Easy, Medium or Hard?


Apr 29, 2004
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Easy, Medium or Hard?....that is the question...

So, you HL2 'fanboys' what difficulty setting r u going to play on eh?

Im going to (as most of u r aswell i presume) gonna start on easy and play around then move up to medium and stay on that till im better :)

Your thoughts ?
I always start with the medium setting and autoaim off (dont know if hl2 offers such a feature like autoaim)
I've always been a stickler for medium, but there was a discussion about this sort of thing a while back and I'm halfway convinced that hard is the way to go with all games in order to get the full intensity.
Kon said:
Just a simple concern over the difficulty level of the game. I was wondering
if there will be different difficulty level options for the players to
choose from?
And also, what difficulty was selected in the new e3 videos? I hope it
wasn't on the hardest because from what was displayed, it seemed rather easy
if it was..
Last question pertaining to this is, what kinds of things would we see
differ between difficulty levels?..

There are currently 3 difficulty settings, easy, medium and hard. What you saw was either easy or medium, hard is nightmarish in nature. More mobs, much more aggression and better accuracy are just a few things that make them much more difficult.


Thats from the Valve Speaks section, that realy makes me wanna try Hard straight away lol, mayb start on medium and go onto hard fast, 4get the pansie Easy, with the difficulty and AI shuld b very challenging...
I always start on medium... I dont feel immersed if its too easy. There has to be some challenge and fear =) If the SP is really good ill play though on hard too.
I'll start on medium, then complete it again on hard.
Yup, hard it is. But we don´t yet know how hard hard will be. If theres something like 4 difficulty levels, I usually pick the second hardest.
Hard is nightmarish according to Rick Ellis. I'll try it on medium. As the game looks pretty hard on medium as it is. If you watch the scene with the combine and rollermines. At the end of it, Gordon is on 8 health
I'm gonna be playing it at medium, because im not n00b and im not 1337, im n037.
KurtCobain said:
Lol tbh we dnt know how easy Easy will be...

Well, I think we do. Rick said that the presentation was either easy or medium. Personally I think it must have been easy, because Gordon lost so little health when he got shot (and he didn't get shot very often, the Combine were pretty bad aims)... I'd imagine Medium must be a little harder than that, surely?

Anyway, I'll be playing on Medium. It's hard enough to give me a challenge in a new environment I don't know. I reserve hard for second playthroughs, because I know the maps, and can survive a bit more ;)
Hard hard hard... I want to get as much as possible out of the games I buy, that's why I mostly select the hardest difficulty option there is.. Although this is a little ironical since sometimes I get stuck in a game just because it's too hard and stop playing. :)
It's probably been mentionned on another thread (i can't be bothered to read through them) so sorry if i'm repeating, but perhaps the difficulty setting will dictate how many weapons you can carry. In the new vid it seems you can carry an unlimited number of weapons, whereas in last year's vid, it was limited.

Anyway, I always do medium.
The weapon Inventory was still under question , they decided to go bak to ol' HL unlimited carry of weapons :)
Now n00b speeking :D
I will start first round with Medium and if I will take round 2, it will be Hard.
KurtCobain said:
The weapon Inventory was still under question , they decided to go bak to ol' HL unlimited carry of weapons :)

What an disappointment :| I think it would have been a great plus to immersion and the survivor-theme having to do decisions with weapons.
aku ankka said:
What an disappointment :| I think it would have been a great plus to immersion and the survivor-theme having to do decisions with weapons.

Yeah.. And think of all the strategy discussions about what weapons to go with, what weapons being the most effective to this and that sort of enemy.. ;(
But also wuld make it a bit boring, using same weapons over and over untill u find another.

Ye u still have to find emm, but u can keep switching when u do have them makes Gameplay alot more frantic if u switching the weapons to suit ur situation

But hey, im sure u can drop weapons , so just drop one then pick other one up if u dnt like the system :) lol
So is it confirmed that there will be an unlimited inventory on all difficulty settings? I was kind of hoping that there would be a different carry limit on each difficulty setting, just as many games impose a different number of saves for each setting. Oh well...
(ok..I think I've exhausted the word 'setting' in this post)
They could still change that, since they are still tweaking gameplay.
yeah that weapons feature was good feature in Halo and Far Cry. Oh well, no big lose. Instead you'll just be able to carry all those weapons.
Do you think the weight/distance limit on the manipulator will change with difficulty?
Easy first, medium after I completed it on easy (if it has as good replay value as HL however, which I really hope it has too).
[sl@yer] said:
Do you think the weight/distance limit on the manipulator will change with difficulty?

Naah, at least I don´t think so because they probably have to think hard enough about how to stop exploitation of the maps with the manipulator.

And didn´t the properties of the manipulator already improve as the game progresses?

Okay, enough offtopicin for me.
I'm going with hard because I think I'm a HC player..played too many games to date.
I think thats its good the carry limit will be the same for Easy,Medium and Hard

I think it slows doen the game , hate to repeat myself but, I DOOO!!
I would say Hard, but i know I'll get stuck somewhere and get really pissed off. I want to play this game smoothly, so I'll prolly stick with medium.
medium, b/c i don't like unfair advantages
I can breeze through HL on hard, so I guess it's going to be hard for HL2 as well. Do we know what level thr game is best played on?
I would say hard...but then I start to imagine how many dastardly traps Father Gregory (Or is it Grigory? meh) would have in store in that forest/cemetary..err..whatever it is...playing through that scene on hard would be..err..........hmm...sounds kinda fun actually :D
I gave ALWAYS played games on easy the first time through. HL2 will be no exception.
Especially with it's advanced AI.
Omg, just imagine, no more stuff like you climb up a ladder to get away from the enemies, they will climb up and follow you! Plus they flank and do all that other tactical stuff and work as a TEAM.

I can't wait for those moments where I just say, "Dang, he is smart!!"
But just maybe... I might play it on medium. Change a' pace.
if the vid was easy...then easy
if medium, then medium

hard I reserve for one of the later run thoughs. :D
Medium, no autoaim.

The vids are a LOW easy, so the guy playing can do some exploring while still not getting owned within the first 3 seconds.
Hard all the way, I like to have a realistic experience. I did the same in Farcry in the realistic difficulty. It makes the game last longer.
Medium or easy cuz the strider looks a bit too much to handle ::OO