Dustbowl bug

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone seen this one?

Building teleports in a certain location to get through to previous stages of the map.

You end up with half the team behind a fence not able to do anything but die.

How on earth do people find these bugs?
My guess is it happens on accident, a guy posts a bug about it on some big forum, like steampowered, people read it, go "OMG THAT'S COOL" *figures out how to do it*

Rest is history.
Ya I've seen it. Interestingly though, the team that isn't behind the fence ends up losing because half the team tries to kill the team behind the fence.
I wouldn't say this bug is unfair, because Sentrys can only be constructed on the other side, making them easy targets.

Glitches and exploits etc are reasonably easy to find, essecially in Call of Duty 3 and 4. These games are so easy to glitch it is unbelieveable. For Call of Duty 4, use Old school mode, it makes you jump higher and available to jump out of levels like backlot. For Call of Duty 3, use Motorbikes up against thin walls, doors or windows. Then the game simply pushes you through the wall, sometimes into a useful area, sometimes in a big pit of blackness.
A pack of RedBulls and a lack of real-friends during friday nights.

Or, you know, on accident like I did. Not everyone's a griefer.:upstare:

I've only been able to do it once. I was playing on a 24/7 Dustbowl server as an engineer on the red team, defending during the first round. We lost, but the blue team failed to destroy my teleporter exit before the end of the round. As you know, ragdoll corpses and destroyed building components often remain from the last round. Not a big deal. However, upon the start of the second round, I left spawn and set up a teleporter entrance, intending to sneak the exit behind the enemy. However, once the entrance finished building, to my surprise, it started glowing.

I took it, and ended up in the fenced-off portion of the map we had been playing on previously. I thought it was funny as hell, as did a few others who had taken the teleporter behind me. I built a sentry behind the fence right next to blue's spawn for laughs, and of course got the "OMG HAX!" and "**** YOU EXPLOITER!" responses. Even though the sentry can't fire on anyone.:upstare:

Inevitably, some idiots who don't know how to use the "kill" or "explode" commands took my teleporter and got stuck. Our team ended up losing, and naturally, I was blamed for it. Morons.

Long story, shot: Trapping teammates with teleporters isn't a huge deal people make it out to be. If you're too dumb to get yourself out, that's your own issue.