EA should implement


Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
A mandatory IQ test for those who want to fly transport helicopters or drive APC's/jeeps/buggys.. I am so SICK of retards jumping in by themselves as teammates run towards them to get in, and they fly away by THEMSELVES!

I'll sit and spam "Get me out of here!" and shoot to get their attention and they just fly off by themselves in a 5-6 seater.. It makes me so mad.

Also yesterday I was a gunner for a tank, we we're getting low (half armor points) so I jumped out to start reparing and the driver just keeps driving before I could repair.. I couldn't even get back in.

Idiots. :flame:
I don't have the game, but I think that WOULD be pretty cool, having to pass a driving test to get your liscense. Or maybe, you can drive without the test, but the stearing is unresponsive, the windows are bullet ridden and hard to see through, and you go slower. Then once you get your liscense, the stearing is responsive, the windows get clear, and your max speed raises.
America's Army already tried that. It doesn't work :>
just only let Priv First Class and above fly them or something- that way only some people that have put in the time can use them.
J_Tweedy said:
just only let Priv First Class and above fly them or something- that way only some people that have put in the time can use them.

quoted for best idea evar
BF2slut said:
A mandatory IQ test for those who want to fly transport helicopters or drive APC's/jeeps/buggys.. I am so SICK of retards jumping in by themselves as teammates run towards them to get in, and they fly away by THEMSELVES!

I'll sit and spam "Get me out of here!" and shoot to get their attention and they just fly off by themselves in a 5-6 seater.. It makes me so mad.

Also yesterday I was a gunner for a tank, we we're getting low (half armor points) so I jumped out to start reparing and the driver just keeps driving before I could repair.. I couldn't even get back in.

Idiots. :flame:

hey man, it's not my fault... personally I think if you're dumb enough to jump in a chopper with ME, then you deserve to be lawndarted into a tree with me :D

man I did some stupid stuff this morning, lack of sleep though... lack of sleep.
sinkoman said:
I don't have the game, but I think that WOULD be pretty cool, having to pass a driving test to get your liscense. Or maybe, you can drive without the test, but the stearing is unresponsive, the windows are bullet ridden and hard to see through, and you go slower. Then once you get your liscense, the stearing is responsive, the windows get clear, and your max speed raises.

Not only that completely kills the purpose of preventing noobs from crashing copters all the time, but why the hell would the windows be ridden with bullet holes if you don't pass a driving test?
It's even worse when you sit there the whole game waiting for people to get in.
Mr. Redundant said:
hey man, it's not my fault... personally I think if you're dumb enough to jump in a chopper with ME, then you deserve to be lawndarted into a tree with me :D

man I did some stupid stuff this morning, lack of sleep though... lack of sleep.

Hey mr redundant, I was wondering if that was you last night!
sinkoman said:
Hey mr redundant, I was wondering if that was you last night!
it was, I did say hi to ya because I recognized your name.

I however was not playing seriously at all... I haven't been sleeping much and my brain was fried. (that was at like 3:00AM this morning)
which is why I didn't form a squad or do anything besides run around and jump in jeeps.
I'm just happy that I have never seen anybody teamkill over another vehicle, like BF1942. Jesus christ it was bad there.