Easy help. Please, this is such a embarresing question


Nov 1, 2004
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Hi, i have a n00bish question, which i should allready know, but for some reason dont.

I am modeling in XSI, and i have a problem:

I cant make the polygons stay, and then draw the same polygons outward. Its hard to explain, but for example: A rope. You want the rope to go in circles.

Here is a pic, i am doing a "hand-thing" but i want to make another "axel" there, and then continue draw the polygons outward, but HOW?

Here is the whole model btw:

(note, i am new to XSI, a few weeks)
select polygons, merge them into a single poly, duplicate, move.. you don't have to merge them, but i find its easier to work with, when your done, hide that end inside something else and delete the merged poly so they don't get trippled and add to the polycount when you don't need them.
Thanks alot dude! That really helped!

I might ask more question in this thread later

Ravioli said:
Thanks alot dude! That really helped!

I might ask more question in this thread later

no problem.. you can also just extrude, but for what your doing its easier to use the duplicate method.

btw if thats a game model, the polycount might be a bit high, i noticed a lot of small details that could be done with normal mapping ot even in some cases the cable style shader or just decals positioned in a way that will make them look 3D when their just a couple or so polygons.
Thx. No, its not for a game, im just modeling for training.

I have a new question:

How do i make, 2 different object, move when i move one of the object? Like make 2 objects into ONE (without tuching each other). So when i twist one of the model, then the other one twist in the same direction, like if its one single object? And i dont mean how to "merge" and "melt" them together, but just make them the same object.

Thanks :)