early pictures of my very first map!


Nov 24, 2004
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okay so i have been working on my first map and would like to see what you guys think of it

this is an early screenshot and i am going to be adding more floors, i just want other peoples opinions


and if you guys could tell me the name of the celling texture and clear breakable glass in cs_office i would greatly appreciate it :)

tell me waht you think!
not bad but thats a ton of stuff on the counter

for the glass just click browse texture and type in glass
when i clicked on the clear glass texture, it didnt break right, it had little squares everywhere (not the purlpe and black ones), and on the nodraw side it looked like there wasnt anything there :(
Looks very good compared to some of the other 'first-timers' out there! Keep up the great work!
yeah it was tied to func_breakable_surf but it was a texture problem

i want it to look like this:

not how it looks like in my map

how do i do this, its tied to the proper entity, so its not that
click the window
go to the texture application
fit the texture to the size of the window

there should be a 'Fit' button to the right :)

the map looks good, maybe a few things could be done with the lighting, but looks good so far :)
Also you should look for offwindow something like that. It's really dirty around the edges in the texture browser but it's a large texture and it looks good (It's the office one...)

Then you should use cubemaps to get the nice reflections you have in office.

Edit: Your glass looks very out of place, though. Who the **** cuts through woodpanel to add glass like that? Doesn't make sense.

Edit 2: The rooftexture; Filter for tile and it should be cealingtile (or something along those lines).
yes i updated the celling tile and am problalby going to change the glass
Seems too much like office for my taste but If you pull it off I will give You a giant blackberry pie......holy sh*t that sounds REALLY good.......gotta go
the glass texture may be a custom one :O the reason why you get boxes is cuz only certain textures work with breakable_surf. :cheers:
Deleter said:
the glass texture may be a custom one :O the reason why you get boxes is cuz only certain textures work with breakable_surf. :cheers:

Wtf? The glass texture in Office? Don't tell me you're trying to tell me VALVe put "custom textures" in CS that we're not allowed to use, rofl.
yeah i know, its just i wsnt having problems with glass, just couldnt find the right texture ;( but its all good i found it :)
It happens to be right next to the one you were using in the texture browser :\ - Well, it is for me anyway.

Good luck with the map man. I hope you plan on using some outdoor areas aswell as the office.
yes its definetly going to have outdoor areas

(i cant spell) ;( :LOL: