Dunno what to say about this

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D!!!!

oh my eyes are watering :D
You know, sometimes I wonder, what if your whole life was a slow spiral down, without any chance of happiness, ever. For some reason it’s quite sad, to see a man who is locked up in his own mind.
Mr.Reak said:
For some reason it’s quite sad, to see a man who is locked up in his own mind.
And dont forget the chicken coop.
Yeah this was on the news the other day, its sad that he didn't have to be like that but they didn't know what to do with him for so long. So much of his life wasted...One can only wonder what ever went through his head all that time.
If it looks like a chicken and acts like a chicken... It's probably some weird New Zealander.
Seriously though, that's pretty messed up. It's really strange to think what his mind must have been going through... was he just blank? You'd think he'd be aware that he wasn't actually a chicken, but how could he if that's all he'd ever known? Like Tarzan I guess.

Kinda reminds me of a short story I read, where, as an experiment, a scientist raised a child to think and speak in opposites, so yes would be no and up would be down and so forth. She was confined indoors at all times so she'd never know the truth, but I think he was planning to release her eventually to see the results. Anyway at the end the scientist's house caught on fire, she barely escapes and the firemen show up. A fireman asks her if there's still anyone inside, to which she replies "No." :)
DeltaBlast said:
If it looks like a chicken and acts like a chicken... It's probably some weird New Zealander.

That doesn't really make sense, maybe if it was a sheep :P

And anyway it's a NZer who's trying to 'cure' him, so go us!
But shouldn't she have interpreted that as is there anyone OUTside?

lol..sorry to get anal.
Mr-Fusion said:
But shouldn't she have interpreted that as is there anyone OUTside?

lol..sorry to get anal.

Very true, but I read it out of one of those Junior Journals back in primary school :P
poor bastard.. I did read once that animals that live with other animals (for example a cat living with numerous dogs) will often think they are the other animal, but a person?! jeez
They once did an experiment where they brought a baby and a chimp up together to see how they fared, for a while it seemed pretty alright, they both did pretty much the same things, but then the baby reached the point where its higher brain functions kicked in, it started talking and walking (admittedly somewhat like a chimp would) where as the chimp just carried on at the same level. They called it off when the parents were concerned at how the baby was grunting and acting like a monkey.
Poor bastard, well, it's not the creulest thing I've heard of, but it's pretty sad.
Farrowlesparrow said:
They once did an experiment where they brought a baby and a chimp up together to see how they fared
For a second there I thought you said:
"They once did an experiment where they brought a baby and a chimp up together to see how they farted."
Ohhhh.... okay. I'm not familiar with the characters from Futurama.... and it sounded like something straight out of Hitchhiker's... it's been ages since I read it though.
Heh, I was trying to tihnk of a book to read and you've just given me an idea...That idea obvsiously being Hitchhiker's Guide
Well there you go... I've actually only read the first one... haven't gotten around to reading the others... maybe I should instead of wasting all my time refreshing the hl2.net forums
Yeah you should....And then come back to the forums.

I actually bought the whole five part trillogy a couple of years ago because they had it all in a nice big book.
I think I read the first one, didn't know there were any others. Wasn't it a radio show?


DreamThrall said:
haha... 5 part... trilogy... *sigh* forgot about that.

Just like the Alien Quadrilogy :D
