E3 Floor Plans Unveiled


Mar 22, 2006
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The above pictures (click thumbnails) are floor plans of how E3 2006 will be set up this year. It shows approximately how much the companies will be showcasing this year, and for those attending the event, it shows where you should be rushing to so you can see your favourite company first thing in the morning.

The largest booths at the event seem to be Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft - the major hardware manufacturers. Microsoft will likely have a huge section dedicated to the Xbox 360 and a small portion for Windows games. Xbox will likely be a no-show. Sony will probably be giving equal treatment to the PS3, PS2, and PSP. Although it may try to take attention away from the PS3 if it's not ready yet. Nintendo has four systems to juggle with the Revolution, DS, GBA, and GCN. Don't expect much from the GCN at all except for Zelda and maybe the rumoured Kirby game. The GBA should also be relatively dead unless they announce a North American release for Mother 3. They will be focusing on the DS and Revolution for sure.

Although Nintendo's booth seems biggest, they have cut off part of their booth the past two years for special displays for key attractions like the Nintendo DS and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The lines for Twilight Princess last year looped around their entire booth and was approximately four hours long. Hopefully, they won't have those kinds of lines this year for the Revolution or Playstation 3, which everybody wants a crack at. Microsoft seems to be in the South Hall, separate from the West Hall console manufacturers.
I'd like to see the floorplan but can't seem to enlarge the images. I don't think the thumbnails work.
Yeah, can't clicky on the thumbnails. Anyone here going to E3 this year?
Same place as the boothbabes, not at E3.
His pants are certainly big enough to hide a display booth and all the babes from E3, although perhaps not with him in them.
That's rude, he lost a lot of weight since we first saw him.

And I do believe we're going to see TF2 this E3.
If you set 'em up I'll knock 'em down.

Besides, I don't care if he's fat or not and I doubt he does either, he's rich.
Xune said:
His pants are certainly big enough to hide a display booth and all the babes from E3, although perhaps not with him in them.

Wow that is very rude.

Gabe owns you its that simple.

I dont think we will see a TF2 but i do think we will see some new Valve tech some ep1. Nothing big from Valve. Just my prediction.
Desperate Housewives - from Buena Vista Games is a lifestyle simulation PC game based on the top-rated, Golden Globe-winning ABC-TV series, produced by Touchstone Television. In the Desperate Housewives game, players take on the role of a new housewife who moves into Wisteria Lane and unlocks the delicious scandals hidden in the seemingly "perfect" neighborhood. Brenda Strong will lend her voice as the game's narrator Mary Alice Young.

Dalamari said:
Desperate Housewives - from Buena Vista Games is a lifestyle simulation PC game based on the top-rated, Golden Globe-winning ABC-TV series, produced by Touchstone Television. In the Desperate Housewives game, players take on the role of a new housewife who moves into Wisteria Lane and unlocks the delicious scandals hidden in the seemingly "perfect" neighborhood. Brenda Strong will lend her voice as the game's narrator Mary Alice Young.


HAHA! I remember listening to the PCGamer podcast when they talked about it. Man this game is so going to flop. I mean who signs up to make something like this? Well, i guess we never know, maybe it will be the new sims lol. :cheese:
A True Canadian said:
I'd like to see the floorplan but can't seem to enlarge the images. I don't think the thumbnails work.
sorry about that,here's the link.
And oh by the way, there will be booth babes.
edit : Not even going to bother.
Damn I'd love to go to E3. If I was American and lived in the L.A. Area, I'd definately try and get in every year.

If anyone does go get lots of pics of the Rev booths.
dekstar said:
Damn I'd love to go to E3. If I was American and lived in the L.A. Area, I'd definately try and get in every year.

If anyone does go get lots of pics of the Rev booths.
Live in LA but I've never been there cause I'm not "industry professional",so sad:|
mysteryman said:
Although Nintendo's booth seems biggest, they have cut off part of their booth the past two years for special displays for key attractions like the Nintendo DS and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Yes, so the important information that can be gleaned from Nintendo having an area so large (larger than anything they've ever had before, IIRC) logically leads to one of two conclusions (or it could be a little of both):

A. They're going to put on a really big show and they want a ton of people to see it.

B. They're going to have even more "key attractions" than usual and they don't want it to eat into their usual booth space.

Of course, they could be just inflating the booth size to make their appearance seem more important or for the "we have the biggest booth" gloating, but those seem more like Microsoft or Sony tactics. If anything, Nintendo has been taking the subdued marketing route lately... only leaking chunks of information at a time, hinting at the unknown, making cryptic statements, etc. According to Nintendo, there are still a few secrets left to be revealed before the Revolution hits the market. I doubt they'd do all of that careful information control and teasing just to lead up to the same old thing, just in a bigger room. They must have something massive planned.

Look at me... I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl at a <insert popular band> concert. I can't help it. E3 IS COMING IN TWO WEEKS!

* OCybrManO runs to the kitchen to grab his blood pressure medicine.
OCybrManO said:
Yes, so the important information that can be gleaned from Nintendo having an area so large (larger than anything they've ever had before, IIRC) logically leads to one of two conclusions (or it could be a little of both):

A. They're going to put on a really big show and they want a ton of people to see it.

B. They're going to have even more "key attractions" than usual and they don't want it to eat into their usual booth space.

Of course, they could be just inflating the booth size to make their appearance seem more important or for the "we have the biggest booth" gloating, but those seem more like Microsoft or Sony tactics. If anything, Nintendo has been taking the subdued marketing route lately... only leaking chunks of information at a time, hinting at the unknown, making cryptic statements, etc. According to Nintendo, there are still a few secrets left to be revealed before the Revolution hits the market. I doubt they'd do all of that careful information control and teasing just to lead up to the same old thing, just in a bigger room. They must have something massive planned.

Look at me... I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl at a <insert popular band> concert. I can't help it. E3 IS COMING IN TWO WEEKS!

* OCybrManO runs to the kitchen to grab his blood pressure medicine.
Wonder what "secret" Nintendo have installed for us in E3?:smoking:
mysteryman said:
Live in LA but I've never been there cause I'm not "industry professional",so sad:|
Just say you work for EA. Too many EA employees to count, hell you could dress as a soldier and say you're part of the booth-show for BF2: Modern Combat
dekstar said:
Just say you work for EA. Too many EA employees to count, hell you could dress as a soldier and say you're part of the booth-show for BF2: Modern Combat
LOL!I'm not desperate to resort to that act, just settle for G4TV.:D
dekstar said:
Just say you work for EA. Too many EA employees to count, hell you could dress as a soldier and say you're part of the booth-show for BF2: Modern Combat

Its already been released

Dress up as a tin can, and say you are part of the SupCom booth