Ebay image thief OWNED

lol! No one's bidding on it either.

EDIT: Make that *has bid, "The seller ended this listing early because of an error in the listing." <-- hehehe
lol...he put that hes a scammer....and stuff but what happened...i dont get it
Hah... so... he scams people by... posting images of cars with stupid lights... that aren't his... and telling us about it...

Hahah, excellent job. Truly excellent.
Hes trying to sell crappy $5 lights and showing pictures of $600 lights trying to scam people into paying more. This guy hacked his auction thing and changed it to let everyone know so they don't get scammed. I guess the scammer shut down the auction.
ooo...he was h4x!!! ooo...i didnt know that...heheeheheh hahahahha....ebay should shut that guy down... is he in trouble?
He hasn't hacked anything but the dumbass scammer has used the other guy's image.
So sad its gone.

Someone should took a screen shot and saved it. :)
I was going to but I didn't think they'd take it down. Damn I should have done that.