EA gets exclusive rights to 'E' and 'A'


May 15, 2003
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E™A™ lice™nse™s le™tte™rs "E™" a™nd "A™" for e™xclusive™ use™ in E™A™ ga™me™s
Electronic Arts is pleased to annouce it has gained exclusive rights to use the letters "E™" and "A™" in all its future gaming products.

Starting from January 31 2005, only E™ A™-branded games will be able to use the letters E™ and A™ in their names and in-game text -- a hammer blow for all developers that make games with words in.

"We™'re™ re™a™lly ple™a™se™d tha™t E™A™ ha™s ce™me™nte™d this de™a™l" said E™ A™ spokesman Eamonn Eveshare. He continues "we™ a™re™ now pla™ce™d we™ll to le™a™d the™ ba™ttle™ on ne™xt ge™ne™ra™tion console™s a™nd furthe™r e™sta™blish E™A™ a™s the™ world's le™a™ding e™nte™rta™inme™nt bra™nd".

Worst hit by this bombshell is Eeyore Entertainment, with the release of its Q1 text adventure game Beevil the Evil Weevil's Extreme Sea Search thrown into immediate doubt. Their spokesperson Annabel Eaves was unavailable for comment at time of going to press.

stolen from somewhere else... (don't know original source).

On a similar subject: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=68634 (EA and ESPN)
funny but spam /me warns sidewinder

omfg and it's not orginal ;(
Hahaha, that must have taken forever to write
He I seriousely don't understand this, does this mean that no other company can use the letters E and A in their games. So when square soft makes another game they can't have any text with the words E and A or does it only apply when spellen EA. Some one explain.
Grey Fox said:
He I seriousely don't understand this, does this mean that no other company can use the letters E and A in their games. So when square soft makes another game they can't have any text with the words E and A or does it only apply when spellen EA. Some one explain.

It was a sarcastic post, meant to inspire humor amongst the readers.
wow i nealy believed that ...seems like something EA would do to destroy everyother non-EA game
funny - couldnt EA soon be caught for a monopoly and fined like Microsoft were or are we goin to have a head-to-head battle between the two???
*In the red corner...Biiillll Gaaattteeess!!!!*
Grey Fox said:
He I seriousely don't understand this, does this mean that no other company can use the letters E and A in their games. So when square soft makes another game they can't have any text with the words E and A or does it only apply when spellen EA. Some one explain.

This was funnier than the original post, and the original was pretty funny.
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried. :D
Remember when Ralph Lauren tried to register the american flag as a trademark?
really?! good god. sometimes i think communism would have worked better than capitalism O_O
EA must die, simple as that. They make sports games! :O enough said ;)