Dystopia Media Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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The Dystopia team is early with the easter gifts this year, posting a big media update with some beautiful in-game screenshots!
"Fueled by the incredible feedback from our trip to Valve's offices, over the past weeks Team Dystopia has been pumping through an amazing amout of work. We're proud to show off a handful of in game screenshots, giving everyone an idea how much progress Dystopia has undergone in the last few weeks."

Enjoy the screenshots below, and don't forget to visit Dystopias website, where you can learn more about the project and download a wallpaper, by clicking here!


Those are looking good. The lower left bars of the hud look a little weak, but I don't care because this mod is the furthest along I've ever seen. (edit: 1-800-ALLPOSTS: 1800 posts)
Nice :) but not uber!
It looks like they are "rushing" to be the first big mod for hl2, a lot of things could use some extra work (details on weapons and maps, the hands, the hud).

But it is nice to see a hl2 mod has come so far and I cant wait to try it out.

Good luck Dystopia team
Betelgeuze said:
Nice :) but not uber!
It looks like they are "rushing" to be the first big mod for hl2, a lot of things could use some extra work (details on weapons and maps, the hands, the hud).

But it is nice to see a hl2 mod has come so far and I cant wait to try it out.

Good luck Dystopia team

Yea, i agree its nice but it still seems they are trying to rush it in, at least in my opinion as well
It looks a bit crude. It looks like Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 mated and had a little bastard son, if you know what I mean. I think they should spend some time polishing it.
Are those the hands from CS:S?
yes they use css and hl2 hands but i think they are only placeholders
I can't wait for the gun models to be finished up. Mod's looking absolutely fantastic!
Finally, the first good (no offence to other mods' screenshots) in-game screenshots with custom content.
I dont really like the outside shots, looks like its fullbright. The other stuff looks great.
vetebulle said:
...looks like Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 mated and had a little bastard son, if you know what I mean...
Sainku said:
I dont really like the outside shots, looks like its fullbright. The other stuff looks great.

That's probably because no real lighting has been added to the maps, thus the default overall lighting takes affect and gives off a poor but well lit world. I'm sure when they add the correct lighting it will look stunning, not that it doesn't allready.

Sweet work fellow keep it up...
Lets be honest, who gives a crap what it looks like when it's first released? Personally I hope they rush the maps/models and just get the game out.

Just look at earlier screenshots of Natural Selection, it looked like s**t, but now it's the best looking HL mod.

Stuff like maps can be updated for each subsequent version release, they should not be the main focus of the mod. You can't expect it to look amazing from the moment it's released. Too bad not many mods think this way, which is why they'll fail.
amazing update!

get more screenshots everyone, they're the best media update

Argyll said:
Finally, the first good (no offence to other mods' screenshots) in-game screenshots with custom content.
exactly what i was thinking....
Thanks for the feedback guys!

As guessed, yes we are still using the HL2 and CS hands as placeholders. When people say that Valve content is the weakest part of a screenshot, we can't help but take it as a compliment :)

In response to the comments that we're rushing things, we won't be releasing anything playable to the public until it's all up to the very high standard of quality that we're setting ourselves. These screenshots are taken from maps which are works in progress.

Not only do we aim to be one of the first big total conversions out, we aim to deliver a professional level of quality. Dystopia is our baby, no way will we be pushing it out the door until it's ready.

We'd love to get more feedback from gamers, please swing by our very active and friendly forums!

Great progress guys, i get the feeling some of them are just Nit Picking for the sake of it. I like how you are trying to move away from the 'Half-Life2' look.

I think perhaps some new dirt textures will help that along and a more refined hud interface but that is my nit pick :)

If everyone pops over to their site they have discriptions for each screenshot, so that helps explain the context in which you should put it in.

StardogChampion said:
Personally I hope they rush the maps/models and just get the game out.

uhhh no, rushing is a bad idea. taking your time but sticking to a good schedule is important.

StardogChampion said:
You can't expect it to look amazing from the moment it's released. Too bad not many mods think this way, which is why they'll fail.
things can't be expected to look perfect, but there needs to be a degree of pride and quality. mods won't fail because they think their work should look amazing from the point of release. if mods fail it's because they lack the drive to complete a project or because their concept is poor. it has nothing to do with trying to make their stuff look good lol..

on topic. this stuff is looking good. i like that they're trying to make things look difference from hl2.
Could someone from Dystopia give some insight in how your radar works? At first glance it looks quite complicated and, to the uninformed, useless. However having a xyz radar setup is genius.

And in order to properly compliment the screenshots and the work so far we must form a new word, a compound word:
Mid 05!!! So close....yet so...far away. These screens are totally pownageomgwowgg.
There are a few of us on the Dystopia forums who are looking forward to it enough that we've already started a clan for Dystopia. These screenshots make me happy. I feel reassured that this mod is going to live up to much of the hype. (Which we ourselves created, lol)

The devs are kinda tight-lipped about everything that's going to be in the mod at release, but we have collected all of our present knowledge on the Dystopia Wiki. We hope it'll be a real hub for the Dystopia community once it's released.