E3 2005 Big Games List

I am so happy I'm at uni for E3, with the amount video downloading I'll be doing I'll be glad of the connection :D
I have to free up some space for all the vids I'll be downloading!
I wanna see some Quake 4! I didn't see it on the list. I hope they show something! :(
Remember it's only a partial list of what is guaranteed to be there... It's by no means 100% accurate :) Maybe Activision didn't feel like confirming it?
/me prays intensely for a completely surprise announcement of World of Starcraft, then orgasms at the very thought
Bear in mind that is only the PS2 list. World of Starcraft....*drools* Maybe that is what they decided to turn Starcraft Ghost into? The game that never seemed to appear even though it was announced 4 years ago and remains on release lists.
MMMMM but wouldn't it be great. ****in' massive battles of human vs zerg...

/me needs to change his pants
Reginald said:
Bear in mind that is only the PS2 list.

Ugh did you even read the link? Just because it's hosted on their PS2 section doesn't mean squat. It's the entire list, for all consoles...
The Matrix: Path of Neo, Huh?

D.I.C.E. copyright violation? :p

Star Wars Galaxies: Episode III Rage of the Wookies :|

Looks like a fairly good lineup though :)
Dungeons & Dragons Online if they get this right... Goodbye WoW.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (Next-Gen, PC) - YaY
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (PC) - lets hope they give a release date and say its almost complete :D

these are the games im looking out for :)
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is teh pwnzors w00t!!1!!!11!1!!!!!!!
I see that are more next gen games that elder scrolls,dark sector and condemed

the next gen games are the ones that get more my attention
I wonder which game will be THE GAME. You know, the game that everyone will talk after E3
DeusExMachinia said:
WHAT?! Bethesada better surprise me with Fallout 3!

I only hope :angel:
it is a game i am realy waiting for :thumbs:




Iced_Eagle said:
Ugh did you even read the link? Just because it's hosted on their PS2 section doesn't mean squat. It's the entire list, for all consoles...

Sorry, didn't notice. :o I read the link and assumed it was only the PS2 list. Why do they put it there? Oh well.

Some very good-looking titles in there. Looking forward to the actual surprises of the show :)
It's no problem Reginald :) It happens (silly eyes run off)

I actually don't know why they put it there.. They gotta put it in one section, and probably the PS2 is their most-read section... They can't put it on ign.com, because basically that is just a portal which redirects you to other pages (like ps2.ign.com, xbox.ign.com, etc )

The big games that everyone will be talking about, will almost definetely be Unreal Engine 3 based, or on a next-gen console... Maybe ID's next title? Oh, and also, the big talk of the show will be new engines also :)
maybe even NOLF 3 or Blood 3.
Venmoch said:
Wooo! UFO:Aftermath!


They better redeem themselves with that. Pretty much all the recent UFO games have sucked. :( Original was best imo.

Hmm games to comment on:

The Matrix: Path of Neo (Yes Im a fanboy. :P As long as its better than Enter The Matrix Ill probably buy it.)
Snowboard Kids DS (OMG I LOVED THAT GAME!!! Shame I dont have a DS :()
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (Rape anyone?)
UFO: Aftershock
Black & White 2 (Anything Peter Molyneux touches is gold.)
Perfect Dark Zero (Not sure what to expect from this since they left Nintendo)
The Legend of Zelda (My focus will be on this out of all of E3)
50 Cent: Bulletproof (:laugh:)
matrix games have sucked so far (ETM and MxO) but I'm really excited about Black and White 2 and The Matrix Path of Neo (yeah im a fanboy as well).

Not thrilled about Perfect Dark Zero, though, since like half of Rare left after they were bought by microsoft and formed Free Radical Design, who made Timesplitters 1 & 2, the ONLY ps2/xbox/gc shooter that is any good. I say it is so.
*cringe* Another Tomb Raider....

On another note... NFS fans should take notice of Need For Speed: Most Wanted which combines Underground with Hot Pursuit.... :eek: