****-ed up dreams you have experianced


Nov 1, 2004
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So lets share our most ****ed up dreams we have experianced, let me post my recent one. I swear that everthing really happend in my dream, NOTHING is over exagurated.


allright im gona sort it out so its more pleasent for the eyes, anyway go ahead and post urs
I`m not even going to read that hunk of crap, PLEASE sort it out. I'm not trying to be intentionally rude but ffs..
Smoke is right, shorten it up just a bit and I'll read.

I've had many... disturbing dreams. Which should not be spoken off over the interwebs
Lately I have been having dreams inside of dreams. And my aunt is dieing of a very rare disease and in my dream we had her funeral but no one came.
Absinthe (or was it Harij?) has a really ****ed up one. I await his repost.
Well, I had a quasi-disturbing one last night.

I had acquired, by some unknown means, a mini-lightsaber. It was all fun and games and my friends and I would be playing with them, until I started running around, carefree, till I accidentally sliced off a friend's fingers off and killed another guy.

The justice department sentenced me to be killed on the spot with my own mini-lightsaber.
I had one recently that was ****ed up for how vivid and... odd it was.

It went from competing in a rollerskating competition around a room filled ankle-deep with water; to running to catch a flight up a hill that kept on getting steeper until it was a 90 degree incline; to imitating animated stone golems on a witch's veranda so the real ones wouldn't squish me for trespassing; to hitching a ride with said witch in her hovercraft and zipping around several planes attempting take off in an old english style countryside village, many of them hitting trees or houses and exploding or splitting apart; to taking off ourselves (somehow), and being chased by several other smaller craft of some kind, and finally being shot down, my last memory being floating down mid-air to pull someone else's parachute cord who was caught in the wreckage before pulling my own, then landing directly in someone's Sunday picnic.

Which was fun.
I think I`ve had far too many ****ed up dreams to even begin recounting them.

Plus I think you need a persons perspective to see why their dream is ****ed up in that certain way.
I guess my most ****ed up dreams would be witnessing plane/helicopter crashes.

And every time I dream it I think to myself "My god, after so many dreams it has finally happened for real" but then I wake up :|
The one I can remember was during my GCSEs two years ago, well basically my secondary school had been converted to a metal hospital and we had all been taken prisoner. A few of us escaped. Then we found out that the earth was gonna blow up, so we got on a double decker bus and headed to this rocket in the distance. On the journey there, my best mate alex, kept turning into another mate of mine, Sean, this happened several times. Next thing I know Im a few miles from my house where a random swamp is, I go around it and for some reason Alex decides to go through it only before a homeless guy emerges from it with a knife muttering 'Ill have you for dinner' before Alyx cries 'No dont'. Then I wake up.

Now though, they are so random and dodgey I sometimes wake up disorientated, like you dont know if you are still asleep or awake, really strange feeling. Like just the other day, I dreamt that (my parents are on holiday) that while my dad was away, I nabbed his car, and parked it on a motorway. He got back, realised it was missing, I got down on my knees and yelled my heart out, I actually knew I was dreaming at this point and wanted to wake up so I ran out the house and boom I awoke. Not to mention a week or two ago I dreamt I was still in bed and I heard a massive bang outside, went to investigate to see that it was a plane crash. The next morning on the news, a plane had crashed after take off during the night in Brazil, killing over 200.

I ****ing hate dreams :/
I've had loads of ****ed up dreams, though one I had just a few weeks ago srsly creeped the shit out of me.

In hindsight, the dream wasn't that freaky, but it was mostly the aftermath that scared me. Here goes:

I was falling at first. When I hit the floor, I found myself standing next to my mate, his girlfriend, and my girlfriend, all in front of this big house.
At night (clich?s away!). Someone, can’t remember who, mentioned ghosts, and before I knew what I was doing I said, “Ghosts aren’t real silly”. And then, this ghost swooped in and everything turned dark. It started getting ****ing freaky here, as I was falling again, and this time there were ghosts everywhere.
This was one of the worst dreams I ever had because I knew I was dreaming (sort of) and I kept trying to wake up.
There was loads of stuff I forgot, but I eventually found myself at a funeral. Every friend, every relative, everybody I had ever even felt a slight like to was there. Dead.

As I said, in hindsight, it was silly to be frightened, but I woke up more freaked out than I had ever been, even when I was little. I woke up sweating, scared out of my ****ing mind (I had to put my light on once I got up, which took about 30 mins)) and I was shaking uncontrollably. Not only that, I felt as if I was about to cry. I was so freaked out. I have never, even when I was a small kid been this scared, and I've never had so little control over my body. I am seriously worried this was a psychotic episode as I had no control over my body at all. So you see, it wasn’t the dream so much, more the aftermath.

Something else. My irrational fear was, and still is of ghosts, and while I know they aren't real and I know that is hpyocritical to be afraid of something I ridicule, but I was so frightened of them as a kid. I slept with my light on till about 12!
I had a dream where I argued with a girl over the usefulness of a severed penis. It was weird, but I could imagine it happening in real life.
I remember one dream when I was little where I went to a babysitter's house, and I went downstairs to go play on the NES. Now, in this room, it was pretty big, about 2x the size of a trailerhome. The only things in the room were a couch, a TV, and a NES. I went to go sit down, grabbed a controller, then the whole room starts to shake violently. I become paralyzed, unable to move and a door appeared behind me of which like, a vampire came out (Inside the door it was very hell-like). Suddenly as he looked at me, I'd feel a weird black-out sensation; just imagine what it'd feel like to have your soul taken? (Physical being seperated from the spiritual?).
At this point I was ****ing scared, then I think I'd just go to another dream of where I am in in another place. (Atleast, I remember just appearing in another place totally unaware of what just happened)

Now, I had this dream so much times it wasn't even funny, the only difference was the setting. The weird vampire like-dude was still there, but he'd only come when I was alone in a room, and before he came, there'd be the paralyzing earthquake.

Then 6 years later, I'm just going along in my dream, I go into the basement of the house I was in. Everything immediatly goes black, I feel a much much stronger "Soul stealing" sensation, I can't move, I'm paralyzed. I can't exactly remember what happened after this to details, but I remember it getting very much like hell, and someone was taunting me by walking across the room, and making stuff appear. Then repeat and rinse; I appeared upstairs again, and my Mom made me go downstairs, and naturally I did. And the same thing happened, except when I started to feel this "soul stealing sensation" I woke up, scared out of my mind. Nothing a little TV didn't cure though.
I have the following dream saved on a text file, for some reason. Anyone know whose it is?

My first dream was just my normal life, waking up in my bed, going to school, etc etc. It felt so real that I passed it off AS real, and just dismissed any notion that it might be fake, and just went about my daily business. But, as soon as I lay down in my bed (in my dream), I opened my eyes (in real life), thinking that the entire dream had been real anyway, looked at my clock to see what time I was going to bed at (I need to catch up on my sleep), and realized that it was 4:30 in the morning. I was startled, no way in HELL had I slept that late! I think I might have even slept early in my dream, instead of chilling out on my computer for an hour or two before sleeping.
That's when I realized that I was dreaming. I was so amazed, the dream was so clear, and I knew that I was AMAZINGLY close to pure lucidity, so I set it in my head that tonight, I WILL have a complete lucid dream.
In my next dream, I was in a small computer room. On one wall was the doorway into and out of the room (there might have been a bed there too, i'm not positive), on the other wall was a bookshelf, on the next wall was a computer on a desk (very much like mine) and a sliding glass door to the yard (I do not know who's house it was), and the last wall had nothing but wall.
Me and my friends were all sleeping in sleeping bags, in the room. They all went outside without me, (except for this kid Cory) and I was stuck inside of the room, getting out of the sleeping bag. Before I opened the sliding glass door to go and meet them outside, I habitually looked at the palm of my hand (it's my dream indicator, see how many fingers I have), and noticed that my hand had 6, twitching fingers that kept fading out of existence, like something from the matrix. Suddenly, I felt a massive rush throughout my body, as if I was in a train going from 0 to a million in the blink of the eye. I tried to talk to Cory, to ask him if this really WAS a lucid dream, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't talk.
But then I saw my friends come back with a group of girls and I sort of forgot about my lucidity. It was too dark outside to see any of the girls faces, but then I thought of this girl, Ariana, and said ?is that Ariana?? (I could suddenly talk again for some odd reason, maybe because I had lost lucidity), and suddenly, I saw one of the girls faces, and it WAS Ariana.
The dream then shifted, and next thing I know, I'm in the hallway of the house with my friend Chad. I'm walking backwards toward the living room, in front of him (he's walking forwards). As soon as this dream came up, I looked at my hand, had another rush, and achieved lucidity yet AGAIN. The only trouble was that the entire house was pitch black, save for a few circles of light around me and Chad, and I could not speak. Every time I tried to say something, it came out as a faint squeak. This was horrifically frightening, you could almost say this was a BAD lucid dream, considering I did not yet possess the power to change my surroundings.
So, to test the lucidity of the dream, and to try to gain control over it, I imagined an AK47 appearing in my hand, and made the ?holding and shooting an AK47? motion with my hands while I faced it at Chad (I don't know why, I do know that I wasn't trying to kill him though), recoil and all, while I tried to mimic the sound of shooting an AK47 with my mouth. I thought that by doing this, and thinking hard about the gun, it'd appear in my hands.
It wasn't working, and I STILL couldn't talk. I was still scared shit less, and didn't know what to do, when suddenly, I sort of woke up in the real world, looked at my clock, and noticed that it was around 5 o clock in the morning. I thought to myself ?ok, I still have enough time to have ONE more lucid dream, I'm going to do it!?
So, I fell back into my bed. In my next dream, I was in the back of Mr. Lai Hipp's class (geometry), chatting it up with my friends. They were all sitting in a circle of chairs, just talking story, while I leaned against the wall, talking with them.
This time, I remember that I had to achieve lucidity, so I looked at my hand (not out of habit, but out of conscious will), got that rushing feeling again, and looked around the class. Everything looked so clear, like it was real. The sky was a crisp blue, the air was cold, the grass was a bright, emotive green, and for some reason not only was our school now ocean side (the door leading outside of the classroom was facing the ocean), but there were deciduous trees outside, with their leaves all gone as if it were fall.
Cory was there, sitting in an old looking, peach colored chair. I put my hand on his head and said ?CORY? Is that you, or is it dream Cory??.
He laughed and made a sort of a ?no? expression on his face, and shook his head.
?C'MON CORY, I'M SERIOUS, I NEED TO KNOW!? I needed to know bad, as I wanted to try flying, but didn't want to jump off of a building and die if it turned out that this wasn't a dream.
Cory didn't answer me, so jumped onto the desks and ran to Mr. Lai Hipp's desk to ask him. He was lying on the floor unconscious, but, for some reason, this didn't strike me as odd.
I walked just outside of the doorway. Instead of there being a large balcony that lead to the stairs, as his class is in real life, there was just a set of stairs right outside of the doorway. So I stood on this little buffer connected to the stairs, and jumped to see if I would float (another reality test I had remembered). I felt lighter, but I did not float.
So, I bounded back to Cory, put my hand on his head again, and said ?CORY, TELL ME NOW, IS THIS REAL CORY OR DREAM CORY??
He just shook his head and said ?If this were dream Cory, then could I do THIS??
Suddenly there were two Cory's, both sitting in the same peach colored chairs, shaking their heads at me with their hands by their shoulders, as if to say ?I don't know?.
So, out of desperation (to know if this was real), I ran over to this white, skinny, not that bad looking girl in the room (I have never seen this girl before, I don't know why she was in the dream). She had blond-ish hair, and was wearing a tight purple top that had a small V cut over her breasts. Her breasts were not large, A or B cup maybe, and she was not wearing a bra. I BELIEVE she was wearing jeans, but I don't remember. She was much taller than me, and looked like a junior or a senior.
So, I stood in front of this girl, put my hand down the right side of the V cut in her top (my left, her right), felt her right breast with the palm of my hand,then pulled the V of the blouse to the left (my left) to expose her breast, and rubbed my face in it.
She just stood there, staring at me fairly emotionless. That's when I became 100% positive that this was a dream, and that it would be safe to try to fly.
I ran out of the class (this happened quick, but i'm pretty sure that the balcony that's there in real life was there in the dream this time), jumped into the air with my first staring at the sky, and yelled out ?I'M GONNA **** KRISTAL!? as loud as I could (Krystal/Kristal (sp?) is a really really really hot, and really really really slutty chick). This whole ?**** Kristal? business came last minute. I thought ?wow, this dream might not last that long, I better see what getting lucid laid is FAST before it fades away?.
But instead of seeking out Kristal and the immense sexual benefits she'd bring, I bounded into the air, flapped my arms wildly, and began to fly, as a song with a very upbeat and drawn out violin line started playing. I think it might have been a Coldplay song, but I haven't heard it on the radio in so long that I've forgotten the name of the song. .
I flew in circles and loops, shooting between the branches in the leaf less trees forementioned. I can safely say that this was the happiest moment of my life.
When I flew over the water (school is waterfront in the dream), the water looked so clear, as if this were a cartoon or something. I could see all the creatures and reef shelves the ocean offered. The water was so blue and clear. In the distance (while over the water), I could see a perfectly green mountain ridge overlooking a clear beach, I think it might have been Tantalus.
I don't remember how long I flew for, but I remembered that the act of flying didn't feel concrete. It didn't come second nature, and every so often I'd have to think about gaining altitude and start flapping my arms, lest I fell to the ground.
Eventually I flew back over the water and started heading for the mountain ridge forementioned.
After a few minutes of flying toward the ridge, I noticed that I was losing altitude at a fairly quick pace. I tried flapping my wings and thinking about rising, but it wasn't working, and I fell to the water below. Once in the water, everything was amazingly clear. I could see for miles and miles underwater, and the water felt crisp and welcoming. It had a slight sparkle to it.
So I went back to the surface and started trying to fly back in the air, while the waves gently rolled under me (imagine that scene from finding Nemo, where Marlin is on the surface of the water trying to find Nemo). I kicked as hard as I could with my legs (to get higher above the surface of the water), and flapped my arms wildly to try to get airborne again, but it didn't work.
Now, seeing as this was my first lucid dream, I did not realize that I could actively change my scenery, and figured that my only way to reach either the beach or my school was to swim. The school wasn't that far, but there was a lava rock wall overlooking the waterfront (exactly like the wall around the marina, the one that goes all the way to the marina floor) that I knew would be sharp and hard to climb up, and I knew that I would probably cut myself trying to get back to the school (again, I was new to lucid dreaming I guess, so I forgot that I couldn't hurt myself. In any case though, I was too lazy to put the effort into climbing up the wall).
So, I thought ?damn, if I want to get to shore, I have to swim ALL the way to the mountains?. I, being the lazy person that I was, actively woke myself up instead of swimming back to shore.
And that's the end of the dream...
What is it with dreams about escaping planets in a certain timelimit
After playing through hl2 for the 1st time, I dreamed that I was talking to a FRICKEN POODLE, who had a vortigaunt voice, and he kept saying THEY KEEP US AS SLAVES. Then the rest of the dream was me looking into the the "starry" screensaver.
I had a dream that I went to Pizza Hut, and the pizza's were singing this song:


I dreamt about mountain bikers driving really fast in a huge blue plastic tube with support beams in it. The whole dream was seen from helicopter perspective.
If you haven't yet, read this. Pretty freaking crazy...and still bothers me to this day.



I wonder if it's true that eating before sleep messes with your dreams.

I had one months ago which involved the melting of brains. I think it was a human brain in a robot, or something similar, and it surrendered its brain without any problem, it seemed. I think someone put it in a machine that melted and sliced the brain, with the purpose of mapping out its entire structure. I think something similar is done with fossils. I remember lots of pink bubbles and foam appearing on some monitors. It was in some kind of lab, I think. There was a lot of pink.
I have a vague image from another dream of something violently chomping someone's head, possibly the day after the last one I described. Like the other one, I didn't feel scared or even that disturbed.

I can't remember much in the way of nightmares since I was young. There was one with just random shapes floating in front of me against a red background, which made me feel sick. Another involved me floating down the stairs into the kitchen, towards my dad's breifcase, which had a hand waving out of it. I may have been to hell once too, I remember seeing nothing but deers being electrocuted as far as I could see. Then there was that one where I was running from seals in a department store for ages, until they caught up with me and ate my ass. I don't think I minded that much, I just put up with it. I think it tickled a bit though.
So this one time I was dreaming about fucking with my mother's severed pelvis right, perfectly normal so far but suddenly this clown comes running in the room and yells "HONK HONK". I mean, WTF clown :|.
None of my dreams follow any sort of logical storyline ... they're completely random and nothing stays the same. All the little details fluxuate randomly, like one second im in my car, the next second its someone elses car... One time, my car got stolen, and a red motorbike appeared from nowhere and I just carried on as if it had always been there. Then I woke up and I was absolutely gutted that my car had been nicked, then I realised it was a dream and my car was still in the driveway.

I should sell this shit, its gold.
People in this thread that made me lol: Bad^Hat, Shift, Sam-2k, Fliko, mastag & Godron.

This dream happened a while ago, as in, at least a year ago, so the details are fuzzy. So, for some reason I'm going to meet my arch-nemesis (don't ask). I get there and she complains that I'm late. For no apparent reason we decide to go cart racing in the middle of the jungle (jungle, WTF?) with all the animals (more WTF?).

So we're there basicly playing real-life Mario Cart with anthromorphic animals. I think I won the race and then all the bastards drive off and ditch me, leaving me on my own.

I drive around and find a large grassy plain with a bunker in the middle. I explore the bunker and discover that inside is a secret research base where people are making zombies (I think we actually refered to it as the T-Virus).

The original zombie was basicly entirly unkillable and was killing everyone else (he was actually very big and strong and could move at at least a good walking pace, unlike the other zombies). So I'm quite pissed off that they made this zombie and start to shout at the guy who was explaining to me about the zombies (Why the scientists conducting research into zombies were so casual about giving out info on it I don't know).

And then I got a gun out of nowhere and started to walk away (The cart seems to have disappeared) but that's not really much trouble. The original zombie is busy and the other zombies aren't going to catch up any time soon. And then I wake up.

I've been looking into lucid dreaming a little bit. Is it true that an irregular sleep pattern is bad for trying to attain lucid dreaming? Because I have a very irregular sleep pattern.
I got shot by Bin Laden for making fun of his turban.

Another time, i was driving a car and suddenly it became a plane and then i was destroying other planes.
Year or two ago said:
I had a dream I was traveling with Dr. House to some destination (Whatever it was, it was all shiny and awesome.)

When I reached the gates of the destination, a young girl and a small fly wearing a top hat greeted us. The fly attempted to fly into Dr. House's pants (Who was wearing a red/black tuxedo with weird gloves) of course he was trying to swat the thing away from him with his cane while his other hand was grabbing his groin.

He eventually fell over and the fly entered his pants, Dr House was struggling but suddenly felt very happy, the fly flew out of his pants and Dr House stood up in pride. Suddenly his tuxedo was much more vibrant, he was wearing a top hat, he seemed younger and he was able to walk without his cane without a problem.

Some other things happened, other characters of the show were "Rejuvenated" this way.

Other things happened (I never write down my dreams, this is just recalling from memory) but I was at my local train station with various friends, we seemed to be traveling because we had heavily packed backpacks on us. We entered the store selling various candies etc. and a young worker in a blue uniform (Blue tucked in shirt, blue pants, he had blonde hair and a squeaky voice) he was trying to tell me how hard his job is being the guy who restocks the ice creams in the freezer. For some reason, there was a packet of gum, but it was a long chewed drawn out piece in a plastic wrapper, I was considering buying it but I woke up.

I had a dream last night that I was standing outside my local cinema, it was covered in this green-purple viney growth and the movie posters put up were for "Doom II" and "Slither II" I had this overwhelming sense of anxiety but walked in.

The roof's height was unseeable and everything sloped down, there were people covered in a pink goo and wrapped in the growth in bunches on one half of the room and on the other half was another slope going down into an abyss of blackness.

I lost my balance and slid down the bunches of people, and they stared at me with their eyes wide open. It freaked me out so straight away I manuvered myself into the slope on the other half of the room and slid down.

As I was sliding down the slope, I was suddenly naked and a giant Darth Vader helmet was floating in the sky, he then gave me a music album. I looked at it and it was apparently a new Tool Album! The cover was similar to 10,000 days but had Darth Vader's face all over it. D:

I asked "Have they changed?" and somehow the CD played. It played that song "Boom, boom, boom, boom, I want you in my room etc." I was disgusted and threw the CD away, then all of a sudden Robbie Williams hugs me and trys to sechs me up. (This could be in relation to Sinko's Homotitus thread.

I broke free and continued to slide, I then fell into a black room with no definate length and width, in the middle was a glowing orb which was The Earth with a red dragon wrapped around it. She raised her head and gave me an evil glare, she asked why I was there and I ran up and hugged her and yelled "Because I am your child! ", she had the ultimate "WTF?" look on her face after I said that and demanded to know why this was.

I forgot what I said, but it worked, for some reason I stood there hugging the dragon for a pro-longed amount of time.

The dream shifted and I was outside a house, a complete stranger walked outside and asked "How's the holiday going so far, Dan?" He then got inside a massive red Ute next to me, I climbed in and so did everyone else and we started randomly driving, he then pulled up at a petrol (Gas) station and walked inside. I found a rope next to me and started pulling it, I then realised I was completely covered in red scales like the dragon hugging the globe! D: The back cover on the Ute started to fold into itself, I kept pulling and it broke. I didn't care though, even though it looked expensive.

The guy that was driving walked out and saw it, I stepped out the car to see his reaction. He ripped off the back cover and started stomping, he then started to yell and rant about today's generation of kids etc.

I then woke up. D:

I had a dream, and with alot of my other good dreams they're random.

Ok, so I was part of some random chemical group and we had a jar of the Y2K Bug (Which was blue wasps) I was looking at the jar and dropped it for no reason. So everyone was panicking and I stood there laughing with a fire hose firing it at people in the groin for no reason.

Then it was blurry, and I remember meeting the Oracle from The Matrix she said some stuff I can't remember and it did a flashback effect to a bunch of people with no skin or muscle on thier face and thier heads were floating above thier shoulders. They were wandering around aimlessly bumping into stop signs outside the primary (elementary) school I live close to.

Then I somehow went to hell, except it was a giant red bowling alley and the only down part was that whenever you lost a baseball would fly out of the alley and hit you and people would laugh.

So I decided to play, I got a gutterball and a baseball came flying towards me, so I ducked down and avoided it and Dolly Pardon(sp?) got hit in the chest by the ball. She was pissed off so everyone went to complain to Satan about it.

Then we were ready to approach him but a Satyr from WoW ran past us screaming into a yellow portal, we approached the portal but the Y2K bug came out! And a timer randomly appeared saying I have 2004 seconds to live, so I was jumping around dodging the bites of these things. If you got bitten you would change into a pile of flowers.

So people were turning into piles of flowers to the left and right of me and I found a friend I know in real life in all black clothing sitting down eating a box of french fries, I sat down and stared at him and he said "Ow, it feels like something bit me" with a wierd look on his face and turned into flowers.

I was the only one left and I got bitten with three seconds left, the music from when you die in MGS1 came on with that guy saying "Snake!? SNAAAAAAKEH!?"

But I just walked out of the pile going "Meh" and then I woke up.

Hmm let's see... Any more dreams I remember?

Ah yes,

One I had a few days ago, mainly WoW influenced since i've been playing that non-stop.

I was with a friend I know in real life, and he had a matress that was like the hovercraft in HL2. We were driving around a snowy landscape going into caves killing elite turtles and grabbing the mushrooms behind them. During our trip we came across two Alliance, as usual we'd win and we continued on our trip. Suddenly there was a night elf town and gnomes were chasing us! D:

After the chase, my friend turns around, slaps me and says "You suck!" and drives off to leave me in the wilderness.

"I woke up severel hours later in a daze..."

I will post more if I remember them.

EDIT: Oh I remember one!

It was War of the Worlds style, but I forgot how it began. I was walking outside an airport and the sky and landscape was orange and green, there was a wierd version of DOG blowing massive bubbles onto the ground that appeared to be made of gum. People were running screaming and an orphan was standing next to one of the bubbles. Me and a friend were like "Noes D:!" and the bubble exploded on the kid, we were dragging him away and we came to the conclusion that he broke his arm at random.

I then went behind the airport to find the edge of the map () and there was an apartment bulding, when I walked in it was the exact same as my loungeroom at home, and my family was there. So we talked about random crap and my mum shows me a card with a Jack of Hearts but more devilish, she calls it a "Blood Card" and placed it on her stomach, she said the blood would build up at that point and burn violently. She then took the card off several seconds later in a jolt of pain.

I then left and went into an office that got trashed with a friend of mine with ADD, we sat there for a few seconds of silence and I ask "Can I look at your blood card?" and I then placed it on my stomach. The wierdest feeling overcame me, it was solid and hot and got painful after about five seconds I gave out a whelp and threw it off in fear.

I then woke up.

EDIT2: Oh another one!

I was laying on the ground outside a staffroom at my school, and one of my friends was bending over looking at me with a grin, I stood up and asked "Where am I?" and he said "You're at the town cent0r d00d!" (Exact words.) so I then borrowed his mobile phone to call home, a deep bassy voice answered "Sup?" "Uhh... I think I have the wrong number" and hung up. I then went to a payphone that randomly sat in the middle of my school and did the same thing "Sup!?" "Sorry!"

A man crossed with Gene Simmons and that other Simmons guy (The fitness guy) came and sat me down, I said "I woke up here and I don't know what's going on!" and he felt all sorry but pulled out a bottle of water and started to wet me. So I ran off to rub the water off my face and two friends I know started to wet me with the same bottles! I grabbed a stick and stabbed my friend in the eye and ran to the front of my school (My school changed from a school to a two-story building made of glass with the McDonald's M on it.)

I then jumped, and did a double jump in the air, then a triple etc. and some hot chicks in a hippy van pulled off a massive highway that replaced the train center near my school. They came out saying "What are you doing?" and I said "Get the **** away from me people are trying to kill me!" and they ran away screaming except for one who got back in the van and did nothing.

Let's say it got a bit dirty for 10 minutes, I got back out of the van and it was a blurr, then I remember running through a forest with the other women from something.

I was then back outside my school and a bunch of chavs in a car tried to do a driveby but missed every shot! I got in the hippy van and decided to go home, I started to go down the highway but realised I was going to the other end of Australia, so I went back in like 5 seconds and went inside the buidling, people were eating McDonald's! And for some reason everyone was negro... So I yelled "Get the **** out people are coming to kill us!" and they panicked accordingly.

I then decided to walk home, it then got blurry again and I was outside my house, but where my house was it was cut off and space was sitting there with a cartoon version of Earth in the middle of it. I asked a random what happened and he said "Aliens took us and they're destroying Earth!" so I was doing a perfect Darth Vader "Noooo!" and saw the Earth explode.

I then woke up but still in my dream, it was an out of-body experience then on and a cartoon version of me with tentecles was splashing around in a bath tub. I then got out and said to my mother "It was just a dream! "

Then I woke up in real life, in a puddle of sweat.

These are all the ones I found that I've posted on the forums.


EDIT: Also

I had a dream where the fantastic four took me and some people I know from school on a field trip to completely random places, there was one part I remember we were driving down a high-way in one of those aqua-cars, and there was a large exploshen or two on some buildings, everyone was panicing. I had thousands of thoughts running through my head "Terrorist attack?" "Govenment conspiracy?" "****ed up accident?"

I calmed the people down next to me but I coudn't control what I was saying "See? It's over, we're safe" I yelled as we drove past people running around on fire and burnt out hippy-vans as our car drove undamaged. We came off an exit to expose a large river, we drove off the edge of the road, I held onto a seat and held my breath. *Splash* I thought I was underwater but I heard laughter, risking my life I took a quick breathe but to feel air (Followed by a disgusting smell) go up my nose, so I opened my eyes and said "That water is ****ing disgusting, i'm glad we didn't go in."

By the way we were all in Fantastic Four tight-suits :X And I woke up at 5pm drenched in sweat. There was alot more in this dream (Involving flying chairs and lunch boxes and people hugging) but I can't be ****ed typing it all.
Hmmm just had a dream that I was giving anal to my former boss (yes she's a young and hot red head), it was somewhat dominatrixy because I was under the impression that I can only do it when she wanted me to. And some reason I went to a taco place and kept wanting to give it to her more but I needed her permission :(. I think it eventually happened again and now it's haunting me in RL for not having made a move while I still worked there. Although I'm not quite sure how old she, probably 20-23.
Today i had a dream where i was a soldier of USAs army. I was on a huge boat with tons of other soldiers ready to invade South America, i get the feeling that it was Venezuela. We come closer and the huge boat is arriving at the shore. Then a friend of mine from first grade was standing next to me, all grown up, and he was known to bully ppl and get mad really easy. The boat stops and the front opens and we all march out. Theres like an old abandoned dock in which we walk through. I was wearing the gear like the soldiers of USA in Vietnam did. Green camuflaghe (spell?) helmet, a big backpack, nades on my belt, a hand gun, ammunition, and a rifle. The rifle was a mix of an MP5 and a Kreig from counter-strike, with a scope on it. Now beside me marching is another friend from first grade, alot biffer and taller and hes smokeing a cigarette. Anyway, we start walking and are close to enter the jungle when we see a bunch of sandbags piled up with a machine gun that fires at us. A soldier behind me fires his grenade laucher and kills them. Now theres a road infront of us, and endless jungle on each side. Half our troops starts running into the right side, while i lead the other half into the left side, no one walks on the road itself (duhh). We start seeing a few enemy soldiers and kills them, i use my scope and kill a few. My gloves are to big so i can barely fit my finger into the trigger so its really hard to kill someone. I reload and my rifle but then it locks up. I see an enemy coming so i hide behind the tree, when hes about 2 meters of i fire my rifle but it as its locked up it makes the click noises of an empty gun. The enemy freaks out and fires his rifle in panic in every way, i hide again and tryes to pull out my hand gun, im so stressed that i cant, he reaches around the tree, pointing his gun at me and then i wake up...

Now when i think about it, it was very crysis like, the gun and the vegitation and everything, it was all in first person too
I used to have a creepy dream that recurred every few months. I would be at my old house that I used to live in with my parents, my cousins and my uncle and aunt. The house was on a hill that was like a 30 degree slope, and the road terminated into a dead end once it was slightly past our house. In my dream however, the road was actually a river.

So the dream starts with me and my brother playing football with my cousins in the front yard. After a short time though, the sky would get stormy, and everything became very desaturated. The river started moving faster and faster and eventually we would go up to the porch to get out of the rain. We watch the river for awhile and then we see something begin to walk out of the river, towards us. I could never really make out what it was, because it was covered in a dark shroud. When it was halfway out of the rapidly moving river, my cousins and brothers would dart inside the house and close the door behind them, leaving me stuck outside. I would freak the **** out, start pounding on the door to make them let me in, but they just looked at me from through the window afraid. I would turn around and see the creature about 4 feet away from me, slowly walking up the front steps towards me, and then I would wake up.

It was a creepy ass dream, and it kept coming back until like 5 years after I moved out of the house.
I got home after a drunken escapade this morning and fell asleep. Drunk dreams are always weird... I woke up drooling everywhere and starving because in my dream I had stolen cake from a cake-party and begun devouring it.
Heh, I never dream when I'm pissed. I just pass out.

Anyhow, recently I've been subject to very strange dreams. All the same, but the people randomly change from night to night.

I'm standing in front of a mass of people, only a dozen or so I can see the faces of, and they just keep applauding me, shaking my hand and generally celebrating, but all the time just staring at me.

This wasn't freaky the first time, but it keeps happening. :|
I had a disturbing dream a few months ago.
It was an ordinary day at school, and for some reason, my class was the only one left in school on that day.

So our teacher is talking to us and 1 by 1 bringing us infront of the class to talk to us. But when she called out my name, i got up and went to her. She started talking, but i didn't listen.

Suddenly she starts coughing, talks again a bit and again starts coughing, but this time it looked weird. Her voice dropped and turned into a freaky gurgle, and her mouth stretched long and took a weird tube-ish form. Like an elephants trunk. Then she looked at me with black eyes and started making these weird sound, like a mix between a gasp and a cough. And then she looks at the class and attacks me, and the guys at the table behind me. Everibody starts to panic and rush out the door, and i'm one of the last ones to get out.

While running i look back and see my teacher pounce on one of my friends and stick it's trunk/nozzle thing into his face and starts sucking(wtf?).
She resembled the Snork from STALKER. So i run through a doorway and wake up...

Man it was freaky...:x
screams. i grab my g36c and run with my comrades (one of which was one of my closest friends, david) to the door, where i press my back hard against the cold brick wall.
i peer round. clear. i shout a word of command to my team mates and we progress. i look to my left, only to see the bloody remains of another friend. i finally reach the door to the exit and kick it open, and run to the nearest cover. i look to my right to shout "advance," and suddenly sniper fire hits david in the shoulder, spraying me with blood, and i am hit in the leg. i scream with pain as i fall to the ground, firing my rifle aimlessly at the unseen target. suddenly, he is there. he shoots david in the face with an ak-47 at point blank, and i watch as the man i once new explode into chunks of unrecognisable flesh. then he moves over to me. he drops his rifle, the loud snap as it hits my hand, breaking a bone. i cant move. and he moves closer and whispers something to me, then draws a pistol and shoots me in the face.

then i wake.
thanks veg. i drempt that a moment ago, i just woke up. i think i was in the SAS or something, not sure. i was told i have a writers way with words. never took it seriously though.
screams. i grab my g36c and run with my comrades (one of which was one of my closest friends, david) to the door, where i press my back hard against the cold brick wall.
i peer round. clear. i shout a word of command to my team mates and we progress. i look to my left, only to see the bloody remains of another friend. i finally reach the door to the exit and kick it open, and run to the nearest cover. i look to my right to shout "advance," and suddenly sniper fire hits david in the shoulder, spraying me with blood, and i am hit in the leg. i scream with pain as i fall to the ground, firing my rifle aimlessly at the unseen target. suddenly, he is there. he shoots david in the face with an ak-47 at point blank, and i watch as the man i once new explode into chunks of unrecognisable flesh. then he moves over to me. he drops his rifle, the loud snap as it hits my hand, breaking a bone. i cant move. and he moves closer and whispers something to me, then draws a pistol and shoots me in the face.

then i wake.

epic dream is epic
My dreams of late have been very fragmented and just generally nonsensical.

I inherit a large house on the outskirts of town. It is very old, and I am told it has a bloody history. There are odd sculptures throughout the first floor, strange paintings on the second, and barren rooms on the third. Everything has a greenish tint to it.

A week later I invite some friends over. They swear it's haunted, and do not like being there. We stay a little longer despite this, and are subsequently spooked by one of the paintings lighting up as though it is a neon sign.

Then, rather randomly, we go to the movie theatre. It was more grand than usual, and they bought rubber chickens instead of tickets and popcorn. I get stuck in line and lose them. Then, even more randomly, a street violinist comes up to me and pokes my eye out with his bow.

Yeah, I didn't understand it either.