Effin Marathon Runners :p


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
So I have a panic disorder, and I stayed up all night via caffine givin me the ****in jitters like mad. I hear whooo hooo and my heart skips a beat DID THAT COME FROM MY HEAD i've finally been pushed off the edgei im ****in scitzophrenic time to institutionalize myself :p but little did I know.. a marathon outside and cheering suburban white children where whoohooo'ing probably the biggest relief of my grief sticken day :laugh: . I told crushy I thought I was nuts :p generalized anxiety disorder does some crazy sh!t to you I tell ya.. especially if your an extreme hypocondraict raised my two fruiadian shrinks. I'm so glad that , that was not from my head :D lol you guys have no idea.. il be laughing at myself in a few hours when the caffine stops makeing my heart skip every other beat... now even the buzz of my computer is starting to make me think voices are coming from it.. -rips hair out- :p thank god for these babies and I know some of you less informed haters will call my a psycho and tell me bill clinton is under my bed with a chainsaw.. which he is -shudder- omg hed 4 t3h hillz unless I get to be one of the buns in a monica sandwich ;)
Foxtrot said:
Wow, you are insane.

:laugh: you guys are amazingly predictable :bounce: :cat: the voices tell me hl2.net is trying to eat me :( especially letters :cry:
I took a test to see if I had an anxiety disorder and it said I should see a doctor, but I bet it says that every time...because they want your money.
Foxtrot said:
I took a test to see if I had an anxiety disorder and it said I should see a doctor, but I bet it says that every time...because they want your money.

phizer = money whore take those tests with a grain of salt.. they are so gh3y :laugh: see a doctor if your actually worried
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
phizer = money whore take those tests with a grain of salt.. they are so gh3y :laugh: see a doctor if your actually worried
I am not worried, and if I was I wouldn't start taking drugs about...I would probably do nothing...like I do now.
Sprafa said:
hadn't you made a new acount babyheadcrab ?

icarus wasent happy, he went stalin on my ass and banned it :p but he kindly agreed to change this one.. .which hasent quite happened yet but we are workin on it :p
Foxtrot said:
I am not worried, and if I was I wouldn't start taking drugs about...I would probably do nothing...like I do now.

I just quit everything but xanax.. its hard as hell you vomit every day going cold turkey and you get like mini siezures and chills
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I just quit everything but xanax.. its hard as hell you vomit every day going cold turkey and you get like mini siezures and chills
Wow that really sucks, just from being depressed/worried?
crap I herd the honk again.. from in my room.. god what is that damn noise? any comp sounds that are whaa ina kind of clown/honk voice..that say WAAH(nerdy/clowny voice) rofl?
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
crap I herd the honk again.. from in my room.. god what is that damn noise? any comp sounds that are whaa ina kind of clown/honk voice..that say WAAH(nerdy/clowny voice) rofl?
No...but when you do find that bastard clown, use a crowbar.
Pfft, you crazy americans never cease to amaze me with your crazy mental disorders.
lePobz said:
Pfft, you crazy americans never cease to amaze me with your crazy mental disorders.

I may be alot of things, but the tests came back negative on American and Schizophrenic. And Swiss. And Schizophrenic.