Easter Eggs revealed once HL2 is out?


Sep 23, 2003
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I've been checking some of the old threads about the supposed "easter eggs" in the bink videos. I think someone must have noticed anything by now..
Do you think Gabe will tell the community if there are easter eggs once HL2 is released and on the streets?
I dunno, i asked about this, and someone told me something about toilets in every bink or something? am i deluded or does this have some factual basis?

(i do think so admin...you evidently have no idea)
Hectic Glenn said:
I dunno, i asked about this, and someone told me something about toilets in every bink or something? am i deluded or does this have some factual basis?

toilets... I dont think so.
mmmm really dunno if there were any real easter eggs they've never come up with somethinh really solid or confirmed , well have to wait and see , but many think it was just a joke form gabe.
Nope it's not the toilet thingy
Gabe pointed out theres several easter egg's in the bink videos, and that 'no one had found them'
In the valve information thread i remeber someone telling me that they emailed him and he told them something about a toilet perhaps appearing in many of the bink videos, if you look carefully. I know it sounds like a weird concept, especially to admin here, who fails to accept anything, but its a joke to those guys who spend alot of time indoors doing their hard word. Its a joke, and it wasnt bad!
Hectic Glenn said:
Gabe pointed out theres several easter egg's in the bink videos, and that 'no one had found them'
In the valve information thread i remeber someone telling me that they emailed him and he told them something about a toilet perhaps appearing in many of the bink videos, if you look carefully. I know it sounds like a weird concept, especially to admin here, who fails to accept anything, but its a joke to those guys who spend alot of time indoors doing their hard word. Its a joke, and it wasnt bad!
Yeah man, easter eggs are jokes, and hints to them from the producer are very likely to be a joke too.
Ok i know about the eggs, just never seen 1.

The toilets, They are in a few I guess but not that many, At least not in the ones I've got.
Gabe said it wasn't the toilets, for me, its just some marketing scheme
Well, toilets in FPS games usually have something about them. It's a kind of on-running industry joke. Check out many FPS from the last decade to see what I mean as I can't think off the top of my head what they were :D
Toilets are secret weapons and ammunition storage facilities... and they double as bunkers and a medical centre during an alien invasion... I mean, why else would they store ALL those weapons, ammo, armour and health in a simple toilet?
Ye no 1 has realy found the so called easter egggs in the BINK vids.

Althought some people did think there was a guy hiding in the bin.

(which wuld make sense seeing as there is a guy that u see poke his head out of a skip in HL1 lol)

But most people justsaid it wos a reflection, IT WAS A MAN IN THE BIN I TELL YAZ!!!...AA MAAN!!!!
is the hidden text in the bink where g-man says "well well, isn't this just like old times" considered an easter egg?
I think we'll learn everything about easter eggs in HL2 in the Official game guide.
Ya , there might be something on the subject in the ''Raising the bar'' book, might be bought up in an interveiw with one of the staff.
Yeah yeah real nice how you use GeoShitties. Guess nobody has heard of Imageshack.
Ghost Freeman said:
Yeah yeah real nice how you use GeoShitties. Guess nobody has heard of Imageshack.

Yeh yeh I know about Imageshack just never used it. But who really cares, just putting some pics on the net.