E3 ATI booth will (also?) have HL2


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
Here's ATI's official statement.
The next wave of interactive entertainment comes to life at the ATI booth (#1608) during the 2004 Electronic Entertainment Expo. ATI will present the first public viewing of its latest graphics technology, highlight the hottest unreleased gaming titles, lift the lid off next-generation gaming machines and unleash a full-on preview of Half-Life® 2.

ATI’s Half-Life 2 theater presents exclusive, unreleased content from the year’s most anticipated game, including guest appearances by Valve Founder/Managing Director Gabe Newell. Learn how ATI’s technology delivers the ultimate Half-Life 2 experience with all the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, featuring a shader-based renderer, an advanced facial animation system to drive 40 distinct facial muscles and advanced physics that enable players to wield their crowbar in the face of unimaginable threats.

But didn't Half-Life 2 already reserve their own room (the largest)? Is it the same room? Will HL2 still be flying under ATI's banner so to speak?
Or better yet, TWO presentations of HL2?
"Questions that need answering, with none the time to spare!"
Hmm, I'm thinking that ATi's Half-Life 2 section will be the more technical side, to show off their new x800 range of cards. The main Half-Life 2 section will probably be more about the gameplay, plot etc. My guesses, at least.
Im hoping that a large portion of Valve's booth will also be on TF2 and CS2 :naughty:

No matter what, though, its gonna kick some serious ass... seems like there will be more going on about hl2 this year than last.
I'm feeling the same. The ATI booth is to get press to buy ATI cards, and will be showing it off with Half-Life 2 and will probably be videos (hopefully not the same) we saw last year and will be more technical.

In VALVe's booth, they will be showing off the game itself and how cool it is.

In VU's booth, they will probably show a movie or something IDK.
I don't think we'll hear about TF2 until after HL is released.
I'm hoping they are going to be featuring the multiplayer in the Valve booth, but I don't think it'll be CS2 or TF2, though it could be them to. I get the sense that HL2 multiplayer is it's own neat thing.
i hope that in Valve's booth they set up about 4 or so computers, all lanned up, and pick 8 people from the crowd or so to play hl2 MP :) hey a guy can dream cant he...
HL2's multiplayer side is an odd subject, its like it doesnt exist, a myth, an unseen force that is simply accepted .. I dunno if they will speak about it till release, or if they simply decide not to include one.

But assuming all goes to plan i hope it will be team based with objectives of some kind, although if its just Deathmatch thats fine to.
err.. of course there'll be an HL2 MP. Infact, Gabe said he plays it every day
A lack of MP.. I could imagine the uproar :| lol, just think..
Lobster said:
HL2's multiplayer side is an odd subject, its like it doesnt exist, a myth, an unseen force that is simply accepted .. I dunno if they will speak about it till release, or if they simply decide not to include one.

But assuming all goes to plan i hope it will be team based with objectives of some kind, although if its just Deathmatch thats fine to.

i dont think Valve would hang themselves by not making a MP for HL2...for one, why even have mod support...not alot of mod teams plan to mod only the SP game.

hell MP is the reason i even went for HL2 instead of going with Doom 3.
I could imagine what would happen if they didn't include MP.. It would 2nd largest event next to evolution.. And in the end I am sure Gabe's head would be on the end of a stick..
WhiteBoy said:
I could imagine what would happen if they didn't include MP.. It would 2nd largest event next to evolution.. And in the end I am sure Gabe's head would be on the end of a stick..

You mean the second largest catastrophe since the Biblical events.

Does anyone remember the room # Valve was said to have? They're different right?
Wow, I really wanna go to E3 this year, but I can't. :(
Geez, picky picky. I don't think we'll hear anything NEW about TF2 until after HL2 is released. Satisified?

/was registered for the official TF2 forums a couple of years ago.
/me was a news poster/mod at tf2source.com or .net a few years back... cant even remember the name of the site :/
Ahnteis said:
Geez, picky picky. I don't think we'll hear anything NEW about TF2 until after HL2 is released. Satisified?

/was registered for the official TF2 forums a couple of years ago.

I was only kidding, hence the ;) face :) :cheers:
anyone ever thought that maybe TF2 IS the MP? The PC Gamer office money is on that being true, so who knows.. That would be a way to say they're sorry. ;)
Shuzer said:
A lack of MP.. I could imagine the uproar :| lol, just think..

*late summer 2004*

An army of 10,000 disgruntled geeks with cloaks and sunglasses to hide from the un natural glow of this "light" that doesnt have a switch... advance on Valve Hq.

With a mighty roar the front ranks charge and with crude contraptions fashioned from mouses and USB connectors they hurl their copies of Hl2 SP only! at the unfortunate PR guy having his cofee break outside on the bench, Dental records later revealed this "victim" to be a mr Doug Lombardi.

with first blood shed the rest of the 10,000 strong army charge the doors and break through massacering all who stand in their way....

Reports of canabilism are abound as chunks of flesh are torn from the former mod teams of CS and DOD, who had foolishly taken up arms to help protect the Gabe.

after hours of fighting and hiding the last survivors of Valve Hq. Gabe, his dad, and Rick blockade the stair wells and try to signal a passing helicopter, just as the chopper touches down on the roof the horde breaks through the barricade and swamps it with such vengiance that the whole vehicle was tossed off the roof......

with the massacre over and the horde dispersed all that explained the violence was a crudely written message made of blood on the walls of gabes office...

"WTF! No MuLTi in teh HL2!!(*$£*)* PWNED BIOTCH!"
Dougy said:
*late summer 2004*

An army of 10,000 disgruntled geeks with cloaks and sunglasses to hide from the un natural glow of this "light" that doesnt have a switch... advance on Valve Hq.

With a mighty roar the front ranks charge and with crude contraptions fashioned from mouses and USB connectors they hurl their copies of Hl2 SP only! at the unfortunate PR guy having his cofee break outside on the bench, Dental records later revealed this "victim" to be a mr Doug Lombardi.

with first blood shed the rest of the 10,000 strong army charge the doors and break through massacering all who stand in their way....

Reports of canabilism are abound as chunks of flesh are torn from the former mod teams of CS and DOD, who had foolishly taken up arms to help protect the Gabe.

after hours of fighting and hiding the last survivors of Valve Hq. Gabe, his dad, and Rick blockade the stair wells and try to signal a passing helicopter, just as the chopper touches down on the roof the horde breaks through the barricade and swamps it with such vengiance that the whole vehicle was tossed off the roof......

with the massacre over and the horde dispersed all that explained the violence was a crudely written message made of blood on the walls of gabes office...

"WTF! No MuLTi in teh HL2!!(*$£*)* PWNED BIOTCH!"

*dies laughing*
I've seen the future of HL2, and all I can say is that it involves is Gabe, a tank,the army, and many many many angry fans outside of valve hq.
Dougy said:
*late summer 2004*

An army of 10,000 disgruntled geeks with cloaks and sunglasses to hide from the un natural glow of this "light" that doesnt have a switch... advance on Valve Hq.

With a mighty roar the front ranks charge and with crude contraptions fashioned from mouses and USB connectors they hurl their copies of Hl2 SP only! at the unfortunate PR guy having his cofee break outside on the bench, Dental records later revealed this "victim" to be a mr Doug Lombardi.

with first blood shed the rest of the 10,000 strong army charge the doors and break through massacering all who stand in their way....

Reports of canabilism are abound as chunks of flesh are torn from the former mod teams of CS and DOD, who had foolishly taken up arms to help protect the Gabe.

after hours of fighting and hiding the last survivors of Valve Hq. Gabe, his dad, and Rick blockade the stair wells and try to signal a passing helicopter, just as the chopper touches down on the roof the horde breaks through the barricade and swamps it with such vengiance that the whole vehicle was tossed off the roof......

with the massacre over and the horde dispersed all that explained the violence was a crudely written message made of blood on the walls of gabes office...

"WTF! No MuLTi in teh HL2!!(*$£*)* PWNED BIOTCH!"

lmfao...omg hhahahaha
That's a good thought. I wonder if they release CS2, TF2, and HL2 all at the same time. Then they could also release other two letter combinations with the number two after them too. Imagine with me RE2, SC2, ZT2... ooh the possibilities.
I actually was kidding in my reply, but forgot the :p and ;)
