Dumb Question

Kebean PFC

Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I got the BF2 demo and i have a question.

When they say time limit, does that mean X days after install it will stop working, or do you only have X amount of time per round.

Thanks for you help in advance.
12 minute rounds is what they mean. But look for servers with "no time limit" they hacked a file to remove the timelimit so you can play without.
Pauly said:
12 minute rounds is what they mean. But look for servers with "no time limit" they hacked a file to remove the timelimit so you can play without.

Some servers that claim no time limit, really have a timelimit. Either they goofed, or they just trying to attract players. Heh.

The one server Red chose for our game session, was apparently a no time limit, but it had one.
Just do it yourself for SP:

Find "Server\mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\gpm_cq.py" and open it in notepad

Since python is what BF2 uses, its only a matter of commenting out one line, which happens to be:
host.registerHandler('TimeLimitReached', onTimeLimitReached, 1)

So change it to have the "#" comment character infront, like this:
#host.registerHandler('TimeLimitReached', onTimeLimitReached, 1)

Then when the timer runs out, nothing will happen.

But.. uhh... you may not want to (or be able to) do that much now: http://www.forumplanet.com/planetbattlefield/topic.asp?fid=7419&tid=1672719

Ohh.. it develops! http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=878

EA is saying that Gamespy blacklisted the servers, and gamespy is saying EA did it... Ohh!
OK BF2 aint working.

I double click the icon, my screen goes black, then gioes back to desktop. No error, no program running. Just nothing. Why is this? Oh and i already updadted the drivers. It wouldn't work before either.

System Specs:
CPU: P-4 2.80 GHz
1.00 Gb RAM
Ti - 42000 with 64mb on the card
SoundBlaster 5.1
Except it's not just the fact that its a Ti, but that it's a 64mb card...

Time to upgrade man, sorry :|