Easter eggs (Again...)


Oct 5, 2006
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I noticed two new easter eggs in Half life 2 and episode 1.
So, here goes.

First the Half Life 2 egg:
Go in the room where Judith goes after introducing you to Eli.
Turn on your flashlight and take look around the desk with monitors. There should be a picture of somebody. I am not sure but he looks like Mark Twain to me.

Secondly, Episode one egg:
There are probably many places where this easter egg can be found but this is where I noticed it.
When you finish escorting citizens in the "exit 17" chapter, take a look at the walls in the room where Alyx blocks the door and talks to Barney. There should be a bunch of graffiti and one of them reads R=ρl/A which is formula for resistance of an electrical conductor.
I found this pretty interesting, because the whole Half Life is based on physics.

I'll post pictures later.
Old :hmph:

That guy is a cheap citizen model created for optimization.

The grafiti can also be found in hl2.
The cheap model is the guy yous see walking down the tunnel before you and Mossman walk onto the elevator.
There should be a Citizen_cheap model walking around in the kitchen.

He was supposed to be a reference to David Blayne, because he starts levitating somewhere in there.