Dystopia V4


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Version four of the wonderful dark-future team combat mod Dystopia is now available for download, and chief among the changes made is the addition of two maps: dys_fortress and dys_silo. In the former, a subterranian installation becomes the target of a mercenary team aiming to launch the Silo's missile against an enemy weapons plant, while the latter is a sprint through night-time exteriors and twisted concrete tunnels to destroy first a reactor and then a data archive.[br]

[br]Other upgrades include decapitation (lovely), a voting system, colour coded ICE and a whole load of other changes and fixes. Click here to download the full client, or visit the website if you want to know more - there's a wealth of new screenshots in the media section.
You're a monster, you killed the newspost!!11ONE :O

Downloading update btw.
Lol, the update and full install links are switched around :thumbs:
yay! weee woot! aiiiiiight! yea yea yea! who hoo! yippie! now to see if vapour really works. Will it automatically update dystopia for me hmm.
looks like hl1. flame me please. no sirieusly, the maps don't look impressive. :sleep:

Dodo said:
looks like hl1. flame me please. no sirieusly, the maps don't look impressive. :sleep:


Flame on you! Where's Lawyer with his hate combo?
man, the level disigen sucks....
but atleast the teextures got better
This game is brilliant, retail is definitly in its future
great stuff so far i got to do a decapitation with the katana and saw someone do a decapitation with fatman fist it was funny.
I played the demo MEHHHH, there's only 100 people playing. Now is the game actually fun or is it just "fanboy fun"? (ie there's 2 people who really like it and will spam you to death that it's the best game ever creating a feeling that it's really awesome and thousands play it despite the fact they're only 2 guys)
its a great game, very profesionnaly done, the levels are gonna take everybody a while to master as they are a bit......lets say massive !! apart from that the new models for the weapons are superb, everything is working just fine, the jack out effect is reeeeeeeaaaaally well done. Do give it a try, its by far the most interesting mod out there.
don't worry more people will start servers just like when it first came out (but there was only one map so people got bored easly), I hope they add some vehicles soon as they said they would !!
Mr-Fusion said:
there's only 100 people playing
It could be worse. Look at UnF:E, a great mod for UT2k4 which was released last month, but noone is playing it apart from gathers consisting of about two or three people.
He maps dont look THAt impressive but hopefull the flow of them is better. Still not sure retail is "its future"
Ergh, you need to have the SP game files installed. What's with that? First time I've seen an MP mod require that.

I'm not cool with that, 900 MB is precious space - not for me, but for some.

*Cracks whip*
Calm down beerdude, this game gets boring after an hour. I'm bored with dystopia, its just a fancy DM, with some random stuff thats complicated for no reason, like cyberspace.

Saying that, i will download this and play it, because the new maps might have brought something new to the game i hope, maybe new game modes? Undoubtibily i will be bored soon, but i'll give it a go. I think the game looks brilliant all the time, thermal vision and invisibility are done very well...its just the gameplay which is bland. Catch some of you guys on later maybe.
I have to say everyone is being rather negative about this mod. There are a lot of comments about blandness but to be honest i'm so bloody impressed that a mod has hit a release quality version. Valve did their best to make modding a slow, difficult process and congratulations should go to the dystopia team.

Anyone who slates it BETTER be part of a mod team that's near better quality release.
Rovient said:
Anyone who slates it BETTER be part of a mod team that's near better quality release.
In my experience, this is inevitably true; majority of people who leave negative comments about mods are working on a mod themselves.

I don't question the reasons behind this, i just mourn the fact theres this stupid rivalry between mods...

Then again, I don't lose any sleep over it either ;-)
Teddy said:
In my experience, this is inevitably true; majority of people who leave negative comments about mods are working on a mod themselves.

I don't question the reasons behind this, i just mourn the fact theres this stupid rivalry between mods...

Then again, I don't lose any sleep over it either ;-)

I'm apart of a rival mod team, but I like to see other mod teams get the success they deserve when they release. I eagerly await decent mods to come out and get hailed as the next great thing because I hope the same happens for my mod when it's released. In my opinion, there are too few decent mods out for HL2 to unnecessarily slander one when it achieves success.
Rovient said:
I have to say everyone is being rather negative about this mod. There are a lot of comments about blandness but to be honest i'm so bloody impressed that a mod has hit a release quality version. Valve did their best to make modding a slow, difficult process and congratulations should go to the dystopia team.

They did? I bow down to your superior knowledge on the matter. Personally, I've seen nothing but quality work and support from Valve towards the modding community.

Anyone who slates it BETTER be part of a mod team that's near better quality release.

Because the people who play the game aren't in a position to criticise it?
What Pi said. Players are allowed to criticise too, in fact they are the best people to be criticising - as they're who the modders have to impress.
Teddy said:
In my experience, this is inevitably true; majority of people who leave negative comments about mods are working on a mod themselves.

I don't question the reasons behind this, i just mourn the fact theres this stupid rivalry between mods...

Then again, I don't lose any sleep over it either ;-)

Aye, I've observed that too. Well, I for one was impressed coding-wise by more than one feature of Dystopia, and by the overall speed you guys got a first release ready. I also really like the distinct, completely non-HL2 feel you have managed to give dystopia, both in cyberspace and in your regular levels. As for the gameplay itself, as Pi said, I don't have the time to play other mods more than once, and any decent modder shouldn't either :p

Oh, and I can't forget mentioning you guys really tried to help me out on that coding matter. Comradery >>> rivalry.