"What are you? some *** scum sucking algae eater?"
"Damn, Im Lookin good"
Damn, Your Ugly
"Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... oh! im all outta gum!"

does anyone still have duuke nukem? i want those taunt sound files
I should have it lying around somewhere at home.
Ha ha i remember when i was a kid playin the demo. i laughed every time i heard "Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... oh! im all outta gum!" good ol days =D
Haha, yeah.. I was like desperate on finding those stripper chicks aswell. :naughty:
"I'm gonna rip off your head, and shit down your neck"
You know, Duke Nukem Forever has to be the biggest **** up in the history of games under development. Now, years later most people don't even care about it, but I remember playing the hell out of Duke Nukem 3D, and feverishly waiting for a sequel. 3D Realms can go to hell.
That stripper scene was the best... and so was the subway place... and so was the night club/bar with the pool table... and so was the moon mission.... and so was the theater... :)
KinGadY said:
"Damn, Im Lookin good"

Yeah I remember that one; he said that in the mirror in the restroom. Once I went in there and the game messed up and he was saying it over and over.

I also remember, "What are you waiting for, Christmas?" if you stood too long licking up the water from the fire hydrant... or broken toilet :o....

And I still have that game on another computer. I played a little a year ago, heh.

Edit: Oh crap, I just realized you don't need someone to email it to you. Go here: http://www.dosgames.com/g_3d.php :D
swop your face with your arse whats the differance!
"Man it was really cool going through new voice work, and made me want to get Duke Forever going even faster."

--Some guy from 3d Realms, dated June 11, 1997

Notice that he uses the word "even". So imagine where Duke Nukem Forever was now if they hadn't made it go faster (yeah, sure). I think they would now be carefully moving to actual coding, after having finished the storyboards and concept art.
HAHA! His impression of Patrick Stewart was brilliant. Haha, never realised he could do such a diverse range of voice's.
Holy crap that was hilarious. First trying to get himself serious and not laugh then saying "Mr. Data suck my D***".