easy server question



Ok, i know this is probably a total noob question, but how do i make a server that my friends can connect to on my pc? I have a Linksys router and sufficient bandwidth. Whenever i try to start a server from the cs s menu, it puts it on the Lan only, even if i type in the command sv_lan 0, and i really need a step by step procedure of how to set up a server. Thnx
I take it that you arn't on a lan though.

are you sure that when you just type in 'sv_lan' after you've tried 'sv_lan 0' that it still displays 1?

Also, try telling your friends to type 'connect youriphere' in their console.
Ok, ive tried to run a dedicated server and when i run it it repeats this message over and over:
RCON Server accept ioctl(FIONBIO) failed (10038)
Wut am i doing wrong?