Edge loop, edge loop, who's got the edge loop?

Sep 27, 2003
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I just want to know: What the fribnitz is an edge loop???

I see them mentioned all the time, but I just can't figure out what the smeg they are...

Anyone want to give an explanation?
I found a great example of edge loops a few weeks ago but I lost it. It might have been at correct-proportions.com but I'm not sure since that site is down.

An edge loop is a continous loop of edges around a moving part of the mesh (like the mouth). They help to cut down on deformation when you animate the model... and they make the mesh look clean.

I'll see if I can find that picture again...
Pretyt much find a wire frame of any decently modeled character and you'll see edge looping apply. Like OCybr said, a continous loop of edges, but for proper deformation. The set up for looping can be very different from model to model depending on the structure you want to convey, like bone and muscles.

While I'd hate to use other peoples models for examples I've attached one a face I am working on, it's far from perfect but should at least get the basic idea.

The one problem I am finding with properly looped face for low poly is that it does add quite a bit of polys compared to the old fashion way of a "squarish" model. Just look at pretty much every model for the Quake series and you'll see the old fashion way compared to the newer models with edge looping coming out.
Good explanations here already. You would want to model a head like the muscles underneeth the skin is in real life. But for weapons edgelooping isn't muc of a problem since you never deform mechanical parts.
Thanks dudes. So, any models which require deformation will need all their deformable parts to have edges organised into uninterrupted loops?
" So, any models which require deformation will need all their deformable parts to have edges organised into uninterrupted loops?"

Well, no, there is no rule that requires it; but it's a better way to model and have proper deformation.

A lot of problems with deformation are solved with edge looping and to be honest, I still see a lot of low poly artists not to do it. But it makes sense, I mean most low poly guys haven't had to deal with facial animation in the past, now they do and edge looping has become common.
Okay, got it. Cool. I'll have to watch out for that. What kind of deformation would I be looking at if I didn't?

Say, Jaenos, someone pointed me in your direction, but I hadn't gotten around to PMing you yet, so I'll ask now: Would you be interested in modelling characters for my mod? You seem to be a damn good character modeller...
hmm... so if say i was to animate a hand, how would i make the edge loops for say the fingers? would i make multiple parallel circles next to each other, or would they be made in a spiral?
where the joints are just make sure each division(3 divisions minimal to make a good joint, however, for low poly hands in Unreal I've seen them use 2) loop around the finger.