A mandatory IQ test for those who want to fly transport helicopters or drive APC's/jeeps/buggys.. I am so SICK of retards jumping in by themselves as teammates run towards them to get in, and they fly away by THEMSELVES!
I'll sit and spam "Get me out of here!" and shoot to get their attention and they just fly off by themselves in a 5-6 seater.. It makes me so mad.
Also yesterday I was a gunner for a tank, we we're getting low (half armor points) so I jumped out to start reparing and the driver just keeps driving before I could repair.. I couldn't even get back in.
Idiots. :flame:
I'll sit and spam "Get me out of here!" and shoot to get their attention and they just fly off by themselves in a 5-6 seater.. It makes me so mad.
Also yesterday I was a gunner for a tank, we we're getting low (half armor points) so I jumped out to start reparing and the driver just keeps driving before I could repair.. I couldn't even get back in.
Idiots. :flame: