

Aug 27, 2004
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I went to run then typed dxdiag in the box, i wanted to test my direct3d and direct draw. When i was testing the direct3d the cube was spinning so fast that i could barely see it. Is this a problem with the driver or the video card? I have Cat 4.10 installed.
I have no idea, I am guessing it means your card is awesome and has an awesome framerate.
yeah, it just means that it can renders the frames really quickly.
About a month ago when i got my video card i did the same test and it was going slower so that i can see the cube and can read the logo on the side. Whats could be possibly wrong im thinking the driver or something.
Hey thanks for your help i fixed it, in my Ati control panel it was set on quality and i was getting crazy fps thats why it was spinning so fast then i set it to high quality and it was going normally like before.
Fil said:
About a month ago when i got my video card i did the same test and it was going slower so that i can see the cube and can read the logo on the side. Whats could be possibly wrong im thinking the driver or something.
V-Sync must have been on the first time you saw it. Enabling High Quality must have re-enabled V-Sync. How/why it got turned off, I couldn't tell you.