editing config.cfg, wont save when i exit game



i hope this hasnt been posted..i tried searching this forum...didnt find what i was looking for

anyways....when i add lines to the config, itll load up properly with those settings..but once i quit the game.. and start again, itll go back to the default settings ;/ somewhat annoying

i tried to make autoexec.cfg files..but i dunno if im doing it wrong or wha... or just spelling it wrong? har har

anyways....wheneva i want to play again with my other settings i have to paste in a pervious/backup/edited copy i had made earlier...
the only way i found that it wont change is when i set it to read only.....
is that the only way?....i mean i always save manually and the only line that seems to change on the cfg is the line that says "sv_unlockedchapters" which basically only changes teh background image in the beginning
don't add stuff to config.cfg, make a file called userconfig.cfg instead and put them in there. you might have to start the game twice for your changes to take effect properly
yeah i had this prob,the game didnt recognise my usercfg file so i added it to my cfg file but as you said it reverts back to the original when loaded up again,checking read only worked but im not sure if it had an effect like for example i added the line that makes bodies pile up but i still see bodies goimg into each other,i also increased the violence and gibs but dont notice anything tbh
click the Read Only box

1 possibility is to create a file called Autoexec.cfg
or conf or whatever the connotation is
However I'm not sure if this is exactly the method

EDIT- I see someone already said this, sorry -
Another thing you can do is right click the config icon, In the properties menu, click the Read Only box, this way the game can't overwrite your settings. :imu: