Earth hour Big Picture photos from around the world

I wonder how much electricity it takes to restart all these lights, in comparison to the electricity it would take to keep them on for that hour.
no i remember last year that most workers that had to drive out and turn of some lights had a larger carbon footprint. im not sure if all those skyscrapers are automated but earth hour should be earth week imo. turn them off for a week, we can handle it
why can't we keep some of these shots as dark as they are? in most of em the buildings look like what buildings SHOULD look like at night IMHO
lol at the Hong Kong Island one where the decorative lights turn off, but nearly all of the other lights stay on.

Same with Vegas.

Toronto on the other hand... that's what it should look like.
The one of the Empire State building actually has more lights coming on than going off I think.