Edge of Justice update


Oct 10, 2003
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Okay, I'm sure that some of you have heard of Brian Damages mod Edge of Justice.
Well, I'm the webmaster-person-thingy of EoJ, and I hereby proclaim the Edge of Justice update thread open! :E
Here I will post updates on the mods progress reguraly..Yeah..That's pretty much it. :cat:

Anyways, the Edge of Justice forums and site is now online, and can be found at www.forums.sajt.org and www.eoj.sajt.org

Please note that neither of them are completely finished yet, and that they will be updated and improved upon in the coming months.

Have a nose around the site, and then register at the forums and post your opinions and queries :)
Well, it's the truth.

No zombies on these forums. I think.

EDIT: I feel that I should also point out that we will be moving certain things (like the background) from the forums to the actual site, when the site's ready. Or something like that.
I hope you don't die today. After all, I am still sitting on you.
groovy background, that is just like so totally awsome man.
Thanks, dude. I did that myself.

Four hours with a graphics tablet. My hand still hasn't recovered...:E
Thanks :cheers:.

BTW, we're still working on the organisation of the website, people, so there will be a lot more information on the site itself when it's finished...
1. Is this some kind of STARCON mod?!?
2. You might want to add a background color to the tables so people can read the text
1. Never heard of it. What is it?

2. Never fear, we'll be adding special table background graphics soon.
Brian Damage said:
2. Never fear, we'll be adding special table background graphics soon.
Indeed, I'm just waiting for Brian to send me the new table backgrounds :E
Well, I've sent the table graphics to FuSeD now, and we're just working out how to implement them...
Update No2:
Brian is now happily working away on a Press Release Kit, that we will be sending to a bunch of sites in the hopes of sparking more interest and getting some attention.
Shouting and jumping on peoples toes didn't work that well, I found out:)
Why and how did you change your name Varg(Cohn). Also, this mod looks cool.
Yes... yes... the press release kit. Some of that'd actually be done by now if I hadn't been dragged off on a fourteen-hour truck ride yesterday...

What'd I miss?
ray_MAN said:
Why and how did you change your name Varg(Cohn). Also, this mod looks cool.
Well, I thought that all those pshycadelic and random capital letters and '['s made me come off as a 1337 CS F4nb0y, so I asked Munro to change my name for me:)