E3 2004 and Valve


Aug 20, 2003
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Does anyone know if Valve is going to be at E3 this year?

What will you think if Valve skips this year's E3. Other than "oh, there probibly too busy on the game"

:sniper: :cool:
If the game isn't out before then, I'll eat my hat!
E3 is in May. One month after the expected April release date.
They'll probably show a playable version or something if they delay.
Uh may comes after april.. Anyway..

I thin theyll be there... with TF2.
err. i hate to spoil your cool calendar system but in our world April is before May

SOB, you changed that quickly
Godamnit !!!
I've edited it out already!!!

/me admits error

And wtf is that - «sneaky bastard»
I just wrote it real fast and edited it out on the sec I could.
Well I dont mean to spoil your day, but I am not counting on that April release date, there has never been an offical announcement from valve stating that release date. But I do not want to discuss release dates.
Yeah I wouldnt count on April release even if Valve themselves told me that was the date. Which they havent.
I don't think they'll show Half-Life 2 again (even if it is delayed past May, which I doubt)... Team Fortress 2 maybe... it's due for an update...
Hey, what about if TF2 is the MP for HL2???
They already said it was on Source, but everyone thought the MP, if not really HL, would be CS 2.0
I'm not counting on an April release date either. It will be delayed, and delayed again. If anything, they'll show a beta at E3, with a demo a few months later.

I mean, Intel was supposed to have Prescott out in Q4 of 2003. Did it happen? No. Supposed to happen early February. Will it? I dunno. I'm not hearing any talk about Prescott coming out.

See my point, everything is delayed, and then delayed again.
IMO it would be really embarassing for Valve if they had to show HL2 again at E3.
god i know. it seems everything exept my homework due dates is delayed.

More good games coming = much more delays.

Or is it that we just notice the delays more because we want the game more? i dont know what to think. Still, im getting impatient.
Hey, what about if TF2 is the MP for HL2???
They already said it was on Source, but everyone thought the MP, if not really HL, would be CS 2.0

Sorry, but it was confirmed ages ago that TF2 is not going to be the multiplayer aspect and will be a seperate retail product.

And yeah. I wouldn't be all that suprised if valve went to E3 this yeah with Team Fortress 2. I can't wait to see more info on that game!!!!
If they delay it again, I will cancel my HL2 preorder and get Far Cry, if I already didn't anyway.
Alittle off topic....

Anyone notice how in specator mode in FPS games it's quite boring? The only way you can see the action is by moving around? Wouldn't it be cool if in specator mode, you could watch the match being played like a movie? There would be many camera locations so you could watch the match like a movie. This would be really cool with WW2 games.

I don't know...just a thought
It could be done rather easily in HL2 (depending on what kind of quality you want), possibly even in HL.

The hardest part would be deciding where the most action is. There are several ways you could do that. In a FPS game you could divide the map into several areas (not necessarily physically) then count the number of people (or you could make it more complicated than just counting) in each area and switch between several preset (by the map designer) cinematic cameras (and maybe a first person camera or an over-the-shoulder view of the soldiers) in the area with the most people (you could also have a system to determine whether a kill is particularly interesting and replay it in slow-mo if it is cool enough). The question is whether the result would be worth the effort.

A racing game would be easier to use that system in... because you could just tell it to follow the leader (by default... but you could switch between the different players manually) instead of having to find the action.
They'll have to come up with something really really good to steal the show a second time. I think this show will be the show of another newcomer.
i wonder if its possible to win best of show 2 times for the same game?
how much do u guys want to bet it wont come out in april?????
tf2 as hl2 multiplayer? I think valve will want to fill their pokets with those babies separately..
I hope they aren't allowed into E3.

Guard- "Woh, woh buddy. You on the list?"

Gabe- "Why yes, I am the Gabe, leader of the Valvinians! Hehe *snort*!"

Guard- "Let's see. Gabe..., Gabe..., Gabe..., Gabe.... Hmm, sorry bro you're not on th list."

Gabe- "That's proposterous!"

Guard- "Wait a second! Gabe Newell?"

Gabe- "The one and only. Hehe *snort*..*sniffle*"

Guard- "I got this note that says not to let you in."

Gabe- "What!? Why!?"

Guard- "Is HL2 out yet?

Gabe- "No."

Guard- "Alrighty, now get lost!"

Gabe- "Wait! You don't understand! We got hacked...my petuitary gland...got fatter...mom took away car privelages...*tear*"

Guard tasers Gabe.
PvtRyan said:
They'll have to come up with something really really good to steal the show a second time. I think this show will be the show of another newcomer.

i think it will be Rome total war.

bout time a strat game was given best of show.

theres no realy new big games that will be at E3.

Far crys already been. sos hl2 and doom 3.

although maybe soldner or stalker meh...
What about Christopher Reeve's Dance Dance Revolution?
Harsh call chu, that Gabe one was good though, I hope they have Op:Flashpoint 2 at E3 2004
I think they will be at E3. Half-Life 2 will be realeased but they will be showin off TF2!
lmao@chu Gabe fights the gaurd off with a crowbar vs taser head to head battle featuring HLTV on pay per view
Is there any screens out there for Op Flash 2?
No not yet, but apparently you'll be fighting in places China and...other places i can't remember where exactly. But expect tons of different enviroments instead of just 3 islands. Although, 3 whole islands in the first game made modding really easy, and the mission editor tools were awesome. Love that game
not yet as far as I know; as for who will steal e3, based on things I've heard I think it could be ps3/xboxnext games, as its rumored that the consoles (or at least games for them) will be shown. Just my 2 cents :p
SnowBall said:
I think they will be at E3. Half-Life 2 will be realeased but they will be showin off TF2!

Man, you gotta be the most optimistic person on this board. I don't think either of those two things have a ... well.. snowball's chance in hell of happening. I would probably cry if they showed TF2 at E3.
CreedoG said:
Man, you gotta be the most optimistic person on this board. I don't think either of those two things have a ... well.. snowball's chance in hell of happening. I would probably cry if they showed TF2 at E3.

"Snowball's chance in hell," what a great choice of words :LOL: :LOL: